Chereads / Emperor and Dragon ( A Black Clover Fanfiction) / Chapter 19 - Ch. 19 And who said cheaters didn't win

Chapter 19 - Ch. 19 And who said cheaters didn't win

At the newly built and decorated Pendragon estate in the capital, Magnus and Noelle host Lumiette and Galileo. They end their tour of the large estate in the garden resting under a pagoda which sits on the edge of a large pond that is framed with various wildflowers. Large carp swim around gracefully in the water with the sunlight glistening on their multicolored scales. The four of them sit at a table talking over tea and watching the fish swim around.

"Your home is so beautiful, and this garden is just to die for. The one at home pales in comparison, some of these flowers I haven't even seen in books."

"Yeah this place is pretty nice."

"Thanks. Now that everything's ready we're going to throw a house warming/birthday party in a few days."

"You're hosting a birthday party for Galileo?"

"It's both of their birthdays coming up, Magnus and Galileo were born on the same day."

"A joint birthday party, that would be much more fun! It's funny the two logic defying powers in clover were born on the same day, and are best friends/rivals so early on. I wouldn't be surprised if you two were friends in another life."

"Wouldn't that be something?" Says Galileo nervously.

"We want to invite all of our friends over for a good time. Everyone has been working so hard I think they deserve a chance to kick back and relax. Noelle went all out with the planning as you can see."

"(I was nervous that some of it wouldn't look good, but everyone likes it, ahhh I'm so happy) It was nothing really, I just threw some stuff together."

"She was nervous it wouldn't look good. You barely slept at all trying to arrange everything." Magnus had developed the habit of accurately guessing and revealing Noelle's inner tsundere moments (mainly to be petty since she always cuts off his laugh).

"N-no, why would you think I'd be nervous about something as stupid as that?" Her flustered face says Magnus was definitely right. Almost like he was in her head.

"Because I know my tsundere empress better than anyone else."

"Only my scheming Emperor could." Noelle's blush goes from embarrassed red to a more endearing expression as he stares soulfully into her eyes.

"Aww they're so cute together!"

"I don't get what's happening here." Galileo glances over at Lumiette noticing she's staring at him the way Noelle has been to Magnus. "What?"

"Oh nothing…Wait Galileo! Did you bring the designs for the wedding rings?"

"Yeah right here." He pulls a piece of paper out from his pocket and hands it to Magnus.

"Wow these are very detailed Galileo." Noelle looks over the designs with Magnus.

"How long do you think they-" Before Galileo even finished his question a green light flashed in his closed fist. Magnus outstretches his palm to Galileo and Lumiette, which upon opening reveals two rings. The first is made of Gold shaped like two twisting dragons. A large azure gemstone sits where their heads meet, with three black diamonds embedded in gaps between their bodies. The second is shaped like a phoenix whose wings would wrap around one's finger. It is solid gold with a black diamond on each wing and a white diamond on its back. "Eh, that fast?"

"I love them! I love them! I love them!" Lumiette snatches them and puts on the dragon ring, she even takes Galileo's hand to put his on for him. "They're beyond perfect! Thank you Magnus!" She can't pull her starry eyes away as she poses her hand next to Galileo's admiring the 'craftsmanship' of their new rings.

"(Hahaha this reminds me of when Obito used Kakashi's hand for a jutsu) I'm glad you like them. Since you two are so dear to me I even added a few enchantments to these rings. They can tell you when one another is in danger, allow for direct communications, and I can only imagine how it must be with the Vermillions so they are heatproof as well. " He explains while giving them his customer service smile.

"I know that look, what are you charging me?" The thought of Magnus pricing such a valuable item, made Galileo's stomach turn.

"They're worth about ten thousand gold coins."

"You sick bastard…I thought we were friends" fighting back the urge to vomit on the spot.

"Only ten thousand gold coins?" Lumiette shoots starry eyed a look to Galileo saying, 'Get them now!'

"Don't you think you're pricing these a little too high?"

Lumiette's expression sharpened and she pulled him by the collar of his shirt to Magnus and Noelle's disbelief "These rings are a symbol of our love, and also they are so beautiful! Not to mention these enchantments are incredibly convenient for any couple. No value in this world can be placed on something so precious! WE HAVE TO HAVE THEM NOW!"


