"HAHAHAHAHA". "the soul that came out of Jack... It is laughing!!?" said Sam. "argh.. What ha-.. What.. WHAT ARE YOU?" screamed jack In terror and confused to why the figure that looks like him is in front of him laughing. "I am finally free from this worthless body" said the figure. The figure grabs Jack by the neck and slams him to the ground. "JACK" screamed both sam and Henry.
"you two. Don't even try to do anything or I will make you suffer too. I have waited years for this to happen. To get out of you to cause chaos, kill and make those who wronged me suffer. Including you. I can't kill you because my body is linked to your soul. If you die then I will die. But. I can make you suffer as much as I want without feeling one strand of pain. I will take over your body someday. Weather it is in your sleep. Or walking on a normal day.. Or you trying to defeat me. I will have your body.. And... Your freedom" said the jack figure.
The trio are trembling in fear of what is in front of them. The figure threw jack to sam and Henry. The figure went to the control panel of the ship. "I have no time for clicking buttons" said the jack figure. He punched the panel and destroyed it. Opening the door and Destroying the auto pilot with it. "error. Error. The auto pilot has been destroyed. Error error. The ship is going down". "What. The fuck did you just do" said Sam. He noticed something in a tube "so this ship can teleport huh.". He grabbed an object that looks like the one that teleported them into universe 3. " I don't care about you two as. I only care about mercer.
You will find a way to escape the ship. Or you will die". "hey.. HEY. HOW ARE WE GOING TO ESCAPE?!!" yelled Henry. "you will have to figure it out". "figure it out.. THE SHIP IS ABOUT 2 MINUTES AWAY FROM HITTING THE GROUND" yelled jack.. The figure punched the wall multiple times and made a big hole "well. I will see you later." he jumped out of the battle ship into the free sky and disappeared. The trio are panicking "oh man this is bad. What are we going to do?!" said Henry. "we ca-" said jack.
The ship is beginning to go down vertically. "well shit" said jack. The trio are beginning to slide from the room. "woohh. Woooooh.". The trio began to fall down in the ship. "Hey. We have to destroy that wall or we will fall and die." I can't destroy walls. I have electricity for power" said Sam. "but I can" said Henry. "concentrate. Focus. Transmit. RELEASE". Henry used his powers to destroy the wall but it injured his other arm. "arrghh damn it". The trio fell from the hole in the ship into the open sky. "ummm.. WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO" screamed Henry. "AAAAAAAHHH.. I DON'T WANT TO DIE" screamed Sam.
"yeeeshhh try to use your pow-" Said jack. "Hey. look there" jack pointed to two objects falling in the sky... "that's.. A power orb" said Henry. "and that is the object that teleported us here" said Sam. "how did they get here?!" said jack. The power orb and the object got close to the trio. Jack grabbed the power orb and Sam grabbed the teleporing object.
"well here goes nothing" said jack. Jack pressed tightly to the orb and it broke transmitting it's power to jack. "AAARGHHH.. AAAAHH" jack was in pain when he got the powers. "jack are you alri-?" asked Sam. "no time to ask just put 72,642" Said jack. Sam can only see the button and nothing else "I DON'T KNOW HOW" screamed Sam. "SHHIITTTTTT" screamed Henry. "screw it" jack pressed the button and then... It all turned black.. The trio then woke up. "Arrrghhhh my head.. What happened?" said Sam. "arrgghh my arms.. It hurts" said Henry. "we... We are back.." said jack. The trio then noticed the object laying besides them...
"This.. Is an adventure I don't want to explore again" said Henry. Jack grabbed the object. "I will keep it with me" said jack. "you will WHAT?" asked Sam. "this damn thing was the reason we almost died" said Sam. "yeah... But now we have powers.." said jack.. Sam then tried his powers.... It didn't work. "well.. It looks like it works only there.. That is good to know" said jack. "hold up.. What time is it?" asked Henry. They walk out of the alleyway into the sidewalk.
They see a pedestrian walking by. "hey can you tell us what time is it now." asked Sam. "sure darling. It.. Is.. 3:27 pm" said the lady. "thanks Mrs." Said Henry. "you are welcome darlings" said the lady. She walked away. "3:27 pm?.. We got out of school at 2:20 pm.. And it took us 7 minutes to walk to the alleyway." said Sam while analyzing.
"it felt like we were in there for a day." said Henry. "well we walked out of there alive somehow but still I don't how we even did and how they knew what universe we are from. And.. Who was that figure. and why does he look like me?. ... We should keep this universe thing to ourselves and not tell anybody about it. Got it" Said jack.
"got it" said both Sam and Henry. "Alright. And Henry go and buy another uniforms. It looks like it's sleeves got torn during the battle." said jack. "alright I will do that tomorrow. I have a spare at the house" said Henry. "alright.. Let's go and eat lunch in the diner you told me about.. I am starving" said jack.
"alright let's go" said Sam. The trio then went to the diner together to eat and reflect on what happened while keeping it a secret.
Meanwhile in universe 3. Two mysterious men wearing cloaks appeared in front of the ship's ruin. "Oi.Oi.Oi. What happened here?" said the first man. "it looks like the ship fell down to it's doom" said the second. "but.. Doctor Issac never failed with his creations" said the first. "it looks someone defeated nightmare and genocide and made the ship go down" said the second.
"someone defeating two of the mutants.. Heheheha that's very interesting" said the first.. "yeah.. No one came close to hurting the mutants before" said the second.
"well.. They were the weakest mutants." said the first. "Issac was the smartest of the mutants and genocide was... Ahem. The first of the 9" said the second. "we have to go back and report to the base... He won't be happy" said the first. "he's never happy. He is the reason we are monsters who lost themselves to the bloodshed that's called life...there is no turning back now" said the second.
"I just wish it was possible... Let's just go and get it over with nano"
"yeah.. Right behind you"
To be continued.