Chereads / Emperor and Dragon ( A Black Clover Fanfiction) / Chapter 36 - Ch 36. The Golden Raccoon

Chapter 36 - Ch 36. The Golden Raccoon

Magnus sits pouting in his carriage, stopped on the side of the road. The farther they got from the Capital they kept facing monsters of increasing difficulty. Nothing strong enough for them to feel threatened but the horses, drivers and servants were vulnerable, so they would stop while Asta, and Morgiana dealt with the more challenging monsters. Asta and Morgiana were ecstatic taking every chance to fight they could steal from the guards.

"You don't have to look so upset Magnus, didn't you already account for multiple encounters in the schedule?" Noelle sits with him waiting for the others to finish up.

"I did…but that doesn't make the constant stopping any more enjoyable. If there were half as many fights, we would be in Joker city by now. Look it's almost nightfall, the attacks will surely increase again in the dark."

"You know we could avoid a lot of this hassle if we had just gone by ourselves. We don't need a caravan to travel everywhere we go. A carriage really isn't necessary either, all of us are faster than any horses or magic brooms for that matter. And we have storage rings for our stuff, why torture yourself?"

"Stop using the carriages? Nonsense, they are such a stylish way to travel."

"And this is why we're delayed so much…Well this local map says there's an inn nearby, it's actually on route. We can head there for the night.

"…An inn in the middle of nowhere? That sounds like one of your better ideas."

"Don't be a smartass, it's just an idea. You're irritable and I want to sleep in an actual bed tonight serious." Noelle says slightly irritated herself.

"Fine we can take a look, if it's a dump we're travelling all night." anything for my No-No ugh Your lucky your my favorite person"

Guhhh how can he say that so casually the slightly blushing what's different about him "What's that stone your eyes have been glued to?" she easily changed the subject, making Magnus smile.

Magnus continued rolling the black stone no bigger than a marble in his hand. "It's a magic bloodline divining stone, I got it from the system earlier. I just wanted to be completely sure about Morgiana."

"You're still on that? I thought you were positive already, give me that."

"Wait don't touch it with your bare-" As soon as Noelle snatched it the stone turned from black to glowing bright gold. "Hand." It started to vibrate heavily, shot out the window and flew off.

"What just happened."

"I hadn't used it yet so it activated when you touched it."

"Oh sorry. So where did it go?"

"To your nearest relative, since it had a pure shine like that it should be someone in your immediate family. I guess Nozel is in Hodge again."

"But it went the opposite direction from Clover."

"What? Who is out here in the neutral zone?"

"None of them should be out here before us, they had enough work to keep them busy in the capital anyways. Maybe the stone doesn't actually work..."

"We'll know after we investigate. This second divining stone will let us track it."

"What do you know it's going towards the inn." Noelle says condescendingly

"Of course, it is..." Magnus just smiles at Noelle's it didn't go unnoticed.

"Magnus do you care for me?" Noelle says timidly. Magnus looks at her in here eyes moments felt like hours then he felt something he never felt his heart danced.

"Noelle you are not just a title you are my woman so hold your head because I Magnus IN THIS LIFE WILL ONLY LOVE YOU!" This declaration made Noelle's whole face red and she passed out to be caught her man.

She immediately awoke "Wait, wait, I just remember an old wives-tales that house silva had three daughters of immense talent to they wore forced to marry, the eldest my mother stayed in silva, my 2nd aunt is mimosa's mom and the third was engaged to the duke of frost the kings brother. She fled I heard her magic was iron and gold sand magic. She fled and that's the end of that.

" So this could either be a cousin or an aunty" says Magnus

A short while later the caravan arrived at an Inn hidden away behind a wall in some cliffs, which for one in the middle of nowhere was surprisingly more extravagant than either of them had expected. In fact it was even better looking than some of the high-end places in Hodge and the Capital. The two of them are shocked by how amazing the place is. Friendly and professional staff, clean facilities, exquisite décor and even live music. The most notable decoration was a giant solid gold raccoon statue in the center of the lobby. Guards in gold robes could be seen guarding certain doorways and posted up in a corner or two.

"How does a gem like this survive in the middle of nowhere?" Magnus was genuinely impressed. He'd have used a different animal for the centerpiece but there were really no complaints at first glance.