"NO MATTER THE COST!" She sets him down, and smiles the sweetest smile ever seen, sitting in her seat like nothing happened.

"(I can't even haggle?)" Galileo tearfully reaches for his coin pouch.

"(I guess you have to toughen up sooner or later to deal with him daily…) I could be persuaded to drop the price to say…one hundred gold coins if you could get a certain item for me."

"(Here he goes again.)" Noelle can only roll her eyes as another scheme is set into motion.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT! NAME IT AND IT'S YOURS!" Finding out he could save valuable gold instantly consumed Galileo. Even though he still didn't hoard treasure like he used to in the past, letting go of valuables still burned him up every time.

"Oh nothing too excessive, just a dragon's tooth. I need one to-" Before he even finished speaking Galileo pulls a tooth on the spot and smacks it on the table with the one hundred gold coins."(…He didn't even think about it…)"



"I'm a dragon and a super high class one at that! That tooth should be perfect for whatever you wanna craft. It'll grow back later anyways."

"(Did that even hurt him? Galileo was always a little monster but pulling your own teeth should be painful for even him.)" Noelle was surprised he acted as if the tooth was never gone.

"That is true..." Wrapping it in a napkin and then it suddenly vanishes from his hand. "Pleasure doing business with you bro."

"How did you do that Magnus?"

"These rings are also storage rings. You can store whatever you want in a pocket dimension and bring it out whenever you want with a thought. Like so." The napkin reappeared in his hand, then it disappeared again. "Your rings have one hundred cubic meters each."

"That's incredible." This information only made Lumiette all the more enthralled with the rings and Galileo regretted spending the gold slightly less.

"Are you guys hungry? I have a few dishes I'd like you to try."

A clone of Magnus dressed up as a chef pushes a cart to the pagoda. He sets the table as if they were at a five star restaurant. "Good evening me, Gorgeous," he winks at Noelle and she blushes, while the real magnus isn't sure if he should be upset since it is him… "Galileo, Lumiette. I hope you enjoy the samples I've prepared for you today."

"I've prepared? You cook Magnus? (Troy never did.)"

"His cooking isn't half bad Galileo, (I don't think I've ever had better than Magnus' cooking. Everything he makes tastes gourmet.)"

"I don't think you've ever had anything better than my cooking…after all, everything I make tastes gour-" he dodges a shuriken "met."

"Stop doing that!"

Chef Magnus ignores the lovers quarrel and continues his presentation. Uncovering the domes from the four platters on the table he reveals their meal. "First, we have a wing gyoza stuffed with grilled pork. Second is a garlic parmesan chicken alfredo. The third dish is a favorite from Hodge village, the loaded pot potato. Fourth and finally for dessert I made crepes."

"Those all sounds good, but I don't think they really go together..."

"The foods he's willing to serve together is usually weird, but it always works out."

"I hope everything is to your liking, I shall return to check on you shortly." Chef Magnus takes a bow and poofs along with cart after setting the plates.

"Everything looks so delicious, I don't know where to start…"

"Pick anything, or try them all at once. I guarantee you'll love all of it." Lumiette and Noelle take crepes while Galileo tries the second suggestion of everything at once. Magnus watches them all take the first bite with a triumphant grin "(I know none of you have ever had, or will ever have better than my cooking. Thanks to the system, something you barely use Gali, I am the greatest chef in existence! Among other things of course. Behold the power of the god's tounge and Yukihara style in tandem!)HA-" Before he could laugh Noelle shoved a gyoza in his mouth.

The crepes were topped with powdered sugar and a special fruit puree Magnus had developed, and for the filling creamy chocolate. When they took the first bite it practically melted in their mouths, the girls were in a stupor from just one taste. Putting the sweetness into words was an impossible task as there was no reasonable benchmark for such flavor.

"(Those food wars-esque reactions were uncalled for, it can't really be that good. Unless...)" Galileo takes his first bite and instantly knows that those reactions were very called for. It tasted so incredibly delicious that he could barely even think, the next thing he knew he was picking himself up off the floor drooling. "What did you- how is it possible for food to be this, this…"

"Scrumptious? Delectable? Tongue tantalizing?"

"Yeah all that." For some reason, he's out of breath now.

"I made use of 'ALL' available resources. Careful selection, trial and error, extensive research, not to mention hard work."

