Chereads / Emperor and Dragon ( A Black Clover Fanfiction) / Chapter 14 - Ch. 14 Awards ceremony part 2 (Birth of the Heavenly Couple)

Chapter 14 - Ch. 14 Awards ceremony part 2 (Birth of the Heavenly Couple)

"MAGNUS!" The king is red faced with anger yet again.

"So this is the swordsman they all think can whoop me?" Yami mutters to himself with some disdain. then the gaze falls on him and his sword snaps sheathe and all. Only two words pop into Yami's mind a realm he thought existed in his homeland "sword intent." I must find this kid after this."

"You're just in time for your awards. Though I would ask you try to be on time next time." Julius says what king clover was going to say in a much more polite manner, however his tone still held authority.


"As for your first reward, your status of commoner has been elevated. The house Pendragon is now a noble family in the Clover kingdom only below the three Royal Houses."

"Finally the name Pendragon had become a name of nobility, as it should be. (Step one to ascending the throne. Though marrying into the Clover family would have made things faster… but its better this way I already found my Empress and Gali has no interest in politics anyway the king has thoroughly handed me the throne. Idiot.)" Magnus responds with a nod.

"Along with this, you have been given the land just east of the capital to cultivate and build the Pendragon estate."

"With all due respect could I have Hodge village as my territory instead?"

"What's a Hodge?" One of the spectators whispers to a friend.

"If it's alright with your majesty I would prefer to make my territory in the area I already call home. For those of you who didn't know my home is a border town. With Gali and the magic knights in the capital there should be no idiots who would attack here, but we cannot say the same for the forsaken lands that has always been a warzone. I will bring peace to the border region."

"(Tch! I wanted both of my new weapons near me and he wants to go way out to the edge of nowhere! Still it wouldn't do me too much good to upset him needlessly, and I can see a he has a way with words. He made it seem so noble swaying the hearts of commoners, nobles, and even my knights… No this cannot continue, this kid is not simple he has the mind of a ruler. But wait this suggestion fits he needs to be far from the capital as to not spread anymore of his influence…he will be worse than Julius.) Normally that is impossible but for you, I will make an exception this once. I grant Hodge Village and the surrounding wilderness and villages to you Magnus Pendragon of House Pendragon. Take this treasure to help cover the expenses of building your house up." He had the attendant bring him a chest of equal size to Galileo's filled with more valuables. "Secondly, this ancient manual martial arts manual said to be very valuable but no one has been able to make use of it. I bet a warrior of your 'noble bloodline' could put it to use." Another attendant brings a decrepit book with the big dipper constellation on the cover.

Magnus grins as he views the manual "(these techniques are the Houkuto Shinken! )" As he keeps reading he forgets he was in the middle of a royal ceremony. A golden aura encompasses him and his shirt explodes off.

"Woah what was that golden light!? Is that a constellation?"

"Oh my, he's very muscular for a child."

"AHEM!" The king goes to finish his announcements, drawing Magnus back to the real world and he realizes he's shirtless, glowing. "Was it necessary to disrobe?"

"My bad it was an accident." He traces himself a new tunic this one black with golden clover patterns and a white cape bearing the pattern of his mangekyo. "Thanks."

"For you third and last award today, House Silva offers the hand of their youngest daughter Noelle Silva, to be your bride in the future." Young blushing Noelle wearing a white dress with her hair tied in a long ponytail held up by a golden hair tie she got training with magnus as she enters the stage and stands beside Magnus.

"Hello Magnus." She had grown quite fond of him over the last week, as he devoted all her free time to helping her practice her magic and even listened to her problems. She was glad to be with him, though it was a little awkward being told she was suddenly engaged to him. Deep down she knew she was being used as an easy means of bringing Magnus into the Silva fold. Was that all she was worth to the Silva house? Just an embarrassment to be dumped off on someone else? She looks around to see some of the elder nobles smirking, as if they've checkmated the boy. She was visibly fighting back tears. She then thinks back to that resplendent smile that made her heart jump how it seem to make even the stars seem to lose the their splendor and even the moon couldn't compete with its radiance and begins to let her mind wander, will he think I planned this? Will he think I am like them just after benefits? Does Magnus even like me? How can someone like me be worthy of him? I bet he just pitied me and now he has to marry me? Will he treat me with contempt like they did now that I represent his house? All these thoughts happened a mile a minute inside Noelle's little head as she trembled and tears slowly fell even the audience began to misunderstand and pity her until..

