Soon Kellen was brought before a strange gate in a separate and isolated room within the palace. Some priests were gathered and chanting as a black void like substance began to resonate between the black posts on the gate and the white runes engraved on them started to glow.
"I won't forget this you bastards!"
As his final curses were thrown towards the kingdom his body was chucked into the risen void and the imaginary laughter from his worthless companions that echoed in his head slowly faded away.
Feeling a strange sensation erupting from the surface of his mind, Kellen screamed out as visions of his past torture mixed with the experimental tests he was subjected to haunted his body and mind. Soon the pain reached its climax as he finally saw the pitiful smiling face of the goddess appear before his eyes.
With a burning anger exploding from his unhinged rage that shattered his consciousness, Kellen screamed at the image of the cursed goddess that seemed to find enjoyment from his sufferings.
"You useless bitch! I swear even if I have to destroy my body and mind a hundred times over I will erase your sick existence and take away the lives you've unfairly given to my so called comrades."
Kellen began to regain control over his consciousness as he accepted his fate and rage that he had for so long suppressed, but his screams continued as the darkness from the void began to be absorbed through his destroyed body.
Suddenly a crack began to slowly form that eventually spread throughout the surface of his body before breaking as the darkness from the void, he had unconsciously absorbed, burst forth.
The surge of unheavenly pain that had burst from his body was unlike anything he had ever experienced and even drowned out the pain from the experiments and abuse that had been imposed on him before.
He felt as if his blood had reached a boiling degree and melted away the flesh that surrounded his body. Thankfully, soon this pain began to subside as the dark essence surrounding his body formed a new layer of gray tinted flesh.
Slowly losing his focus and mental strength he gazed at the mysterious announcement that appeared before him through extreme fatigue and exhaustion.
Congratulations! Condemned Entity Kellen has unlocked his forbidden restricted skills...
Heavenly Restriction: (Limitless) has been forcefully lifted; Basic 2nd layer progression 5.00%
Demon Blood Restriction: (Demonic Absorption) has been forcefully lifted; Basic 2nd layer progression 15.00%
Demon Blood Restriction: (Contamination) has been forcefully lifted; Basic 1st layer progression 0.00%|
Right before his consciousness finally escaped his grasp, Kellen read the new skills available to him and fell unconscious with a devil's smirk residing on his face.
While trapped inside his mind, Kellen's body continued to travel through the empty and never-ending void peacefully. However, his mind remained anything but peaceful.
Kellen opened his eyes and was greeted by a familiar sight.
'Huh, must've all just been a nightmare.'
He was back in his prison like room at the laboratory, lying on his small bed, with beads of sweat dripping down his scrawny body.
'Ha, who am I kidding. A Goddess? Another world?'
Kellen could only sigh after he thought about his hellish dream.
'Of course it doesn't make any difference when compared to this place...'
He turned his head and stared at the familiar digital clock seeing that it was almost eight in the morning. Kellen was somewhat relieved after realizing he still had an hour before his "experimental testing" began.
Sitting up on his bed, Kellen leaned over to turn the lamp next to him on, but when the light illuminated the room he was shocked. Sitting across from him was an old man floating a few inches off the floor while flipping through a newspaper with knitted brows.
"W.. Who are you and why are you in my room! If those researchers find out you're here they'll kill you! This laboratory is a top secret location..."
Kellen stopped his nagging as the old man just chuckled slightly before gazing up at him from his newspaper.
"How could anything possibly hurt me inside a dreamscape I created?"
Kellen was shocked as he stared at the strange old man hovering around in his room.
"What do you mean dreamscape?" said Kellen warily as he watched the old man close the newspaper before it vanished.
"This is annoying to explain so I'll just show you." said the mysterious old man while grabbing something from his inner black suitcoat's pocket.
Taking out a dark brown cigar, the old man rose his hand and a small black flame lit the cigar from his fingertip.
The old man leaned back in the air and snapped his fingers as the room they were in instantly changed to the interior of an old decrepit boarding house.
The old man only chuckled at the pitiful boy before taking out his newspaper again.
"Anyways, I'm a deity but a little different than the one you met previously. Unlike that stupid girl my capabilities and interests are extremely different."