Even though Magnus didn't say it out loud Galileo heard the message loud and clear 'Use your system dumbass!' "(I get it now… I could've used the system to cheat life way harder than just being strong. Who knows what talents he's bought? No matter, now that I know his secret it's only a matter of time before I get caught up. As a matter of fact I'll prove my 'genius' by surpassing him in cooking first.) I challenge you to a food war!"

"Food war? That sounds excessive." Noelle felt anything Galileo came up with probably wouldn't end well.

"He means a cook off."

"Oh I see."

"Bwahahaha! I'm a master of the flame, cooking is just one of the many uses I've found for my control of fire!(Once I buy a few talents, and study my system I'll be good to go.)"

"Really? How impressive Gali!"

"I never would have guessed you had talents outside of fighting."

"Alright I accept your challenge Galileo. We'll have the contest at our party."

"I look forward to it. Ladies you can be on the judging panel.

"We'd love to."

"It's settled then."

"Would you look at the time, there's this thing I have to do. See you guys around"

"But we cleared our schedules to spend the day here. What appointment could you possibly have?"

"It's just this thing, don't worry about it. Later!" A flash of purple and Galileo is gone. He reappears "Forgot something" He grabs his food and vanishes again.

"I wonder what that was about? Well let's not let such delightful food go to waste." Galileo's habit of running off on random whims annoyed her, but she didn't let it bother her too much.

"(He just left Lumiette here...)"

"(I thought he'd have filled her in with the system by now, then again can't teach what you don't know.)"

Back at the Vermilion estate Galileo has locked himself in his room to explore the system. "Alright system what do you got for me?"

"(I didn't know you had a system.)"

"(Wait what? You are my system how do you not know that?)"

"(You never use me! It's been ages since you even checked your stats! Do you know how many pending alerts you have built up? It's no wonder Magnus is so far ahead of you!)"

"((The heck is this? Even my system is giving me shit?) Umm my bad, can I check that stuff now?)"

"(Sure, wait until you get in a tight spot to ask for my help.)"

"(I don't remember you being this snippy.)"

"(I updated. You'd know that and a lot more if you pay attention to my alerts. Like how your system has finally synched with Magnus')"

"(Really when did that happen?")

"(Two days ago. When he got back to the capital.)"

"(Oh…well can we compare stats?)"

"(I'll send him request.)"

"(Link accepted- loading comparisons)

Name: Galileo Vermillion

Age: 12

Magic Affinity: Azure Lightning flame

Grimoire: None

Magic power/spirit energy:1250+500(average magic knight=500)

Magic sense/haki:680+400(average magic knight=350)

Durability/haki:1640+350(average magic knight=300)

Physical power/haki:1580+350(average magic knight=300)

Speed:950(average magic knight=250)

7700 avg. 1540

Skills and spells: Dragonifacation, Purple lightning form, quake, Sensory haki(mastered), Armament haki(mastered), Conquering kings haki(mastered), Archfiend's aura, Roukushiki(mastered), Way of the voice (mastered), Spirit wave(mastered), Azure demon dragon's evil arts(mastered), Zenkai boost, Mazoku blood atavism, dragon force, Devi-dragon drive, Enchanting(basic), Lightning Immunity, Scale armor, Primal lightning, Primal fire,

Non-combat abilities: jewel appraisal(mastered)

1st disciple -Leopold Vermillion-(12) Hellfire magic, Hellfire form, Dragonifacation, Sensory haki(mastered), Armament haki(mastered), Conqueror's haki(mastered), Fiend aura, Rokushiki(mastered), Hellfire dragon arts, Fire immunity, Dragon force/hellfire drive, Dragon of the darkness flame(mastered), Way of the voice(intermediate), Scale armor, Spirit wave(mastered)

2nd disciple -Yuno Pendragon(11)- wind magic, Magic circuits, Fujin(Wind based magic sword crafted by Magnus), Wind form, Sensory haki(mastered), Armament haki(mastered), Fiend aura, Conqueror's haki(mastered), Rokushiki(mastered), Golden heavenly roc slayer arts(adapted from sky god slaying and pendragon influence), Wind immunity, Sword intent(intermediate), Heavenly roc swordplay(intermediate) Nurarihyon blood, Fear(basic), Mana zone, Spirit wave(intermediate), Golden Heavens swordplay, Cool breeze swordsmanship(mastered),

