Chereads / Emperor and Dragon ( A Black Clover Fanfiction) / Chapter 5 - Ch 5. To the capital

Chapter 5 - Ch 5. To the capital

"And you wonder why everyone is scared of you… I thought you were passed this Galileo." Fuegoleon finds himself scolding his brother yet again. "Do you find enjoyment in terrorizing the capital?"

"Wait why am I getting yelled at? I didn't even do anything wrong!"

"You burned down an entire restaurant, and before you even try to lie your way out the flames were blue. You have the only blue flames I've ever seen in this entire kingdom."

"Maybe I did do that, but I had a good reason!"

"What sane reason could you possibly have had?"

"The owner was talking down on us! He called our house a bunch of dumb savage beasts! He sounded like some Silva kiss ass…"

"And to shut him up you proved his point? You didn't do anything worthwhile, only worsened our reputation!"

"But he wo-"

"You think he won't insult us again? Now he'll probably do it from the brand new restaurant that we have to pay for."

"I didn't think about that."

"Of course you didn't. You got mad and did whatever you wanted, again. You're going to have to start looking at the bigger picture Galileo, your lack of judgement is harming House Vermillion a lot more than helping us. Even if you don't care, someone has to clean up your messes. One day we won't be around to do it. Eventually your actions are going to get you into something your status can't get you out of, what will you do then?"

"Ain't that what these are for?" Brandishing burning fists.

"Every dog has his day Galileo… Just remember this, If you keep burning bridges it's only a matter of time before you have nowhere to stand." Fuegoleon leaves his little brother to ponder seeing as he isn't very interested in learning from his mistakes.

"Good thing dragons can fly… Well since there's no punishment let's go find something to do."

"I almost forgot" Fuegoleon suddenly comes back into the room.

"Damn spoke too soon."

"This is your punishment." Fuegoleon led Galileo to a massive field, at least five hundred meters wide almost equally as long. There were large boulders, tree stumps, several trees more that hadn't been cut, and the grass was almost to Galileo's waist.

"The hell is all of this?"

"Mother wants to put a magic herb garden here but she can't until the area has been completely cleared."

"And that means what to me?"

"Don't tell me you haven't figured it out? You get to clear this all out by yourself!"

"Just me? Look at all this! You need a whole team for this, and it still would probably take a week."

"You're a capable boy, I'm sure you can figure something out. Be quick about it, I said this would be done by tomorrow."

"The day's halfway over! How am I supposed to finish this in time?"

"Your problem not mine. This is a punishment you know."

"Stand back I'll clear this place with one go." Galileo inhales deeply in preparation for a roar before Fuegoleon puts a hand over his mouth.

"No magic, you'll be using manual gardening tools. did I forget to mention that?"

"You sure did…"

"It can't be a problem for someone as strong as Galileo the Tiny Terror of House Vermillion."

"I'm sensing a hell of a lot of sarcasm from you right now, but I'll show you this ain't a challenge at all. I'll do it with my shirt on too."

"Jenny, display my stats along with disciples' skills"


Name: Magnus Pendragon

Age: 8

Magic Affinity: Heavenly Sword Sovereign

Chakra nature: Fire, water, lightning, earth, wind, yin, yang

Grimoire: None

Magic power/chakra/kurama:300+145+200(average magic knight=200)

Magic sense/ Sage senses: 105+240(average magic knight=150)

Durability: 490(average magic knight=100)

Physical power: 190(average magic knight=100)

Speed:540(average magic knight=70)

Skills and spells: Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, Sword sage mode, Various summoning jutsu, Flying thunder god technique, Multi Shadow Clone jutsu, Lightning Body release, Elemental ninjutsu of varying levels from F to SSS, Unlimited Blade works, magic circuits, Instant Weapon Mastery, Weapon Creation, Weapon Summoning, Magic Circuits, Sword Intent. Note Host may need new page to see auxiliary abilities

Asta – Wind, fire, lightning, yang, chakra natures

High level Swordsmanship, Lightning release and body flicker technique, Shadow clone jutsu, Multiple elemental jutsu mainly at the B level a few lower and Higher, Equipped with the Kusanagi Sword, Summoning Jutsu.

Father Orsi – Wind, fire, earth, chakra nature

Shadow clone jutsu, Dust release Particle Style, Flight, Earth style Mastery, host of earth Jutsu mainly at upper A class level.

" (Ironic as it is the Father has more ninja potential then Asta despite having fewer natures. Sadly, Yuno has no affinity for chakra at all, he and Asta really are fated rivals. Hopefully Sammy picked good powers so Yuno doesn't lose out to Asta in the long run. Maybe I can use this plot armor as a chance to get some good leverage on him) HAHAHAHAH! " he plots to himself as he and Yuno pack their things in anticipation for the trip to the capital.

"Please stop randomly bursting into laughter, it's creepy."

"Shut it, Yuno."

"I SAID NO ASTA! WATER CREATION MAGIC: HOLY FIST OF LOVE" A loud crash can be heard from outside, followed by retreating footsteps. A drenched Asta slides into the doorway."

