Chapter 17 - Kids?

Yorizora pov

As I heard someone calling my name, kids yell ... why are there kids yell? Kid crying?


"Sweetheart wake up."

I open my eyes, I seem so tiny? Why am I short ... WHY ARE MY HAND ARE TINY???

Yamaguchi: " Your friends want to play with you." He smiled.

Tsukishima: " Let her sleep." He got annoyed.

" But we want to play with her, Adakino doesn't want to play with us..."

Tsukishima: " Then force him."

Yamaguchi: " She woke up."

What happening?? should I say something?

Yorizora: " I want to play?" She yawned.

I am so tired. My mom placed me down as I look at my dad.

Tsukishima: " You sure, you don't want to sleep more."

Yorizora: " No." I turn around.

I was shocked, the kid looks like-

Sakamoto: " Let go play, Kaganari waiting for us."

The white hair girl grabs my hand and starting to run to a room.


Kaganari: " Yeah." He smiled. " Now we can play!"

Tsukita: " Yay." she smiled.


Aritagi: " Wait she was sleeping?"

Iwanobu: " So, she wants to play."

Igarata: " I want to play."

Kaganari: " Oh she new to your family?"

Iwanobu: " Yup, that why I couldn't play with you anymore cause me and mommy was taking care of her last year."

Sakamoto: " So she your new sister."

Iwanobu: " Yes."

Kaganari: " What her name??"

Iwanobu: " Igarata." He smiled.

Kaganari: " That a pretty name!" He smiled. " Can I grab her?"

Iwanobu: " Yeah sure."

He walked with the girl and give it to him.

Kaganari: " I want brother and sister." He put a sad face on him.

Iwanobu: " Why don't you ask your parent??"

Kaganari: "I should." he got happy.

I watch them, this is weird, what if- OH I GOT A IDEA.

Yorizora: " Can I hold her?" I walk to Kaganari.

Kaganari: " Sure." He smiles.

I grab Igarata and whisper to her.

Yorizora: " Is that you Igarata ?" I stare at her. " Move your head if you know me."

She moves her head.

Yorizora: " Good." She smiles.

Kaganari: " Yorizora, let go, we are going to get Adakino and Okinako."

We ran to Okinako, as I hold Igarata in my hand.

Kaganari: " Okinako!!" He yell.

Okinako: " Kaganari?"

Kaganari: " We going to play a game, want to join?"

Okinako: " But I'm drawing."

Iwanobu: " It looks like your done.."

We stood in silence.

Okinako: " We can play the game." He got up and place his drawing on the table. " Let get Adakino."

We went to Sakusa table.

Okinako: " UNCLE!"

Sakusa: " Oh Okinako?"

Okinako: "I want Adakino.."

Sakusa: " I want?"

Aritagi: " Ummm no, We want to play with Adakino. "

Tsukita: " Did we ask Adakino, and he said no?" She whispers to Kaganari.

Kaganari: " Sssshhhh."

Sakusa: " Sure?" He place down Adakino.

Adakino: " But-"

Okinako: " Let play."

We went back to the room.

Adakino: " What game are we playing?" He sat down.

Kaganari: " Tsukita and Sakamoto want to play Family."

Adakino: " I'm leaving." He got up.

Sakamoto: " Why?" She begins to cry.

Adakino: " I was kidding." He sat down.

Tsukita: " So who going to be the dad?"

Sakamoto: " It should be Aritagi since he older one here."

Aritagi: " NO, I don't want to be the dad."

Kaganari: " I could be the dad."

Sakamoto: " Okay then Yorizora be the mom?"

Yorizora: " Oh okay.."

Sakamoto: " Igarata and Okinako is your kid."

Okinako: " okay?"

Sakamoto: " I and Adakino are mom and dad ... and Tsukita, Iwanobu and Aritagi are my kids."

Adakino: " There no way I am going to dad."

Aritagi: " Then I will do it." He brushes.

Adakino: " I thought you said no."

Aritagi: " I change my mind."

Sakamoto: " Let get the game started."