3rd Disciple- Lumiette Kira Clover Vermillion(12)- Holy demon phoenix magic, Dark pull, phoenix form, healing flame, Sensory haki(mastered), Armament haki(intermediate), Conqueror's haki (basic), Fiend aura, Rokushiki(intermediate), white shadow phoenix arts(derived from white shadow dragon slayer arts), Dark Immunity, Phoenix force/holy shadow drive, Spirit wave(intermediate), Enchanting(intermediate)

Name: Magnus Pendragon

Age: 12

Magic Affinity: Heavenly Sword Sovereign

Chakra nature: Fire, water, lightning, earth, wind, yin, yang

Grimoire: None

Magic power/chakra/spiritual pressure:1000+700+500(average magic knight=500)

Magic sense/ Sage senses: 1300+740(average magic knight=350)

Durability: 1090(average magic knight=300)

Physical power: 1600(average magic knight=300)

Speed:1280(average magic knight=250)

8210 avg. 1642

Skills and spells: Eternal Mangekyo Rinne-Sharingan, Nine tails Jinchuriki, Kurama chakra link mode, Sword Sage mode, Various summoning jutsu, ninjutsu of varying levels from F to SSS, Sword style ninjutsu(mastered), Unlimited Blade works(mastered), Magic circuits, Instant Weapon Mastery, Weapon Creation(mastered), Weapon Summoning, Magic Circuits, Houkuto Shinken(mastered), Sword heart, Pure Progress, Time Leap(basic), Kido(mastered), True tensa zangetsu, Quincy arts(mastered), Arrancar arts(mastered), Four seasons swordplay(mastered), So close yet words apart(Mastered), Heavenly creation sword magic, Heavenly destroyer sword Magic, The one sword arts(mastered)

Non-combat abilities: Architect(mastered)God's tongue, Yukihara style(mastered), Alchemy(mastered), Pill making(mastered), blacksmithing(mastered), Formation master(mastered)…(continued on separate page)

1st disciple- Asta Pendragon(11)– Wind, fire, lightning, yang, chakra natures

Lightning release and body flicker technique, hidden leaf taijutsu, Sage mode, Multi shadow clone jutsu, Elemental ninjutsu of varying levels from F to SSS, Kusanagi Sword, Sword intent(mastered) Summoning Jutsu, Houkuto shinken(mastered), P, Kido(intermediate), Arrancar arts(mastered), ogame style-all elements(mastered)

2nd disciple- Kirsch Vermillion(14)-Water, earth, chakra natures

Cherry blossom magic, Elemental jutsu of varying levels, wood style(intermediate), Sage Mode, Fiend aura, Summoning jutsu, Magic circuits, Beautiful spring sword(magic sword crafted by Magnus), beautiful sword arts(mastered), sword intent(mastered), Houkuto shinken, True Senbonzakura, Quincy arts(mastered) Kido (intermediate), Vizord arts(mastered), Ogame style all elements(mastered)

3rd disciple -Noelle Silva(11-)-Water, wind, yin chakra natures

Water empress magic, Elemental jutsu of varying levels F to SSS, Perfect Heavenly Maiden Sage Mode, Summoning jutsu, Magic circuits, Empress Sword(Magic sword crafted by Magnus) Sword intent(intermediate), Houkuto shinken, unknown zanpacto, Quincy arts(mastered), kido(mastered), Arrancar arts(mastered), Ogame style-water(mastered), Empress swordplay(basic)

"(As you can see everyone's come a long way. Please note that he took the time to develop original techniques for himself and his disciples as well as revise his anime abilities. Also he has a full page for extra abilities. It's a shame someone decided to wait until now to start using their system. Now I fear even those hardworking disciples may fall behind their rivals just like their stupid master.)"

"(Ok I'm playing catch up, just help me fix the gap. Also, I need to become a master chef by the party.)"

"(Finally you ask for my help, you're definitely going to need it. you have nine thousand one hundred and sixty two pending notifications.)"

"(Its Over nine thousand!?)"

"(This is what happens when you don't check them for years on end.)"

"(Start from the beginning...)" For the next few days until the party very little of Galileo would be seen around the capital.