He quickly springs to his feet "I'LL NEVER GIVE UP ON YOU SISTER LILY!"

"Why are you so short and loud, Dumbsta?"

"Why don't you have facial expressions?" Instead of responding to Asta, Yuno fires a blast of wind. However unlike in the series Asta is also a young talent, only instead of a mage Asta is a shinobi. Following a quick series of hand signs Asta inhales deeply and "Wind style: Air bullet!" He spits out a ball of wind matching Yuno's, the clashing low level attacks cancel out. "Hehehe you can't look down on me just because my magic hasn't kicked in yet, I'm a ninja too!"

"You wouldn't have made much of a rival otherwise." Competitive tension builds between the two before Magnus walks through them heading towards the door.

"Alright you guys that's enough, we have to go Yuno"

"Wait you guys are leaving already? Big bro you still gotta fight me!"

"No he has to fight me!"

"Hahaha! How about this, you both can fight me. I wouldn't mind a little workout before we go."

They head outside to a nearby field cleared as the sparring grounds. Other kids, Father Orsi, and Sister Lily all gather around to watch. Even though they can't use chakra Magnus had taught the other kids around the village basic taijutsu and swordplay, so they had grown accustomed to settling disputes here.

"Look look Big bro Magnus is fighting!"

"Asta and Yuno are teaming up too!"

"Magnus don't hurt your brothers!" Sister Lily adds, being aware of the gap between their power.

"Don't worry sister, they won't die." Magnus says trying to reassure Sister Lily, but his devilish grin leads her to believe otherwise. "Hope you're ready boys! Trace on!" Two dull swords appear in his hands. Asta and Yuno draw their sword's and Yuno's magic circuits rev to life.

"Don't get in my way." Yuno says as wind swirls around him.

"I was going to say the same to you. LETS GO!" Asta lunges and slashes at Magnus only to have him parry it with one sword. Magnus uppercuts Asta with butt of the other sending him flying back to Yuno.

"Smooth move."

"You can do better?"

"Of course I can." Yuno launches several cannonball sized blasts of wind at Magnus who stabs both swords into the ground and throws hand signs faster than the eye can see.

"Earth style: Mud Wall!" Magnus plants both hands on the ground and a slab of earth raises to block the attack. "You two got a little faster, but your teamwork is lacking." He grabs both sword handles "Chidori stream!" A piercing cry of birds can be heard as a bright light shines behind the wall. Electricity speeds along the ground at the two who barely have time to react.

Yuno creates a small burst of magic to propel them both into the air before launching a column of wind at Magnus followed by a fireball justu from Asta. The two combine into a great inferno. Magnus reinforces the mud wall with three more layers each thicker than the last. The inferno blasts through the first two and begins to fizzle out on the third wall.

"That all you got Yuno!" spewing more fire.

"Of course not Asta!" Intensifying the wind.

The blast picks up and smashes through another wall.

"(They're competing while fighting against me? Looks like I'll have to kick it up a notch too) HAHAHAHA! Good! Now let's see how you handle this! Water style: Explosive shriek of the Kun Peng!" Magnus leaps away from the wall as the flames smash through and spits a large blast of water that forms into a surging creature with a fishlike appearance and wings with glowing red eyes. It pushes against the fire for a few seconds before devouring it and rushing at Asta and Yuno. They both leap to the side narrowly escaping it's path. Before they can make their next moves two clones of Magnus leap out of either side the water current and each one wields one of the dull swords. The two clones outmatch the brothers in swordplay forcing Asta and Yuno back to back and then poof. The smoke clears and they see silver outline of a cube appear around them as they both break out into a cold sweat. "Particle style…"

"Magnus that Jutsu! You can't!" Father Orsi rushes to stop Magnus.

"Prank jutsu!" with that the cube shatters leaving two kids scared half to death.

"You really had me going there! I thought we were goners HAHAHA!"

"I almost got us out of there…"

"I'll take that as my win heheh. You guys are getting better but you have to be more aware of your surroundings. Asta your hands signs can still be faster."

"Right! I'll double my hand sign practice!"

"(He's so talented with ninjutsu and hasn't lost bit of that tenacity.) Good to hear. Well now that that's settled…Come on Yuno Let us be off to find you a teacher, Father you take care of Asta for me don't let him over exert himself in training AGAIN, and you Asta take care of the little ones and don't make the Father and Sister Lily worry. "

" You can count on me! I'll be way stronger when you get back. Then you have to teach me about sage mode and Yuno you better get a good teacher if you want to be my rival." Asta says with a haughty attitude. These last 3 years have been particularly different from the story he has confidence in his abilities and the strength to back it up. Whereas Yuno has only developed as the story directed well of course his magic control is at new level because of the magic circuits running through him and he is just as confident as always.

"Hahaha don't worry Yuno your teacher will be my best friend and rival he is a lot more magically inclined than me."

"Good then see you later Pasta, bye Father" Yuno Says with a grin as he goes to stand by Magnus who then Puts his hand on his shoulder and they then Vanish. "I'll remember to ask for that one too." Says Asta with that same creepy, fanatical smile and look in his eyes. Making the father roll his eyes and take him away.