Chereads / Emperor and Dragon ( A Black Clover Fanfiction) / Chapter 21 - Ch. 21 Happy Birthday!

Chapter 21 - Ch. 21 Happy Birthday!

"You are cordially invited to the Pendragon estate to attend Magnus Pendragon's and Galileo Vermillion's thirteenth birthday celebration!" Over the last few days friends and family of the two received invitations to the banquet that would be held at the Pendragon estate.

"Have you heard Magnus is throwing a party? I hear it's going to be huge." Jack talks with several other of the young captains, namely those he served under Julius with. "You guys gonna be there? "

"Yes I intend to make an appearance, but you should know it's invite only." Charlotte holds up a small gold and white invitation with her name on it.

"I know that." Jack shows he has one too.

"Ehh What the hell?! I didn't get one!"

"Really? Even I some of my squad members got one Yami." The masked knight, Vangence shows his invitation. "Didn't you receive one?"

"No…I wanted to party too dammit! I bet that lil' shit forgot about me on purpose!"

"Erm…well umm…" A tomato faced Charlotte tries to say something but she struggles to get it out. She recalls when Magnus personally gave her two invites while she was out on her patrol. "Wait Magnus, why do I need two invitations?" She stops him before he walks away to rejoin Noelle and the others.

"Hmm? One is for Captain Yami of course. I thought you might want to go with him."

"W-why would I want to do that!?" Just thinking of going on a date with Yami was an ordeal for her, and now she had to ask him out. It took everything she had to maintain composure in front of her squad members.

"Just make sure he gets it!" Magnus runs off grinning mischievously. "I want to see both of you there!"

"Hey Big Sis what was that about? Hey Char you ok?" A dark skinned woman with short Curly hair, Blue roses' vice captain Sol, tries to snap Charlotte out of her daze "Chaaaaaar Helloooo?"

"(I-I have to give this to Yami? Myself?)" Presently She finds herself staring at the distraught Yami, trying to figure out how to invite him. It was so troublesome she originally wasn't going to say anything, but could she really be the reason HE didn't show up? Unable to think of a smooth way to explain why she has his invitation, she goes with first idea that came to mind. "YAMI! You've also been invited! Here's your invitation!" She smacks the small slip of paper into his face full force, knocking him out of his chair, and runs out."

"What was all that about?" William watches her leave.

"Dunno maybe she had to shit, but who cares I got my invite! Hey, let me see yours stick bug." Yami eyes his invite making sure it matched the others.

"Piss off muscle brain!"

"Huh you want us to come?!?" Nebra is shocked beyond belief that Noelle herself would come to invite them to such a big event. More so considering how they acted just a few short days ago.

"Geez I'm inviting you aren't I? (I wasn't going to if Magnus hadn't insisted on it.) You guys ARE my siblings we should try to get along better… I don't want to grow up with resentment towards my family."

Unlike Nebra who had stopped to contemplate her baby sister's words, Solid being more immature prefers to stick to what he knows. "I'll pass. Why would I want to get along with a los- ack!" Nozel slaps him in the back of the head, pushing him down to a bow.

"I'm not sure if you've noticed Solid, but Noelle outclasses you by miles. If there was a loser here it'd be you. We'll be there Noelle."

"Good. I'll see you then. Also, the theme is gold." She walks out with a hopeful smile that her relationship with her siblings may improve much sooner than later.

"Mama! Look what I got! Look! Look!" A in a nearby village a boy runs up to his mother grinning like a madman.

"What is it Luck?"

"I got invited to a party!" He hands her the invitation, he's so happy that he's crackling with electricity.

"Oh my, an invitation to a royal birthday party? Magnus Pendragon, and Galileo Vermillion? This must be a mistake, why would people like them even know who we are?"

"I dunno, but it says my name.",

"True it does..."

"Look I got this too!" He turns around and spins back wearing a solid gold demon's mask "RAAAAH! Did I scare you?"

" I-is that real gold?"

"Heheh cool right? So can I go?"

"The 'hero's' from the Lykan thing are throwing a lil party? That could be fun." A man with a black mask that reveals sharp eyes and even sharper teeth reads an invitation. "I've always wanted to meet the tiny terror and commoner king. Maybe I'll slap some sense into the brat. As for this so called commoner king I want to take a look at his eyes of this 'royal' and see if he's the real deal. The invitation says I need gold… Yo, you got any gold I can borrow?" The masked man turns around to look at a noble magic knight who is planted into an alley wall, bloody and smoldering. He is unconscious so he doesn't answer. "That a yes?"

Come the day of the party and it was one to be remembered. Common or noble everyone who got an invite made sure to be there, and there were quite a few invites sent out. The Pendragon hall had been lined with caterers serving different kinds of top-quality foods and drinks from across the kingdom. At one booth a small eating contest had broken out. Long after all the other heads dropped one little lady with a monstrous appetite kept devouring food to the point it people began betting if her stomach was really bottomless.