Magnus takes a knee and holds Noelle's shaking hand. In his other hand appears a silver ring with a pattern like flowing water spiraling around beautiful ocean blue gemstones. He looks up at her with big black eyes. For that brief moment the domineering aura of a king is replaced with a kind loving warmth that puts all the worries in Noelle's heart at ease. "Noelle Silva, I haven't known you for long, but I've enjoyed the time we've spent together. I would be elated to be able to stay together with you until we are old and grey, though you're already grey." His little joke gets a chuckle out of her "The Sun will always rise and the cycle of the seasons will always be, as our love will always conquer all. Will you do me the honor of being my wife until the cycles end or the sun fails to rise and even beyond that?"

"Yes! Yes I will!" Her tears of sadness quickly become tears of joy as Magnus slides the ring on her finger and adds in one last thing "then just as the sun and moon do may we grow and depend on each other for eternity in this life and many more my fiancé ". The tears of joy kept coming, she openly wept with a beautiful smile that didn't diminish one bit with the tears. The crowds watch clap and cheer for the young couple. The scene elicited tears from many spectators who were moved by the touching proposal, but that would be fine if that was the end. However, at the moment the ring touched her hand a golden light rained down from the heavens on the two like a holy bath. At the same time a millions of golden lotus flowers flowed down from the heavens, entering the citizens improving their bodies constitutions and made some able to handle otherworldly energy. Everyone could only wonder in awe at the reason for this strange phenomenon. The answer was simply because the heavens exist above all worlds, and would always watch over it's chosen and their people. The people present couldn't help but turn toward the far border of clover, where they saw a 9-layer lotus fully developed pouring endless heavenly aura over a small area. Many wondered 'why there?' But those who knew what was happening knew why. It didn't just stop there another layer of silver added to the lotus's as they landed towards nobles. A huge golden lotus appeared, but it only spread its energy to one person, Yuno. Many would record this day in history when the emperor met the empress heavenly lotus's rain. Men now see this as the only way to propose in the future, and ring sales will skyrocket. As Magnus rose to his feet his eyes returned to the mangekyo, but his swords are now golden. His majestic domineering air came back with his sharingan, but this time his aura was not alone. It was like everything Magnus said triggered something in Noelle along with the golden aura her silver hair become vibrant like it illuminated the night. She seemed to be a couple years older mentally and physically as well. The air about her directly fit his as she stood there proudly hand in hand with Magnus. Her disposition steadily rising, at its peak the other nobles finally understood what was happening. This was not the air of a noble timid girl, this was the wife of the Emperor, so naturally this was her very own disposition of the Empress. Though still infantile now no doubt about this was an Empress' aura.

" He wasn't just talking the legends are true I must protect this kid with my life. For now it would be best to keep this to myself ..." he says to himself then immediately spews bullshit about how when two people are fated to be together a heavenly phenomena will accompany and it will bless the homeland of the recipients. The people believe this as this is true but he left out the part that it only happens when beings that the heavens themselves acknowledge do it, its like heavens gift but different beings get acknowledged by the heavens for different reasons. Only the king, nay Emperor's acknowledgment can trigger the heavenly lotus rain bringing 1000 years of good luck to a nation. The people madly discuss what just happened in passion but alas the awards ceremony wasn't over.

Just as the light begins to end Magnus hears the system *ding* "congratulations Magnus for finding soul mate. You get the following 3 items; Noelle Silva Pendragon will be instantly awarded the pure maiden heavenly sage body, and the ninjutsu knowledge of Tobirama Senju, her magic will be altered to Water Empress nature, finally a gift from me it's called veil of the heavens no longer can anyone peer into your fate or future. Your path is veiled by the heaven's congrats host on the engagement."

Magnus just stands there stunned then looks at Noelle who is stunned about the changes in her body too. She hears Julius lame excuse and almost wants to laugh but just whispers "tell me later" as she begin to ingest the new knowledge she has and her new role. The new couple then stood proudly to the other side of the king from Galileo and Lumiette. The king in the middle of these four seemed so small, somewhat insignificant while these two new arrivals seemed to be giving of a lofty feeling from high above all others.

"Aww your friend is so sweet Galileo!" Lumiette seeing this tries making conversation with the vegetable to no avail.

"(Magnus was happy to have Noelle, this works out.)" The head of house Silva thinks to himself. "(But this change in her, was it caused by him? Or did we underestimate her? Either way she'd better know her limits and that she is still a daughter of house Silva. One of those two are likely to sit on the Clover throne. At first I thought this brat would just be our safety net when the Vermillion kid takes the throne but I couldn't be more wrong, This is the closest house Silva has gotten to the throne yet. That other brat disdains the kings daughter and he has more right to the throne. Hopefully that stays as he grows up, then the queen of the kingdom will be our puppet.)"

"Congratulations you two. All of Clover appreciated your hard work, we hope we can continue to count on you as you lead the next generation to even greater heights." Julius congratulates them one last time "that concludes this evenings ceremony. I wish all of you a good evening and safe travels!"

