Description: Planet Claire takes the form of four small satellites, around the size of an average adult woman's hand, that orbit around Claire numbered 1 to 4.
Number 1 resembles the CALIPSO satellite, with a red eye acting as its lens.
Number 2 resembles the SORCE satellite with a light blue eye in the centre of each solar panel.
Numbers 3 and 4 resemble the Jason satellite with a bright yellow eye filling up its largest dish.
Speed of light analysis: Planet Claire is able to guide Claire into taking the best actions possible to ensure her success or survival. This appears to her as a strong instinctual feeling.
Stand Type: Sentient, Close-Long Range, Artificial Non-Humanoid, Colony
Destructive Power: D
Speed: C
Range: B (no limit on vertical movement)
Durability: B
Precision: C~A
Developmental Potential: A
※ = Likely higher
A = Very Good B = Good C = Average D = Poor E = Very Poor ? = Unknown ∅ = None