"Captain Lykan Snow of the White Wolves at your service. It's been too long your majesty!"
"How dare you show your face here Snow!" The King bellows his face as red as a tomato. "You know what I'd said would happen if you ever returned!"
"He really said Lykan Snow?"
"You mean THE Lykan Snow who tried to destroy the capital when his squad got disbanded?"
"Wasn't he banished after being driven out by the other squads…what's he doing here?"
Nervous murmurs resonate through the crowd.
"Oh I do remember that day, but I couldn't bear to stay away from my home for so long."
"Don't you dare mock me! Where are my magic knights! SOMEONE BRING ME HIS HEAD!"
"I'm afraid that isn't possible. You see that formation down on the ground? It cancels out all magic inside, unless you have one of these." He shows the back of his hand has a magic formation drawn on it. "I had my men disguised as servants prepare it especially for tonight. You, see I've been carefully plotting this for a long time. Gathering loyal people who hated you and the nobles more than they feared them, various resources, and detailed information on the kingdom. My biggest problem was no matter how I went about it was that massive gap between mere commoners and you nobles magic power. So I decided to wait until the kingdom's best gathered and trap them all at once. Now those magic knights you're so proud of can't save you. I've waited a long time to get my revenge." The white grimoire in his hand opens up radiating a cold aura. "But first I think I'd like to try that crown of yours on." He hops down onto the King's balcony.
"Fool don't take my light magic for a joke!" He pulls out his grimoire and it falls to the floor.
"You really don't listen do you? No magic but the White Wolves' works here! There's no one who can save you!" His magic power skyrockets "Now do one thing right since you became king and die! Tundra Accord!" The ground at his feet crystalizes and explodes into a surging wave of ice going at the king.
"EEEK!" King clover closes his eyes and braces for the worst. "Huh, I'm not dead…"
"WHAT!" Lykan is furious to see spell is negated. Without magic no one should have been able to stop his attack, let alone get to such a high ledge in time. "You? So I guess the random teleportation didn't send you far enough." To Lykan's dismay his attack was stopped by none other than Magnus' blade, the very same person who earlier spat on his ambitions.
"You really should invest in better traps, you sent me right to a magic knight's squad headquarters." Magnus stands between the king and the wall of ice, blade drawn and red eyes locked on the former magic knight.
"I see we'll have to work on it's range in the future."
"Who said you have a future?" Galileo is sitting on the railing not even spitting distance from Lykan. Startled he jumps back to the next balcony. "I'll admit if you didn't show up I was probably going to blow something up out of boredom, but you just made my night."
"Galileo Vermillion! You little monster! What exactly were you going to blow up?"
"You're Galileo Vermillion, the tiny terror? If my information is correct you have azure lightning flame magic, as well as incredibly keen senses."
"True, but I've got more in store."
"Scary. Two grimoireless youth's are the only ones capable of resisting the formation. One among the highest of nobles and the other the lowest of peasants. You two come from different worlds yet share something the rest of us don't have…I wonder what that could be?"
"Who knows maybe your formation sucks."
"You said your prayers gramps?"
"Why are you two so eager to defend him?"
"Because I intend to become wizard king! If I can begin my journey down that path before I even get my grimoire then I'll gladly walk forward." Magnus does his best to put on a show looking heroic while waving his sword at Lykan.
"Can't you see what I'm trying to do here? Think of how much better off the Kingdom would be without a Pompous ruler like him and arrogant nobles treading on everyone! Step aside and let me end him!"
"From what I heard you're throwing a tantrum because you were too weak to keep your job! Grow the hell up!"
"(You're one to talk…)" So many people thought in unison Galileo actually heard it.
"Hey who said that!?" He glares at the silent crowd below.
"I shouldn't have expected children to be able to see the greater scheme of things here…I guess you'll become martyr's of a new Clover kingdom along with it's old king."
"Magnus this is a decent enough stage to go all out on, right?"