"Welcome to the Golden Raccoon! Where a great night's rest will come like a thief in the night! Will you be staying with us for the evening?" The receptionist was well dressed and eager to serve.

"Are we Magnus?" Noelle echoed jokingly. The others looked like they liked the place too.

"(Shady slogan, but I don't sense anything out of order here… no matter any problems that come up, we can handle it) We'll set out first thing in the morning." Having given his approval one of the servants takes care of getting them all checked in. Magnus curious about the economics behind the place had began chatting with the manager. The others went to check out their rooms, only Noelle waited on him. She took her time admiring the art in the room while he talked.

He found out that the place had become very popular with high level adventurers. Originally the place was small, but their primary clients would often pay with rare treasures which made upgrading easy. Others made deals for supply deliveries and doing other jobs for the inn. Some of the people staying there looked unsavory, but no one dared step out of line. That is because the inn is protected by a gang named after the building. The Golden Raccoon gang a band led by a supposed demon, known throughout the area for his unparalleled marksmanship, brutal actions and love of gold. Even the owner did not know the boy's real name, he just went by Bandit. While the entire security detail is made up of his men who live there, Bandit himself shows up randomly.

Magnus felt that the inn could be a good venture to get his hands in, but first he would need to meet this Bandit and see how he would sway the people's opinions around here. If all goes well there will be Golden Raccoon's throughout the neutral zone and Clover, soon to add Heart kingdom as well. Magnus was lost in thought calculating how he'd turn a profit here before a drunken adventurer bumped into Noelle.

"Be more care-"

"Watch out dumb bitch! Who let a little kid in here anyways?" The adventurer didn't even give her a chance to speak, he lit into her with almost every foul word he could think of. Magnus looked up radiating killing intent, but the poor fool was too absorbed in his rant to notice. Several guards noticed Zangetsu in the boy's hand and went to stop him. Before anyone could make a move a spear flew through the drunkard's chest with so much force it pinned him to the wall above the receptionist's desk. After struggling futilely for a few seconds, he gave up the ghost.

"That's no way to talk to a lady ya know." Across the room a boy around Magnus's age stood in the doorway holding a solid gold bow. He wore simple purple traveler's clothes with golden light armor, gauntlets and greaves over them. His messy silver hair was swept back with gold beads in it, and he had dark circles around his eyes like a raccoon.

All eyes turned to him as he came in, everyone there knew who he was. "Boss Bandit!"

"(He launched that spear with pinpoint accuracy, past Noelle and the statue without touching either… and from a bow? This kid might be pretty interesting…)" Magnus thought to himself watching Bandit make his move.

"Boss the boys had it under control, there was no need to get involved." A stern faced fellow next to him breaks the silence. This boy is dressed similarly minus the gold, and his hair is neatly trimmed. Also, he's clearly a few years older having a grimoire strapped to his waist.

"Hahahaha! Ya really think so? We'd have lost about half our staff if I didn't act now."

"No disrespect, but if you can one shot the guy like that, our boys would've been enough. He couldn't do too much damage. I think he was drunk too."

"HAHAHAHA! Even my right hand's blind, I ain't talkin' about the trash over there." At this point he made eye contact with Magnus and all eyes followed Bandit's gaze. "Just now if anyone had touched that kid, you'd all be dead. Dude don't play about his girl, he was oozin' murder just then."

Asta, Kirsch and Morgiana came back downstairs ready to fight sensing Magnus's killing intent. However, it seemed that it would not be necessary. there was a body and Magnus was now calm. "What no fight?"

"Morgiana you're too Gung-ho…"

Bandit's bow dissipated into gold dust as he leapt onto the head of the raccoon statue and sat cross legged in front of Magnus and Noelle. "Yo wassup! I'd introduce myself but ya heard em'. I'm feelin' the gold sword by the way, how much?"

Magnus was caught off guard by his question. "Magnus Pendragon and my Zangetsu is not for sell."

"Aww it's like that? I think it matches my outfit."

"(It matches your outfit? What's with this guy?) It's like that, this is my personal sword."

"Hmm I feel that, man's gotta have love for somethin'."

