Chereads / Love Letters (Saiouma) / Chapter 15 - First date / Nightmare

Chapter 15 - First date / Nightmare

*fast forward to Saturday"

"Shumai! Shumai! Shumaiii~!" Shuichi woke to an excited Kokichi shaking him.

"Huh..? What is it..?" He yawned.

"Rantaro text you~! We're meeting at the mall in 2 hours! Hurryyyy~!"

Kokichi was already ready and dressed in a cutely oversized checkered hoodie and black ripped jeans.

"Okay, okay..! Calm down..!"

Shuichi headed to the bathroom to shower and get himself ready for the day. He wore a black hoodie and matching black ripped jeans.

"Look! We're matching~!" The smaller boy pointed at both their jeans.

"I uh.. woke up 2 hours early thins morning.. and uh.. I went to the shops.. and I got us these~!" The boy was blushing and looking at the floor as he shyly explained.

He held out two black and white friendship bracelets.

"Oh wow! They're so cool! We can match always now! Thanks so much Koki..!" Shuichi took his bracelet and smiled.

"Heh.. also.. I got Angie to but our flower in a resin heart so we can keep it forever~!" He pointed at a clear ornament with their flower inside on one of the detective's shelves.

"I hope you like it~!"

"That's such a good idea! I love it!"

They both blushed and smiled.

"Shumai the time~! We gotta go~!" Kokichi grabbed Shuichi and ran outside.

"Well you seem excited! Kaede and everyone's gonna be there.. are you sure you're okay with that..?"

"Yeah~! Besides, I've got you, Nagito and Ruby with me~!" He twirled around childishly.

"Besides.. if I start to feel uncomfortable and stuff me and you can go wonder around on our own~!"

"On our own.. huh?" Shuichi teasingly nudged the smaller boy.

"N-not like that~!" He turned bright pink.

"Well, it seems the tables have turned..! Look who's getting all flustered now!" The taller boy laughed.

"Heeey~! No fair~!" He giggled and skipped ahead.

Before long, they arrived at the mall.

"Well well well! They finally arrived!!" Nagio yelled at the boys, holding his arms out.

"Heeey Nagitoad~!"

"Hey Nagito!"

"So where first, gang?" Kaito excitedly questioned.

"First, never call is gang again or I'll personally decapitate you." Maki glared at him.

"I think she's totally into me!" Kaito whispered to Rantaro.

"Second, I was.. hoping we could check out the new shooting simulator together.." The assassin blushed a little and twirled her hair.

"Yeah sure! Let's go!" The luminary winked at Rantaro and walked away with Maki.

"Hey, Kaede.. could we.. go check out the music shop..? I think they're letting people test the piano's, I thought you might like it.." Amami blushed.

"Nah! I wanna hang out with Shu!" She grabbed her victims arm, smiling.

"Actually, before you go grabbing him like that you should ask him if he wants to hang out with you." Nagito saved him.

"Thanks Nagito, yeah.. I was hoping I could hang out with him Ruby and Kokichi, sorry..!" Shuichi pulled away and put a hand on Kokichi and Komaeda's shoulders.

"Hmph.. fine.. I'll hang out with Rantaro then.." She pouted.

The three boys and Ruby walked away.

"Sooo, where first~?" Kokichi put his hands in little fists and smiled excitedly.

"I'm not sure.. Nagito, any ideas?"

"How about the arcade??"

"Omg yes! I heard they have a DDR there!!" Ruby agreed, holding her boyfriends hand.

"Ooh~! I can see you fail at everything again, Shumai~!" The smallest boy giggled.

"Heh.. arcade it is!"

The four of them joked around as they walked to the arcade.

"There it is!" Ruby pointed at the DDR machine, before running after it, followed by Nagito.

"Soooo, what should we do~?" Kokichi swayed a little with his hands resting behind his head.

"Erm.. I'm not sure.."

"Hmm.. Ruby and Nagitoad are on the DDR.. so what about a claw machine~?"

"Okay! That sounds fun!"

The boys ran over the the nearest claw machine. It was filled with giant plushies and glittery pillows.

"Sooo, who first~?"

"Why don't you try first, considering it was your idea..?"


He slid a coin into the slot.

He seemed to be focusing really hard, and kept looking on all sides to make sure it was perfect. He picked up a pastel purple bunny and gasped in excitement, but it was too soon. The claw shook a little and dropped it.

"Awh, I almost won~!" He childishly pouted.

It was Shuichi's turn. He put a coin into the machine and looked carefully for any triggers. He managed to grab the purple bunny Kokichi wanted right in the centre. He saw that there was a tiny mark exactly where the machine shook and dropped the bunny.

"You were sooo close~!"

"I know.. but I found what's wrong. See that?" He pointed at the mark.

"That's what makes it drop. C'mon, let's go find some staff."

The boys found a tall man who was wearing the Arcade's staff uniform.

"Hi sir, we were using a claw machine and it keeps dropping our prize, at the exact same point each time." The detective explained.

"Oh? Well that's too bad, kiddo."

"Listen mister. I'm Kokichi mf Oma! The Ultimate Supreme leader! Now you help my Shu, or I'll get my gang to find you." Kokichi got right in his face.

"Koki.. it's okay, calm down.."

"Yeah, yeah.. whatever.." The man sighed.

With that, the man followed them to the claw machine.

"See that mark? It's making the claw shake and drop the prize." Shuichi explained.

"Yeah.. damn detective.. whaddya want then?"