"I as we-" the screen and amps cut off on the king as everyone goes their separate ways. "BAH! I'm going home. Lumiette don't stay out too late!"

"Yes father." The king leaves with his entourage knowing his daughter is most likely safer than him. Yuno and Leopold also Join the group from their perch. "You must be Leopold, nice to meet you." She greets her new brother in law with a pure and innocent smile, one really to good for the monster she was betrothed to.

"Call me Leo! You're my sister now. Anything you need let me know."

"Thank you Leo, I will remember that. And you must be…"

"Yuno, I'm Magnus' little brother."

"Oh I see you two have such incredible big brothers."

"Ehehe, Yeah they're pretty great."

"Eh, they're ok…"

"Oh speaking of, is he heavy?" Leopold goes to grab his stupefied brother.

"He's fine, he's pretty much standing on his own…He hasn't said much though. I imagined Galileo to be more talkative than this."

"Enjoy the peace while it lasts sis…"

"Very interesting idea Magnus. You intend to create a sword sect?" Julius and Magnus discuss future plans.

"Yes, I intend to create a school where anyone can devote themselves to the sword. My swordsmen will serve a similar purpose as the magic knights. To serve and protect our people, however they won't be limited to magic. I'll be able to arm each member with a suitable sword to compliment their powers be it ninjutsu, magic or anything else out there. It'll be called it the Heavenly Sword Sect. "

"Heavenly sword sect? It has a very powerful name."

"Only fitting for a powerful group. However. I'll need to find a more suitable place to set up. I have other plans for Hodge village in the future."

"Where did you have in mind then?"

"I'm not sure yet, it has to be a good location, meeting certain criteria. I want to think on it a bit more. Also, Galileo and I have discussed plans to begin- Galileo wake up, we're talking business!" A shuriken planted square in his forehead snaps Galileo out of his daze.

"OUCH BASTARD! What'd you do that for!" He finally snaps out to notice the ceremony is over. "What's going on? Last thing I remember was…I'm engaged." His mood drops and he pulls away from Lumiette.

Whether or not her feelings were hurt Lumiette didn't show it, she only confirmed with a smile "Yes we're engaged."

Not wanting to talk about it anymore Galileo turned to Magnus "What'd you want?"

"We were discussing our plans for Clover's future while you were spazzing out. Your idea came up in the conversation. Wouldn't it be best if you talked about it?"

"Oh right! To put it simply I want to open a guild hall that primarily handle exploration, monster hunting, foraging and what not. It won't have any special requirements to join and It will accept jobs from anyone who puts in a request, gotta think of a way to screen the shady jobs though. The main point is each and everyone will have the options of carrying out tasks suited to their skills at their discretion, instead of taking orders on every little thing. Independent yet unified. It'll provide an easily accessible labor force to everyone in the kingdom."

"What a wonderful plan! You're so brilliant Galileo!" Lumiette tries and fails to get Galileo's attention again.

"I'm still working out a bunch of the kinks."

"It seems the two of you will be quite busy in the near future. I look forward to seeing how these innovations to our kingdom's infrastructure improve efficiency. If you need any assistance don't hesitate to ask the Ashen deer, you'll have our full support."

"Thank you Captain Julius."

"We appreciate it. I'm gonna take off, I have stuff to do. Leo, Yuno don't be late."

"Wait Galileo! Don't you think we could-" Lumiette is choked by smoke as Galileo blasts off in the middle of her sentence like a rocket. "*Cough cough* I'll see you later my love!" Waving to a blazing blip in the distance.

"He literally took off…with the shuriken still stuck in his head." Yuno start to ascend with wind magic. "I guess we should go after him. See you."

Magnus looks the two younger brothers over to see them covered in bandages and bruises. "(I see he's not holding back at all with their training.) Don't overdo it you two." Yuno gives a nod and he's off.

"If you'd like I can escort you to the castle."

"That's ok I will take a carriage. It seems Galileo would like some space for now." Lumiette dusts some of the ash. "Thank you for offering Leo."

"It'll look bad if Yuno beats me by too much. See you guys around! Welcome to the family Lumiette, I think Gali would want you to have that treasure he forgot about. Give Him some time, I think he's just… a little scared of commitment, but don't tell him I said that!" He leaps several meters into the air and jets off when he's high enough to not smoke anyone out.

"You all have a lovely evening. I thought your proposal was beautiful Magnus." A saddened Lumiette joins her servants to escort her home.

"Do you mind If I go with her?"

"I'd feel better if you did." Noelle goes to join Lumiette on her way. "Poor girl…"

"I hope Galileo will give her a chance."

"Time will tell. Now, we should prepare to go to Hodge."