"Speaking of my love, I have to thank you for that" gesturing to the newest decoration on the wall. "He was very rude. "Says Magnus"

"Hahaha why are ya thankin' me? One more second and my money magnet'd be up in smokes. I got no idea what ya capable of with crazy ass eyes like that. I almost fell out just lookin' at em."

"True" Noelle agreed "Nice to meet you Mr. Bandit, thank you. I'm Noelle."

"No problem lil miss, my pleasure."

"Lil? You're shorter than me."

"I'm still growin'! Hey Magnus, ya pocket's glowin'. Heheh that rhymed." The divining stone in Magnus's pocket gave off a strong golden glow that grabbed his attention. "Woah ya keep more gold than me! I'm likin' ya more and more. Found one just like it earlier but soon as I grabbed it the piece o' junk turned dark as coal! Trade me." Bandit produces an identical stone now giving off the same glow "It's glowing again! What's up with this thing!"

"It's a bloodline divining stone and according to it, you're close enough to be her brother or at least a 1st cousin…(And the story get's twisted yet again…there has got to be a limit to these.)"

"Huuuuh I got a sister? No way, Y'all must be tryna hustle me?"

"Relax Bandit, we don't want your Inn. I was just as surprised as you for the stone to say I had another sibling."

"(Speak for yourself Noelle.) Yes, the fact that the stone came to you means it's true. Not to mention you look just like someone from the Silva family."

"Silva? You mean THE house Silva?". Lackey 1

"The royal family from Clover Kingdom? No way!". Lackey 2

"The boss grew up out here with us how could he be a noble!". Says Jude slightly defensive.

Bandit shared his subordinates disbelief "So I'm supposed to be? Nah I don't believe it. A lil' sparklin' marble doesn't tell me anything."

"If you don't believe me I just happened have an extra set and my little sister present. As you can see we looks like we could be twins. I can demonstrate how they work for you."

"(I can't believe him, he just made up an excuse to test Morgiana without offending her.)" thinks noelle realizing she can read him just as well as he can her, this made her blush and hide her head in Magnus chest, it felt so warm so they forget everyone around and with a cough and blush. Shocking every one present. Everyone wanted to barf but also found it lovely.

Magnus shyly looks over but then his face went back aloof" are you ready"

"Ya got the floor."

Magnus produced another stone into his ungloved hand from his ring. As soon as it touched his palm it turned bright gold and shot towards Morgiana standing by a distant door. It settled gently into her hand and turned pitch black on contact. Magnus held another black stone in his hand and without any intervention it rocked forward as if magnetized to his sister's stone. As they walked closer to one another, both stones got brighter and brighter, by the time they met they were both bright as the first set. "The purity of it's glow says that we're very closely related."

"Could it be true?"

"Boss bandit is really a royal?"

"Stop narratin' ya idiots! It's annoyin' while I'm thinkin'! Alright Noelle say I am Silva, what now?"

"You could come home, I'm sure the family would love to meet you." Noelle says naively

"I am home sis. I been here for as long as I can remember with many of the folks ya see around ya. This is my family. If I'm a Silva boy why am I all the way out here? We look around the same age, give or take a couple o' years. What was so bad about me that I was sent all the way outside the kingdom? Or could royals not protect their own child? For some reason or another they seem to have got along fine without me."

"I- I don't know the answer to that, but if you come back with us you can find out for yourself." Pleaded Noelle "But I might have an idea we will talk at home."

"Think I'll pass. I don't feel like gettin' involved with boujee nobles at this point. Pleasure to meet the two of ya, and enjoy your stay." Bandit hopped off of the statue and he and some of his closer lackey's started walking away. Noelle shot Magnus a look and he knew what she meant 'you convince him to come.' She wasn't going to let it go.

"Hey Bandit if you come, I'll craft you a magic weapon. Custom made just for you. I have learned to craft asauchi so this bow will have no peers " magnus says arrogantly

"No offense but how do I know ya can smith?"

"Who do you think made my sword?" asta chimes in.

"Mine too." Noelle brandishes her sword then points to the others "he made theirs too."

Seeing their swords all so high quality and he could even feel a hint of power similar to Magnus coming from them, that was all Bandit needed to see. "Throw in some gold and I'm in." Of course Magnus paid him and that was that.