"this is not the end" said jack. "yesshhh.. I was about get happy because I thought the nightmare ended.. Only for it to be a beginning.. Arrrghhh... This hurts" said Henry while trying to move. "yea..h.. It does hurt a lot.. But.. I will be fine" said Sam.. "can you guys move?" said jack.. "I can.. Though it is going to hurt a lot" said Sam.. "I can't... My legs have been cut deep.. I won't even try.." said Henry.. "yeeshh I will carry you then" said jack. Jack first ripped out some of his clothing to wrap around Sam's and Henry's wounds. Jack then lifts Henry on his shoulder to carry him. "this room is.. Interesting to say the least..we came out of chambers.. Who ever built this is a genius" said Sam. "ummm guys.. Look over there" Henry points to something. "... What the fuck?" said jack. "there... Are more than 3 chambers here.!" said Sam. "look at this one.. It has a fiber like strings inside it.. And those ones.. Those have different structures and set ups to them.. It looks like they were used for something other than the nightmare world" said sam.. "well... Whatever it is.. We need to get the fuck.. *coughs* out of here" said Henry. "agreed" said both of Jack and Sam. They see that the door is made out of metal and it looks automatic. "wow.. This is advanced" said sam. jack then pushed a button. The door then opened."not too advanced" said jack. The trio got out of the mysterious chamber room and into a.... "What..The.. Fuck?!" said Henry while being shocked. "why... Are we flying?" questioned Sam.. "and what are we on.. Exactly?" questioned Jack.. The trio looks around the place.. It is very big and has a lot of technology in it. "this place is fully made out of metal" said sam. "guys.. Are on.. A Battleship?" questioned Henry.. "well whatever it is.. It looks like nightmare and his friends work here.. And they might be close now" said jack. The trio were filled with fear. Nightmare was hard. But now it looks like they have to go pass someone who is equally strong or worse than him.. "I don't want to see anymore of these monster like creatures.." said Henry. "but. He was human before turning into a monster" said Sam. The trio then see a stairway up. "well it looks like we have to advance upwards" said jack. "let's be careful. Anything can happen" said Sam. Jack then went up the stairs carefully so he won't drop Henry and Sam went up quietly and slowly to not draw any attention. The trio then reached a floor full of rooms. "yeeshh. If we search these rooms we won't finish till tomorrow. Let's just continue going forward.. As the trio started to move.. They heard footsteps coming forward.. They stopped in their track panicking.." oh no.. What are we going to do!?" said Sam." let's enter one of the rooms" said Henry. The 3 entered a random room to hide from whoever is approaching. They hid until the footsteps disappeared. "wooh. That was close" said Henry. "too close" said Sam.. The trio then saw 2 mysterious balls in front of them. "What.. Are those?" asked Henry. "not a clue" said Sam. Then Sam proceeded to grab one of the balls. The ball reflected electricity. "woohh. Pretty cool". Sam then proceeded to harden his grip on the ball a little bit.. And the ball shattered and... "AAAARGGGHHHHHH"
To be continued.