A cloud of smoke escaped the corners of his mouth and drifted out from the newspaper in front of his face as he spoke.
"I was also a little curious about your predicament but none of you guys really interested me."
Kellen was at a loss for words as he tried to make sense of the situation.
"So... What has this got to do with me?"
Pushing his newspaper below his face while releasing a cloud of smoke, the old man stared at the boy before continuing.
"Everything right now has got to do with you. That stupid girl has been favoring her creations a little too much lately and even sent you guys over to help them too."
The old man sighed and tossed the cigar into the air which vanished before hitting the ground.
"I've seen the shit you've been through kid and understand you don't like that goddess either." said the old man as he pointed at the newspaper in his hands.
"I'll get my revenge on that bitch somehow..." said Kellen as his face began contorting after hearing the old man continuously bring her up.
The old man chuckled before replying to the kid's statement.
"See, this is exactly why I've taken a liking to you kid! That stuck up girl has most of those deities wrapped around her fingers and has been doing what she wants unchecked."
Suddenly the old man vanished and appeared next to Kellen, wrapping his arm around his shoulders.
"So, what do you say we put an end to her little games, huh?" said the old man as a sinister smile creeped up the corners of his mouth.
Kellen wasn't sure whether he could trust the old man but he didn't care. After all the suffering he went through because of his fellow experimental subjects and the terrible fate the goddess left him with, Kellen had sworn to get his revenge no matter the cost.
"If it means I can kill that bitch then I don't care." said Kellen while gritting his teeth in anticipation.
The old man removed his arm from Kellen's shoulders and stood up in front of him will hoisting his hands into the air.
"It's settled then! I will help you with your vengeance by giving you a little gift that'll help you get stronger. With your current state you wouldn't be able to kill a deity let alone another mortal but with my blessing you will be able to get a lot stronger. All you have to do is sign a little contract with me here.."
A contract suddenly materialized in the old man's hands along with a small knife.
"Here take this and sign it with a little drop of blood and everything will be complete." said the old man as he took another cigar out from his pocket and lit it. The contract that looked like some old parchment paper floated over to Kellen along with the knife.
Reading through the first couple lines of the contract Kellen became relaxed seeing nothing out of place. Getting to the end of the contract, Kellen furrowed his brows as he read the last line.
The mortal known as Kellen will by no means harm the contracting party in said agreement without their consent while the contracting party agrees to no harm against the signer of the contract without consent. In exchange for the gift from the contracting party the signer agrees that all souls reaped by his hands will be given to the contracting party.|
'All souls reaped will be given to contracting party? What does he need them for... Wait who is he?'
He forgot that he never got the old man's name but was shocked when he looked at the place of signature on the contract.
Osiris in his world was known as the Egyptian god of death but what Kellen couldn't understand was the reason for this god to be concerned with him.
Looking up from the contract, Kellen stared at the old man before him and couldn't picture him as an Egyptian god. Except for his golden hued eyes, the old man before him just looked like an old CEO or accomplished businessman that had just retired, especially with his black suit and tie.
Seeing that the kid wasn't signing the contract, Osiris raised his one eyebrow while releasing a cloud of smoke from the side of his mouth.
"You gonna sign it or what? The contents are pretty fair and it's not like you need the souls. Well, I guess at least not at the moment..."
Osiris's words brought Kellen back to his senses as he looked over the contract once more before using the knife to prick his finger and sign his name.
Once finished signing, the contract rolled up and flew into Osiris's left hand before slowly disappearing in an enveloping black smoke.
'Strange, contracts with humans shouldn't create that smoke... Well it doesn't matter, I just want that annoying Goddess to be removed from the picture.' thought Osiris as he shrugged while puffing his cigar.
"Alright we only have a little time left since your mind is too weak to withstand my presence for long so let me explain a little about my blessing."
Alright second chapter is finished! I'm not really sure what length each chapter should be yet, so let me know whether it's too long or you guys want more! I've never done one of these writing contests before, but I entered it to force myself to write more and hopefully get better. Let me know what you guys think and comment if you have any advice! I'll try to release 2 chapters a day to the best of my capability and with life permitting! Leave a vote if you enjoy the story so far and if you wanna see more! Much love guys :)