Chapter 11 - Love

Third pov

Snow glistens as the sun creeps over the horizon, sending light scattering in all directions. The vast field is silent and still as if frozen in time. The white powder's surface is clean and pure, unfazed by the world around it. A lone, white tree stands in the center of the field. Sunlight reflects off the Icicles as they dangle from each bare branch and illuminates each snowflake as it falls onto the crumpled body beneath it. As nuggets jump around the snow.

Igarata: " I remember this place, so what are we doing here?"

Kaganari: " I told the others to come here."

They got close to a tree with a swing on it.

Igarata: " We use to go here a lot of time." She touches the tree.

Kaganari lap his back on the tree and looked at her. She turned her head at him, his glare made her cheek red. She thought her self his eyes are so beautiful. His eyes were a spring storm when the sun was just coming out, the greys and blues mixed beautifully. Why am I stare at him so long? Kaganari slowed looked away. She touches her cheek slower. She looks up at the tree, and notice a big path of snow falling. They hit her head.

Igarata: " OW, that cold."

Kaganari began to laugh. He removes the snow off of her face. After he was done, she moved her head.

Igarata: " My cheek is cold." She touches them.

Kaganari: " What a idoit."

Igarata: " Hey, I'm not an idiot-"

Yorizora: " H-Hey," she places her scarf up a bit.

Kaganari: " Hey." He smiled.

Yorizora slower smiled.

Igarata slowed started to feel sad. She took a breath and let it out.

Igarata: " I'm Igarata Iwaizumi."

Yorizora: " I'm Yorizora Tsukishima."

Kuwajima Tanaka pov

I began to brush my hair, I looked at myself in the mirror. I slowed smiled, as I turned around. Hanaraki-Senpai was laying on my light blue bed. I tired my hair.

Kuwajima: " Senpai, I'm ready."

Hanaraki: " Oh okay~" She got up. " Let hurry, my brothers properly wait for us."

Kuwajima: " Right." I began to smile brightly.

I opened my door and grab my things. I saw my dad hugs, my mom.

Kuwajima: " Daddy, I'm leaving okay."

Tanaka: " Where are you going?"

Kuwajima: " I'm going with Hanaraki to place, that her others are going."

Kiyoko: " Honey, I told her, she can go if Hanaraki is there with her."

Tanaka: " ... w-why l-let h-her go..." He placed his head on Kiyoko's shoulder.

Kiyoko: " She in high school now."

Tanaka: " She growing so fast..."

Kiyoko: " I know she is."

Kuwajima: " Well bye mom and dad~" She waved.

Hanaraki: " Bye Ms. and Mr. Tanaka."

Kiyoko: " Take care."

I and Hanaraki ran to the front door, as my dad stares at us. I closed the door, he seems sad now, I giggles. I step on the white snow, the cold winds flash in my face.

Kuwajima: " That was cold."

Hanaraki: " It funny, how my older brother loves the snow so much. I don't know why."

Kuwajima: " Which brother?"

Hanaraki: " Kaganari."

Kuwajima: " I can't wait to see him." I got happy.

Hanaraki: " But I don't understand how Kaganari gets sad when the snow falls from the sky."

Kuwajima: " Then their someones that he miss."

Hanaraki: " How do you know so much about love."

Kuwajima: " I don't know.."

Hanaraki: " But that a good thing to me, you let me know that Asagas had feelings for me."

Kuwajima: " You didn't know that you had feelings for him."

Hanaraki: " Yeah."

After I and Hanaraki making to the placed. There were a lot of people, as I saw a girl with black hair looking at Kaganari, As the boy looks at another girl. Is this a triangle love?-

Asagas: " Hey Hanaraki."

Hanaraki: " He babe." She huged him.

I noticed, there was a lot of love going on and they were a lot of Triangle love to the same person. There a lot of people like Kaganari but as a friend? They're a girl with grey hair like Kaganari. Then there a black-haired girl who likes him too, but they're a boy who likes the black hair girl. Then Kaganari likes the girl with blond hair with glasses, but ... there something weird about her too ... Wait I'm thinking too much? Now am I getting confused.

Hanaraki: " Kuwajima?"

Kuwajima: " Yes?"

Hanaraki: " Let go meet with my brother."

Kuwajima: " Oh okay."

I and Hanaraki walked to Kaganari and Kurinaha.

Kurinaha: " Brother! we having our game next week!." He got happy.

Kaganari: " Are you going to national?"

Kurinaha: " Well we have to bet that team to go to national..."

Kaganari: " ... You remember what I told you?"

Kurinaha: " Yeah... it my last year with the team.." He looked down.

Kaganari placed his hand on Kurinaha's head.

Kaganari: " You know, that how I felt when I left the team." He rising Kurinaha's head up. " If you make it to national, I will go to your game. All the game." He smiled softly.

Kurinaha: " Okay, I will try my best."

Kaganari: " Well you should tell that to your girlfriend. Since she the one who set the ball." Kaganari looked at Kuwajima.

Why is he staring at me ...

Hanaraki: " Kaganari, this is Asagas childhood friend."

Kaganari: " Oh Hi, I'm Kaganari Kageyama."

Kuwajima: " I-I'm Kuwajima Tanaka.."

Kaganari: " Tanaka?..." He stood there. " OH, you're his daughter?!"

So he knows my dad. He turns his head to the blond hair girls. Does he love her? I looked around as the black hair girl stares at him. I having a feeling that he going to have a had time to choose a girl. I looked at Hanaraki, she softly smiled.

Hanaraki: " I guess, you found her again."

Kaganari: " Yeah.." He smiled brightly.

Kurinaha: " I like seeing that smiled on you, it reminded me of the old days. "

I wonder what he means by "again" ... did something happened between them...