Chapter 22 - Ch. 22 Food War!

Deep in the Witch's Forest, a lone intruder lept through the trees. Dozens of witches came to intercept him but one by one they fell into trances when meeting his crimson eyes. Those fortunate enough to learn from the other witches mistakes are quickly knocked out with swift neck chops.

"All of you fall back! You're not a match for that man." A woman's voice rang throughout the forest. Grabbing everyone's attention was a woman sitting on a throne of birds. She exuded a cold arrogance that bore down on everyone in the forest, so much so even her own witches trembled, and the animals fled the area. Every living thing felt fear in the forest except for that man who stared back at her entirely undaunted. Looking into those strange red eyes she could feel her very consciousness being assaulted with illusions, but she controlled herself using her own blood magic to stay focused.

"The queen of the forest comes to meet me herself."

"(First that Yami brat who took Vanessa from me now him? What does he want?)You have some nerve coming into my forest, and attacking my witches."

"This isn't attacking. I haven't taken a single life. There's no pleasure to be had in beating ill trained little girls."

The Witch queen can easily see it's true. She barely even saw any wounds on the defeated witches. This man infuriated her greatly. "Ill trained? How dare you! I will make you eat those words! Lifeblood Scythe!" She dives at him with a oversized scythe formed from a deep red liquid flowing around her. The man casually blocked her with a war fan that appeared in his hand at the last second.

"I'm starting to wonder if witches were only dangerous in name." His taunt worked easily, her scythe swung faster and faster as her anger continued to rise. Still every attack failed to find it's mark. "It seems your technique doesn't match up to your magic power…how disappointing."

"Shut up you foolish man!" She leaps back landing on her platform of birds giving her a vantage point over the entire battlefield. "Blood rain." Below her a downpour of red drops rained like corrosive bullets. All of the other witches knew to get far away carrying the injured with them. The man stands facing as the silhouette of a blue titan's torso shields him and the few knocked out at his feet. "So the rumors were true. The queen of Witch's forest wields the rare and powerful blood magic."

The witch queen was upset to see her attacks so easily deflected, at this rate all of her spells would be rendered useless. "It sounds like you've done your homework on me, and I don't even know your name. What is your business here?"

"I am Madara. Madara Uchiha. I have a request of you."

"What makes you so sure I will carry it out."

"I want you to use your magic to check if there is another in this land who carries my bloodline. I've heard rumors of one with the Sharingan, the bloodline limit technique of my clan used in Clover kingdom. It's possible they could be family of mine."

"I refuse, I'm not going to help a man. Especially one as insulting as you."

Madara merely looked at her with disappointment. "Can you not do it?"

"Don't be stupid. It's not that I can't do it, I won't do it you insolent man."

"I was under the impression blood magic was more capable. Was I mistaken in placing so much value in her abilities…It seems I have wasted my time after all?" Turning around Madara jumps several branches away before she calls out after him.

"Magnus Pendragon! (why did I tell him that?)"

"Magnus Pendragon?" Though it was greatly negated due by her magics abilities, Madara's subtle genjutsu was still strong enough to sway her interest in the matter.

"I already know of the person you're talking about." Of course, her blood magic was good enough to perform such a simple task. But she didn't need her magic for that. The exploits of the shinobi village, run by Magnus had made quite a name for itself in the last few years, especially among those near the neutral zone. What her magic did tell her was that there was a strong resonance between the blood of that boy (whom she had a witch join his ranks as a medic to collect a sample) and this man Madara. Magnus was close enough to be his grandson but thinking about it she was bothered by the fact that this man was nowhere near old enough to be a grandfather. "I know all about this descendant of yours, but I won't part with this information for free."

Back at the party Magnus finds things going on strong. Magnus was happy to see everything more or less going as he planned. After taking in the scene he walks through the crowd towards Noelle who was with her siblings. The way everyone called out to him as he went by made him feel like a celebrity.




"You're back already? I thought something serious came up…and why are you blushing?"

"I'm not blushing, I ate something spicy, that's all."

"Oh, well where did you go? Galileo finished your toast for you, and it wasn't good at all."

"I have no issue believing that. Anyways I had to handle some sect business. So what else did I miss?"

"Well there's that." Pointing to a nearby table with empty mugs and bottles all over Nozel sat barely conscious in a daze. Next to him Fuegoleon laughed triumphantly at him holding a cup high overhead. Charlotte was completely passed out but she had a firm grip on Yami's arm. On Yami's other side another young woman with wavy pink hair, held his other arm. She was barely awake but she looked more victorious than Fuegoleon. Despite being between two beautiful women Yami looked more like he was stuck in between a rock and a hard place. Jack was so jealous he wanted to cut him to pieces, but he drowned his sorrows in booze. Julius having drank more than all the others looked perfectly sober and was having a conversation with Vangence who didn't drink any. Meraleona had only gotten more lively with the drinks and was challenging everyone to an arm wrestling match. The king wanted to join in but Lumiette cut him off. "They all thought it was a good idea at first, now look at them..."

"(Hey Magnus that looks pretty fun! Let me out!)" Magnus heard Kurama's voice in his head. There was no reason he couldn't enjoy the party as well.