Music filled the air as beautiful dancers in alluring white costumes laced with gold chains danced on a stage. The serving girls were no less stunning, some fell in love several times that day. True to the theme of the party all of the guests and staff made sure to wear solid gold accessories and those who couldn't afford it had something gifted to them beforehand. Golden banners with the picture of a dragon wrapping around a sword lined the walls all the way up to where the two birthday boys sat on golden seats overlooking the party. Of course Galileo's was smaller and less ornate(something that upset him greatly), considering it was Magnus' house. What king could be equal in his own castle?

"Woooah look at all these people!" Asta and Yuno go try every booth together, both dressed in the finest of clothes, covered in gold. Asta thought they just got in the way, while Yuno on the other hand felt naturally regal. "Magnus and Galileo sure are pretty popular."

"Yeah, there are people from all over Clover here. I see members from every magic knights' squad, I see a few guild members too, nobles from other kingdoms, and that guy is the king. Most importantly that guy with the hourglass tattoo on his forehead is the wizard king."

"Oh I know Mr. Julius, he came and got magic weapons for his squad when Hodge was built. From what I know he has some amazing magic."

"Yeah, time magic. On top of that, he managed to learn all three forms of haki, origin magic, and ninjutsu on his own during his research."

"Wait he knows both Magnus and Galileo's techniques?"

"He got them on his own."

The wizard king really is amazing I gotta see him in action... what about the regular king? What does he do?"

"Beats me."

"(Wait did those brats say the Julius is more important than me? And why aren't they this enthusiastic to be in my presence? DAMN YOU JULIUS, always showing me up!)" King Clover kept his thoughts to himself on account of the occasion , but he was so mad his head started to steam.

"Father are you alright? You don't look so good?"

"Please take a rest sire."

"Go get the king a drink! Hurry!"

Despite the merry atmosphere Galileo had a brooding expression on his face.

"Why so serious? It's our birthday party!"

"You got more…"

"More what?"

"You got more presents than me…" Galileo had been eying the two separate mountains of gifts in the corner, one is noticeably bigger than the other.

"Hahaha that's what you're worried about? You ought to be nicer to people next time around, maybe people will like you more. Come on let's address the party. Just greedy…" Standing up Magnus walked to the edge of the steps in front of everyone looking as majestic as any ruler. Wearing a gold tunic held up by a jewel encrusted belt which also carries his two golden zangetsu, a white cape, and a brilliant crown more decadent than the king's. Galileo wore all black robes with a golden dragon skull helmet bearing large horns, golden clawed gloves and a feather collared black cape held up with a golden clip that looked like wing-talons locked around his neck. Next to Magnus everyone was reminded of a god and a demon lord. Magnus cleared his throat and the party fell silent to listen. "Good evening everyone. Galileo and I want to thank you all for, taking time out of your busy schedules to come out today."

"What he said."

"I hope-" Before Magnus could continue his toast Itachi appears next to him and whispers something in his ear. "I'm sorry everyone, something urgent just came up that requires my attention. Please enjoy the party everyone, I'll be back shortly." He and Itachi vanish leaving Galileo by himself in front of the crowd.

"(That bastard left me up here alone…what am I supposed to do now?) Thanks for coming everyone and uh…you heard the man, LET'S PARTY!" He raised his goblet high in the air and to his surprise everyone else did the same. On cue the music started and everyone goes back to having a good time as if never disturbed. "That actually worked…"

"Hahahaha, better than watching you stutter random nonsense. What a shitty speech!"

"Who said that?!" Galileo turns around and is shocked to silence to see who laughed at him "No way…" One of the few magic knights who Galileo still respected and actually liked to see. It was none other than his older sister "MERA!" She wore a gold lion's head pendant otherwise her usual outfit.

"Yo, long time no see Gali. " He goes over to meet her and she tosses a big spotted egg at him. "Happy birthday."

"What's this?"

"An egg, what else? I was gonna eat it then I remembered it was your birthday."

"Uhh thanks…When did you get back?"

"A little while ago, imagine my surprise to come home and the dining hall's still intact for once. I just happened to run into him in town." She nods to the side and a blazing paw is dangling Leopold by his head.

"Hey Gali, Happy birthday."


"I didn't expect to see you here today Meraleona. Welcome back." Fuegoleon joins them completing the Vermillion set.

"I'd say the same to you." The four of them standing next to each other gave of such strong demonic energy some of the partygoers could feel it clearly.

"Can you feel that evil demonic energy coming from the Vermillion's, they should all just get out of Clover."

"I hear it's that boy Galileo's fault all it all happened."

"It's bad enough he had to taint his own family and house Kira with that corruption. It's only a matter of time before he tries to ruin Magnus too."

"Hang on, these bugs buzzing in my near need to be squashed." Galileo starts towards them fist blazing blue but finds himself moving backwards. "Huh what's going on?" He kept sliding until his back connected with a small black hand. "Lumiette?(Shit I almost forgot about what fruit she has, but how'd she know she had the power to do this!?)"

Flash back to shortly after he ditched her with Magnus and Noelle.

