With Galileo out of the capital many thought it would be more peaceful. Citizens had no fear of randomly being caught up in a tantrum and the nobles were even able to act freely without offending the not so tiny anymore terror. Even though he was not as bad as he used to be his reputation hadn't improved that much over the years. The capital was much livelier than it had been in some time. With it being his first extended departure from the capital some even held celebrations.
Still him being gone wasn't a blessing for everyone, Dragon Tail was under more scrutiny with their guild master out of the picture. The anti-demon faction acted more boldly in harassing their members, but many of the magic knights effectively kept the peace. Those who received the two years of training were grateful for the opportunity given to them by Galileo and would repay the favor by looking out while he was away. Because of their hard work several clashes between the anti-demon faction and Dragon tail had been avoided. Even the king provided extra security to his son-in-law's assets.
"I don't know if I should be mad at or proud of my little brother, this tension in the capital is fault yet his very presence maintained so much order." Fuegoleon sits in his captain's study looking over the reports of small fights breaking out over the last few days in the capital. "After those two years in the hyperbolic time chamber and not to mention my training with Madara I felt like my duties would be easier, but it feels like the amount of problems appearing around Clover have only grown to match. Now it is not just bandits but goblins and orcs, mythical beasts, all these different non magical energies being used by random people across the kingdom? What's been happening lately? *sigh* at least nothing's been burned blue these past few days." As he was lost in thought there was aknock at the door. "Come in!"
The newest Vermillion maid, Melascula, came in pushing a cart of food and more reports into the room for him. Even though she was happy to have survived with few injuries being a maid pissed her off royally. To add insult to injury Galileo gave her a frilly bunny girl costume to work in, one that was even more revealing than what she usually wore. He thought it was pretty funny until it cost him a bloody nose from Lumiette. "From one of the demon king's ten commandments to a lowly maid? How dare he! One day I swear I'll kill that little runt myself" she muttered under her breath.
"Hahaha I find myself thinking along those lines all too often, but you'll get used to him." Fuegoleon paid Melascula's anger no mind. What could she hope to do to Galileo in her wildest dreams? She saw how the demon war went and she knows why she is still alive. The fear Galileo put in her heart will not be fading any time soon. "Any important news I need to know about first?"
"Nothing particularly interesting. Mostly reports of more magic creatures appearing around the kingdom, peaceful fairies and gnomes have taken up residence in part of the new forest outside of the capital. Conversely the Blue Rose slayed their fifth orc of the week today, this one was trying to kidnap a girl from a nearby village. Several hostile balls of slime have been attacking farmers, and doglike creatures I believe are called…It's on the tip of my tongue" she flips through a book of mythological creatures from earth's lore, manga, anime and games Galileo bought in the system and left for them to reference "Ah, they're called kobolds have been raiding trade caravans. Patrolling magic knights have done a fair job keeping them under control though. Someone from the golden dawn killed a strange masked creature with a hole in its chest, only those with spiritual awareness could see it. The Crimson Lion Kings faced a few red and ash demons out in the countryside too."
"In other words most of the creatures showing up around the kingdom are hostile?"
"Long story short, so far they seem to be fairly weak creatures though."
"I see, but we should be ready for worse. I'll have to make more thorough patrols and using Dragon tale more to keep the peace could be a good way to improve their public standing. I'll have to contact the other captains to see what's going on their ends…." Fuegoleon trailed off in thought.
"That's nice and all, but can I please change out of this outfit?"
"Are you sure Nebra? This is a big decision you're making, especially with how out of hands things are getting lately, you'll be in one of the most dangerous parts of Clover." Solid tries to convince Nebra not to journey to Hodge.
"She'll be fine, seeing how Hodge works will be good for you Nebra, and I can guarantee you'll become much stronger." Nozel on the other hand reaffirms her choice.
"Why would you want to go live with those dirty commoners, in their fake capital? You're sounding like that idiot Noelle, running off to the middle of nowhere! At least she did not have a choice. Plus, you'll be exposed to much more dangerous monsters out there in the forsaken lands. You read the reports!"
"The Noelle I knew was a weak, timid little crybaby who couldn't control her own magic. But after she met Magnus, she's become incredibly powerful. It's like she's someone else. Not only that she looks genuinely happy when she's with him. She doesn't even bother with us anymore…I gave her hell growing and she spared me a terrifying revenge when she could have done it in countless ways. It showed me how childishly we've been thinking. She does not even have her grimoire and she's much stronger than I am. If Noelle's willing to extend a hand to pull me up, I'll take it."