"Heavenly Creation technique: Kurama shadow clone release!" After Magnus put his hands together an oppressive amount of chakra came out in a burst of red smoke, and everyone immediately became alert. Even the captains sobered up. "Muhahahaha I the mighty Kurama am here!" When the smoke cleared a man was standing there he resembled Magnus in facial features but that's it he didn't have blonde hair but long crimson hair that looked like blood, he grew to about 6'4 and muscular, with nine bushy red tails swishing behind him. He was incredibly handsome, so handsome even Magnus was startled "Jenny why is he so good looking? I'm salty." He thinks while pouting a little.

" (He has a body formed from your image and heavenly creation energy that allowed his appearance to overlap with yours, so basically you'll be all the more handsome in a couple years.)"

"(Definitely something to look forward to.) Kurama! What are you wearing? I told you the theme is gold right?"

"I felt only the glorious attire of a god was fitting for one such as myself to make an entrance in." He wore the destruction god's garments proudly, "and I do have gold on." On each tail was a thick band of gold, each one with one of his 'siblings' names inscribed on it. "Now, BRING ME BOOZE!"

"Here, Kurama I have a bottle for you!"

"No take mine it's a thousand times better!"

"Kurama let me pour you a cup!" Many of women threw themselves at Kurama offering him drinks and hugging him tightly against him fighting for his attention. Kurama loving the adoration, was pulled off so fast Magnus didn't even get a chance to introduce him.

"That was Kurama Pendragon everyone…"

"I don't think most of them were in much of a state for conversation anyways." Julius laughed noting how all of the other captains were wasted.

"They need something to help them sober up." Galileo comes to laugh at the drunken captains. It's usually one of them who had to deal with his antics, so he was more used to their serious sides. Now they all were cutting loose and having fun. "You know what that means!"

Magnus and Galileo both look at each other excitedly "FOOD WAR!"

The pagoda had been decked out to look like a miniature kitchen with stoves, cookware, seasonings, and a large assortment of food had been neatly arranged for their use. Each of them had ample room and their own set of equipment. Magnus and Galileo had changed into culinary clothes for the event and were checking out their stations. To the side a judges table had been set up for Noelle and Lumiette, along with Julius. The short girl who had won the earlier eating contest found her way to the judges table as well. When questioned on who she was or where she came from, she only had one reply, "Where there is good food there is I!" Magnus couldn't help but laugh and invited her to stay as a surprise judge to settle the issue of having an odd number of judges the king joined the panel as well. Others crowd around to get a watch what was going on. It was exciting to see what the two would come up with. When both sides felt ready, they gave Julius a nod and he played the announcer.

"Hello everyone! As you know we've gathered here for the joint celebration of Magnus Pendragon's and Galileo Vermillion's thirteenth birthdays. The two of them wanted to put on a little show for you all and showcase one of their many talents, so I welcome you all to Clover's first food war! Both contestants will have an hour to prepare a dish of their choice using various meats provided by the Pendragon farms. On the judges panel will be Noelle, Lumiette, the king, Charmy and myself. Whoever gets the most votes in the end will be the winner! I look forward to seeing your work gentlemen. If neither contestant has any questions-"

"Let the best chef win!" The king cut in so he could feel included.

"Good luck Galileo, you're going to need it."

"Heh, I'm gonna wipe the floor with you(All of my hours of studying has prepared me for this moment."

The bell starts for them to begin and they both rush to their stations and went straight to work. Whether it was prep, applying seasonings, or the actual cooking both of them moved like experts with years of practice. Their hands made each movement with pinpoint precision careful not to make any mistakes in the slightest. It was already a stretch for Magnus the sword extraordinaire to be so skilled in culinary pursuits, but even more shocking was Galileo looking just as refined. Everyone was amazed watching them work, after all it was a skill anyone could learn and they took time to learn this too. The smells coming from the cooking was so intoxicating people found themselves drooling uncontrollably, a few almost fainted.

When the time ended both looked extremely confident in what they made. Magnus presented a kabob with nine different kinds of meats, with assorted grilled vegetables. As for Galileo, he chose to make street tacos with a spicy salsa. After serving the judges and watching their over the top reactions, they awaited their critiques.

"It was like every bite I took was a new flavor that complimented the last perfectly. I vote Magnus."-Julius

"These tacos are amazing! And the salsa? Genius! This is the best thing you've ever done Galileo!"- Noelle

"I'm sorry Galileo, but these kabobs are just to die for! The meat is so tender and juicy, it's like heaven in my mouth!"- Lumiette


The fifth and final vote went to the king, his judgement would decide it all. Galileo and Magnus stared intently at the king who was sitting with his eyes closed brooding intensely. He sat still for several moments until Julius tapped him and he jolted awake. "Huh what happened? Where am I?" The food was so good he passed out!

"You're were casting the last vote."

"Oh right yes, I have to choose the kabob! It's like a thrilling joy ride off tragedy and triumph, but it's food! I need more of this now!"

"So that means…" a smile crept it's way across Magnus' face as Galileo's face darkens.

"Yes. The winner is Magnus!"


"Nice job you two."

"Cheer up Gali, considering you even got votes means you're finally learning something. Still there's no beating the god's tongue x yukihara style."

"I thought my dragon senses, with sanji's skill, and meat meat it'd be enough. I guess it's back to the drawing board."

"You mean cutting board."

"No I mean- oh I see what you did there. Anyways good win." They shook hands and Galileo paid a thousand gold coins with their storage rings. "I'll beat you next time for sure."

"Any time. Let's share this with the other guests."

"Hey everybody we made a lot of extras! Come get some!" Galileo immediately regretted sharing as the estate was filled with the sounds of loud moaning and people fainting from the flavor.