"You know there is an easy way to get Galileo to sit still. A method only you can do."

"Only I can do it? What do you mean?" Lumiette perked up at the statement.

"You have the dark fruit right?"

"I do. Galileo said it was one of the strongest ones there is, it even let me have another fruit. Something which is apparently fatal to others."

"That's not the ability that made it one of the most terrifying devil fruits."

"It isn't? Is there another power, I'm unaware of?"

"( I wonder why he'd forget to mention this one.)" A sly smile creeps across his face exploits one of Galileo's bad decisions. "The ability to pull in other devils. Try it out sometime."

"(That worked? I'll have to thank Magnus later.) You remember what you promised Galileo." Her tone low and sharp, sending shivers down Galileo's spine.

"No violence at the party…I got it." Galileo glares at the three of them. "I don't forget faces. I'll see you bugs again." Feeling his killing intent, they quickly disappeared into the crowd.

"Stop that! You can't keep blowing up every time someone says something about you. This is exactly why…" She started to lecture him, but he stopped listening.

"(System what is this?)"

"(An egg dumbass.)"

"(Clearly… Is it going to hatch into anything special?)"

"(That's an exceed egg, how do you not recognize it?)"

"(There's a lot of random creatures that lay oversized painted eggs out there. Still, I've been thinking I wanted a pet. I can't wait to see this little guy hatch!)" Some of the people who stopped to watch thought he looked way to excited for someone in trouble.

"…Are you even listening to me?"

Magnus and Itachi come into a dark room where Iori waits, smoking his pipe "Sorry to call you in the middle your little speech and all, but this couldn't wait." He motions to the center of the room where two boys not much older than Magnus are badly injured and tied up to chairs.

"Who are they? And why are they in such miserable states?"

"I wouldn't say miserable, I barely hit them. The brats put up a decent fight. Take a good look at em'. I'd say the older one is about a 79 and younger 73."

Looking closely at their faces Magnus noticed something odd, these boys had Sharingan. Four red eyes stared back into his own, glaring intensely. For a second he was startled but after thinking about it rationally he realized there was only one logical explanation. With that in mind he moved to the next question. "I already know who sent you, my question is what is he planning?"

"We'll never tell! You'll have to torture us to death!"

"We'll die with sensei's secrets!"

"That can be arranged." Magnus waves his hand and sword energy slices off a finger off of each of them. After seeing them fight to withstand the pain, Magnus asks again. "Why did Madara send you?" They were shocked to hear him speak that name but neither boy answered. "I hate doing this but, I'm afraid you've left me no choice." Bit by bit he begins slowly slicing the boys to pieces. First fingers, then their hands, and halfway up their arms the boys cave in at the same time.

"Stop! Stop! We'll talk!"

"Please! No more!"

"That all depends on what you tell me." He holds a sword energy coated finger over one of their eyes and slowly slides it to point at the others nose. "I can remove 'any' part of you very easily, and I also happen to be a skilled enough medic to be sure you live to feel it all…so don't lie to me." Not a single trace of mercy can be seen in Magnus' eyes.

"We were sent to get as much intel on you and Galileo Vermillion as possible before the barrier falls. He wanted to find out if you were really of Uchiha heritage."

"For some reason we can pass through the barrier, that keeps sensei out of this country. "

"What is he planning to do with that information?"

"We don't know!"

"Don't lie." He raises his hand letting sword energy radiate off it.

"We're not! I swear! We only know he's interested in your sharingan and he never said any more than that!"

"Where is he hiding?"

"We don't know, we meet him in different places each time."

"Where and when were you reporting back to him?"

"In two weeks in Joker City."

"Joker city? Where is that?"

"A city inside of the neutral zone."

"(That's really the scope of their knowledge? How disappointing. Then again, I don't see someone as smart as him trusting these clearly inexperienced kids with sensitive information. Talk about a trial by fire…)" Just then he received a notification from Jenny.

"(I finished my Analysis and I've found that they were both born in this world but, their eyes have been changed with god level magic. These sharingan are way beyond the power of what they should be, but they're still nothing compared to yours.)"

"(He can grant sharingan to others. Well Fuegoleon can use ninjutsu too so that probably isn't the full range of what he can do now...Thank you Jenny I appreciate your hard work.)"


"See that wasn't so hard, was it? Being honest makes life a lot easier. "All of the blood and dismembered parts vanish along with Magnus's scowl. The two boys find that they had been in an illusion. "I'm not very fond of genjutsu but it seemed like a better alternative than just mangling you two."

"You're not going to kill us?"

"(No need for senseless bloodshed if Madara can possibly be reasoned with) For now I will have to ask the two of you to enjoy those energy canceling chains. I'll be taking your grimoires and tool pouches as well. I'll be back when I decide how to deal with you."

All Itachi and Iori saw was Magnus standing in front of them for a brief moment, but they both knew how the sharingan worked all to well. In seconds the two iron willed boys were broken.

"Itachi I need all the information on Joker city you can get by tomorrow."


"Iori see that they don't escape."

"No problem. Enjoy the party."