"I'd have like waited a little later for a more thought out plan, but I guess we don't have a choice. We should mind property damage though."
"What are you two brats babbling about. Hurry and defend your king! Defeat that treasonous bastard!"
"HuRrY AnD dEfEnD yOuR KiNg" rolling his eyes "Yo Magnus, let me go first."
"I feel like most of the people here have seen you in action, let me go first."
"But I've had such a boring day! Let me blow off some steam."
"No, this is a good time for me to test out some new ninjutsu and sword arts."
"Alright let's settle this like men!" rolling up his sleeves.
"There's only one way…" doing the same.
"ROCK, PAPER, SCIZORS SHOOT!" They tie. "SHOOT, SHOOT, SHOOT, SHOOT… Dammit stop copying me! No you stop copying ME!" Everyone present can only stare at how lax these two young idiots are in the face of such a crisis.
"If you are just here to play, I'll remove you two now. I have work to do. Moonlight Hunt!" A pack of wolves form out of a swirl of snow and lunges at them.
"WE'RE BUSY!" Two hands point at the pack of oncoming wolves, followed by a storm of purple and gold lightning, instantly evaporating the entire pack. The spectators are awe stricken.
"Did you see that?"
"Lightning with no magic? They both did it!"
"How'd They even get up there in the first place?"
"Was that the chidori razor spear? Executed in grand fashion."
"Thanks, gotta say the purple lightning is pretty bad ass."
"You're too kind. I just got an idea though."
"I'm listening."
"I sense about forty lackeys down there, whoever takes down the most gets the kill."
"Sounds fair. On three we go."
They count in unison "ONE…TWO…THREE!" Immediately exactly half are knocked down foaming at the mouth and the other half has their throats slit.
"You cheat! I thought you were going to beat them with your ninjutsu! You just used sword intent on as many people as possible!"
"I could say the same to you! You just used your haki to knock them out!"
"Whatever I got more."
"I know you're blind but are you stupid too? I clearly won."
"Hey, hey what is this? All my men gone in the blink of an eye…And you two are treating this like some sort of game? Looks like I've ran into some real monsters. I was saving this for an emergency, and this might just be that emergency." He raises his hand, showing the magic formation which changes from white to red. Then all of his incapacitated subordinates' formation begins to glow dim while Lykan's gets brighter. "With all of our magic power together even the strongest of beasts can be slain."
"There's only one beast here." Magnus pats Galileo on the back.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Look alive his mana is getting pretty intense."
"I noticed. I'm not letting him power up any more!" Galileo lunges with his left palm wide open. "Shatter!" He swings causing a rumbling force that cracks even the air, destroying the balcony Lykan stood on completely. "Got him!"
"Got you." Lykan appears floating behind Galileo. He's absorbed so much magic his body has undergone a transformation. He's now ripped like a superhero and has mana visibly pulsating in his veins and eyes. His now waist length hair billows in a ice cold breeze caused by his overflowing magic power. "Freeze." He drops an icy hand on Galileo's shoulder and he's blasted straight down to the floor.
"Fire style: Majestic destroyer flame!" A raging inferno from behind Lykan is met by a wall of snow a meter thick resulting in dense steam, but the wall is still standing.
"Not even fire can compete with my frost wolf magic now."
"BWAHAHAHAA! I haven't been hit that hard in forever! MORE! MORE!"
"(That's some powerful magic.) Stay on your toes Galileo!"
His warning fell on deaf ears. A streak of purple climbed the castle wall and tore straight at Lykan. Galileo smashed through the freshly reinforced wall with a powerful backhand using the same rumbling force. Following with up a powerful ax kick threw a blade of purple lightning meant to split Lykan in two. It froze mid flight and fell shattering on the ground and both parties meet with devastating elemental punches. Frost vs purple lightning. They clash several more times before Galileo notices he's been getting slower, frost accumulates on his joints making his movements stiff and rugged. Lykan appears behind Galileo about to drop an elbow on his head. Galileo sidesteps at the last second turning with sharp blackened dragon claws. Lykan dodges the first swipe but is caught with a stab to the gut. On contact Galileo's arm freezes. Lykan charges up a ball of frost on his fist but before it connects Magnus pushes Galileo's head down as he leaps over his back.