"The purple bunny, please!"

"There ya go." He handed Shuichi the plush and walked back to the staff room.

"Wow~! Being a detective really does have it's benefits, huh~?"

"Yeah I guess.. anyway, this is the one you wanted right..?"

"Yeah I guess~! Buuut it's yours now~!" He sounded upset that he didn't get it.

"Good.. well there you go..!" The taller boy handed him the bunny.

"Woah~! R-really~? Are you sure~?"


"Thankyou so much Shumai~! I love it so much~!" He twirled and giggled, hugging the bunny tightly.

"You better give him a good name..!"

"Hmm.. what about.. Panta~! Like the Panta flavoured Slushies we got when we first hung out~!"

"That's such a good name!"

Kokichi smiled proudly.

The boys wandered around the arcade, looking for something else to do for a while.

"Y'know when you think about it.. this is kinda like a date~!" Kokichi stated.

"O-oh..?" Shuichi didn't know if he was serious or teasing.

They both blushed and stayed quiet for a bit.

"Ooooh~! A fun house maze thingy~!" The leader pointed excitedly, tugging on the detective's sleeve.

"Can we can we can we~? Pleeeaaaase~?" He begged.

"Yeah sure! Let's get Nagito and the others too!"


Shuichi called everyone and they all met at the fun house entrance.

"I think it would be best if we went in pairs..!"

"Okay! I'll go with Shuichi!" Kaede grabbed his arm forcefully.

"Actually.. I was hoping me and you could be a pair..?" Rantaro blushed, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"No, I spent all that time with you alreadyyy!" Kaede whined.

"Sorry, but I'm gonna go with Kokichi.. maybe another time..?" Shuichi held his arm.

"Nagitoad, we're going together, right?"


"Maki, me and you?" Kaede asked.

"Actually I wanted to go with Kai-"

"C'mon, it's been aaaages since me and you hung out!"


"Damn.. that Kaede's breaking both our hearts in one little decision, huh..?" Kaito whispered to Amami.

"Yeah bro.. Hey, why don't me and you go together?"

"Okay, man!"

The couples all walked into the fun house, each taking a different route. Shuichi and Kokichi first got to a trampoline area. The smaller boy immediately started jumping and flipping.

"Look at me Shumai~! C'mon~!" He pulled the taller boy onto the trampolines.

They childishly jumped into the next room, it was a mirror maze. Kokichi started pulling faces and posing in front of the mirrors, while Shuichi stood and watched him.

"C'mon have some fuuun~! Be stupid~!"

"O-okay then..!"

He walked over to his partner and started posing with him. They posed like models, clowns and made hearts and things together. They moved on to the next room which was decorated with glowing, eerie clowns on the walls. Shuichi was afraid of clowns, but he was always to embarrassed to admit it.

"You scared~?" Kokichi didn't tease him, he seemed sympathetic.

"It's okay~! I don't really like clowns either~!" He smiled and comfortingly held the frightened boys hand.

"Hey, look at that one~! I bet I can pull that face~!" He playfully pointed at a clown and pulled a silly face.

He repeated that for several clowns, successfully making Shuichi laugh and feel a bit calmer and safer, however he never let go of his hand. The next room they walked into was wavy and filled with small punching bags.

"Ooooh~!" Kokichi gasped, and started punching the bags harder than Shuichi expected.

They both punched their way out and giggled. The next room was a checkered illusion room.

"Oooh~! This looks so cool~!"

Kokichi held Shuichi's hand again and led him through the illusion maze. He knew exactly where to go as he was used to seeing illusion patterns, as his 'gang' used them a lot. The last room was pitch black. Kokichi was alone, Shuichi was gone.

"Shumai~? Are you there~?" He was worried.

A sinister Kaede stepped out from the dark.

"Calling for your Shumai huh? Well.. he's not gonna come. After all, he's mine!"

"Wh-what..? No, he's mine!"

"You really think he could love someone as pathetic and childish as you? Face it, you're just a big baby!" Kaede laughed.

"You're wrong..! Shumai doesn't think I'm pathetic or a big baby..! He.. loves me! I know it!"

"Oh.. no, sorry! He loves me and nobody else. He doesn't really love you, he just feels bad! Besides, he never even said he loves you!"

"Well he never said he loves you either..!"

"Oh, yeah he did! Right, Sweetheart?"

Kaede pulled Shuichi out of the darkness.

"Tell him how you really feel, darling!"

"I hate to say it but.. she's right.. I'm sorry.."

"W-what..? No..!" Tears formed in his eyes.

"And.. you are kinda a baby.. I'm always helping you and doing everything for you.. you're even forcing me to let you live with me..!"

"I'm not forcing you..! I swear..!"

"And.. it's true.. I love Kaede.." He pulled her into a passionate kiss.

Kokichi screamed.

"Koki! Are you okay?!" Shuichi was knelt down beside him.


"You passed out as we got out of the illusion room..!"

"So it was just a dream~?" Kokichi sounded hopeful.


"The dark room~?"

"Yeah.. I guess..?"

"Oh thank atua~!" He wrapped his arms around Shuichi's neck and cried a little.

Kokichi kissed him lightly on the cheek and they both turned bright pink.

"Promise me you won't leave me alone.."

"Of course not..! I would never..! I lo-" The taller boy stopped himself.

"You don't.. think I'm pathetic.. do you~?"

"No way! You're the total opposite of pathetic..!"

Shuichi hugged him tight.