"Tch! Suit yourself, you can go live in that commoner kingdom if you want. I'd rather become a demon than lower myself living with peasants. Magnus is messing up the order of the way things work around here…I liked things far better before that punk showed up. He isn't real nobility he just got lucky with the whole Lykan thing!"
"Solid, your ignorance is only going to bring you problems down the line. Times are changing, if you refuse to evolve, you'll be left behind. And you'll have no one to blame but yourself for your own stupidity. Magnus has helped not only your younger sister greatly, but his actions have benefitted all of house Silva, no the whole kingdom. If anything, you should be grateful to him" Nozel's admonishment left Solid embarrassed and he stormed out.
"You're all idiots! There's nothing to be learned from filthy commoners!"
"Nebra, I do recommend you take that journey to Hodge. Train hard and learn all you can. See what makes it successful compared to the capital. If you truly want to serve the kingdom become a magic knight who is not only willing but capable enough to lead others in this kingdom down the right path. While you are there spare no expense to learn the non-magical techniques too."
"Yes brother, I will!"
"I'll arrange for you to take some time off from the Silver Eagles as well as your transportation."
"Thank you brother."
This sentiment was shared by others who wanted to see if the rumors of Hodge's fairness and social mobility was really the right way to go. A small exodus would soon occur from all corners of the kingdom to Hodge.
"Oi Stick bug! You seeing this!"
"Yeah, how can I not!? Why of all people did they call us to deal with some shit like this!?...And stop calling me stick bug dammit!"
"Where are those haughty ole' nobles when you need em? Can't they handle some of the dangerous stuff once in a while?"
"Heheheh, well meathead I guess its just you and me on this one."
"Time to put that extra training to the test."
Yami and Jack stand in the shadow of a frost wyvern hovering in the air above a small Clover village, their blades at the ready. The surrounding plains and several villager's homes have been thoroughly frozen over. The dragon lets loose a blood curdling roar sending all those hiding nearby into a panic and they fled in all directions. The dragon set it's sights on an elderly man falling behind and dove after him but a flying black slash forced it to stop.
"Oi asshole you're fighting us!" Yami said flipping the bird to the dragon.
The origin of the attack, Yami's darkness coated sword, was already about to throw a second dark coated slash but the dragon flew directly into the sunlight blinding him. Yami's ki sensory was beyond honed enough to pinpoint the dragon and his slash split the dragon's ice breath in half along with the end section of it's tail. This enraged the dragon and he rained a hail of ice spears in response, Yami's black hole spell drew in most of them while he and jack deflected the rest with their blades.
Seeing it's attack did next to nothing, it dove down towards them full speed. The two captains braced themselves, but shocking them both it shouted while charging at them "FUS RO DAH!" Those words were accompanied by a fearsome burst of concussive force that blew everything in it's path away. Buildings leveled like straw piles, trees uprooted like mere weeds, boulders sent flying like paper. Yami planted his blade in the ground, which was stripped of all greenery, to keep from flying away himself. Jack was nowhere to be seen but a log was rolling away from where he stood.
"That was definitely one of those shouts Galileo uses. What the? Where'd you go Stick bug?!"
Jack appeared above the dragon in the air one blade burning fire and the other frozen with ice, he spun rapidly and smashed into the dragons back slamming it to the ground.
"OUTTA THE WAY JACK! DARK ARMAMENT AVIYADA WILD SLASHES!" Jack jumped away from the grounded dragon just fast enough to dodge the hail of black slashes aimed at the beast.
"Did that do it?" Jack asked cautiously waiting for the smoke to clear.
Yami shields a match from the wind with his hand to light his cigarette. He took a long drag before flicking it away. "Us ten minutes from now, it's all on you guys."
The dragon let loose another great roar and lunged, Jack and Yami went to meet it with coated blades one channeling haki and the other's chakra.
Elsewhere the captain of the Purple Orcas Gueldre meets a man in a black robe "My, my, you've outdone yourself this time Gueldre. Heavenly sword emperor's eyes? Evil void chaos dragon? Demonic, and godly powers? These two will make excellent test subjects down the line. I can't believe they possess many of the abilities from my own world, and more than likely others…how intriguing. My boss will be overjoyed with this, he is obsessed with knowing how these mash ups of powers are possible, nothing he tries reaches anywhere near this magnitude… I'll need more data on the two of them. "
"About my pay…" The captain of the Purple Orcas rubs his hands together pensively.
"My boss is indeed a man of his word, here take this" The man casually tosses a bag of gold coins to him. Judging by Gueldre's surprised expression it was more than he was expecting. "I have another job for you, and of course I'll pay much more than that if you're interested.