"Blazing Odama rasengan!" A giant spiraling ball of fire smashes into Lykan's frost coated punch. The colliding attacks create a strong suction as hot and cold collide. Then BOOM the clashing energies exploded violently. Magnus and Galileo land atop the castle while Lykan ascends on a cloud of cold air. "Your turn to watch my back." Magnus leaps off the roof weaving hand signs "Fire style roc loud singing jutsu!" Magnus spews countless small fireballs at Lykan. "Wind style! Air bullet" A massive ball of air consumes the fireballs which started to revolve around the air bullet.
Lykan waves two fingers upwards creating a cold current that carries the attack upward in a diminishing updraft. Magnus slashes through the blaze with a lightning covered sword countered by a staff of compact ice. As they clash midair several blades of Ice form around them pointing at Magnus.
"Gotcha." Magnus bursts and Lykan receives a nasty electric shock dispelling his blades. "I'll finish this! One finger Assault!" The real Magnus flies at the stunned frost mage, leading with one finger. To be hit by this technique meant death as the slicing aura of sword intent magnified the destructive power.
"You won't reach me!" He smashes his hand into his palm and an omnidirectional burst of cold drops his surrounding temperature so much Magnus can feel even his blood slowing. By condensing the cold into his near vicinity, he creates a freezing force strong enough to slow the jutsu vastly decreasing it's power. Rather than meeting the cold head on he reappears behind Galileo.
"Welp that was a bust."
"How did you get behind me?" Looking over his shoulder he noticed a symbol on his back. "Son of a- did you really flying raijin my new coat?"
"Calm down it was just to help with this fight, it saved you from having your head frozen didn't it? Besides, that coat is going to pieces anyways."
"It looks cool like that!…This mark better come off."
"You and I both know it doesn't. More importantly we've established rushing in like 'an idiot doesn't work, we need a plan. He has enough power to make up for his affinity's weakness."
"We don't need a plan I can take him!" Despite saying this most of his body is just now getting it's color back.
"He says while still defrosting. Look he's managed to level the playing field fairly well against us, we run the risk of serious injury trying to take him one on one. Smart money is jumping him."
"I don't do two on one. Unless I'm the one."
"Alright don't come crying to me when you're missing toes."
"Fine! We'll hit him with a combo so fast he won't even see it coming."
"That's probably the most elaborate a plan from you could be."
"Simple and sweet, can't fuck it up." With that purple and gold flickers around the two and they vanish.
"(Where'd they go I can't even sense them?)" He braces himself with a ball of snow to shield him to no avail a streak of gold pierces straight through knocking Lykan out of his protective snowball. A flash of purple flies past his face nearly knocking him off his feet. Gold strikes from behind, purple from above, the left, right, front, back, up, down, each strike faster and harder than the last. In a matter of seconds Lykan is encased in a new ball, but this a hostile one of lightning. Magnus and Galileo close in from opposite directions from the finishing blow.
"Purple and Gold Dance! Violent Thunder God's Hammer!" Two small fists smash into either of Lykan's cheeks, and two more crash into his chin skidding him across the roof top in a glorious burst of two colored lightning.
"WOOOOO! That was fun! Who else wants some!?"
"Don't celebrate too early."
"What do you mean early? Who in this world would get up from an attack like that?"
"Remember he isn't a regular mage right now, for that matter he hasn't even opened his-"
A huge surge of mana blows all the dust away. An infuriated Lykan rises to his feet, magic power rising with each passing second. "I commend your fighting prowess, especially as a team but this ends now!" His grimoire finally opens.
"grimoire…" Magnus sighs and prepares himself to fight even harder.
"Perfect! Round two's coming." Galileo is grinning like a madman.