Chereads / Pokemon: Second Chance At Life / Chapter 12 - Chapter 11

Chapter 12 - Chapter 11

"You mean we will be camping on the ground instead of taking the Corviknight cabbie. Count me out then I do not want to mess up my clothes at all." Clover shudders at the thought of being dirty. I feel relief at knowing that I will not be traveling with this brat. That I will be left alone with my pokemon without any brat complaining about everything.

Clover goes to bed after saying this. I go outside to get my team. My pokemon came running up to me and were returned to their pokeballs. I also go downstairs to receive Balwin's pokeball. Tomorrow will be a full day of exploring before I arrive at Hulburry gym. I get into bed for the night dreaming.

I wake up the next morning to see the sun rising up. I make sure to get everything ready to leave right away. I make sure to leave quietly to make sure that if Clover changed her mind that she could not join me. I sneak out and let Mercy and Echo out of their pokeballs once I no longer see the pokemon center. Echo huffs following after me while Mercy settles down in my hair. It's a new start of a new day without any spoiled brats ruining the day for me.

A voice comes from behind me," Wait I need to talk with you." Nope I am not waiting for whoever the heck that is. I run as if my life is on the line. Well it actually might be on the line with someone chasing after me. It turns out whoever was chasing me was pretty fast. Whoever was chasing me grabbed me yanking me, and turned me around to face them. Echo jumps and tries to attack whoever was doing this but out of the corner of my eyes I see a light green blur something jump out and protect that person who grabbed me.

I see a young man grinning," Hey I wanted to thank you for what you said at the pokemon center about believing in yourself and in your pokemon. I took what you said and won my match yesterday. I want to travel with you and to become stronger by beating you one day. By the way I won't take no for an answer." Echo and the strange pokemon stop fighting after I signal Echo to stop.

"Look I do not want a traveling companion but seeing how you are most likely going to be following me anyway if I do tell you no I guess you can come along. Oh and also my name is Honey Ketchum and this is Mercy and Echo. What is your name?" I gesture to Mercy and Echo introducing them to the teen.

He grabs his pokemon," Well my name is Rain Everstone and this my partner Trapinch. It is really great to be able to travel with you Honey!" Wait a minute this is Rain Everstone one of the rival companions I made that travels with the main character to defeat Team Mafia. That means that he will follow me no matter what happens to me on my journey. His Trapinch is also considered a failure by Team Mafia because it was a different color than it was supposed to be. It was deemed this because of Team Mafia's goal to have pokemon with third typings to be unnoticeable from their regular counterparts.

I hope that this is not going to be a mistake bringing someone I don't know on my journey. I walk off with my new traveling companion to Hulbury. It took a few hours and Rain made lunch for me and the pokemon. Honestly it was the best food I have ever had in my two life times of experience and that is saying something since I used to travel to be able to try new food.

Rain showed me that his light green Trapinch and his Caterpie. He tells me that he was hoping to become a pokemon breeder and about his love for bug type pokemon. That champion Bisck is actually his brother who helped put their family pokemon breeder ranch on the maps. Then proceeded to talk about Bisck the whole way to Hulbury. It honestly became quite annoying to hear about how great Bisck and bug type pokemon are.

He stopped once Hulbury was in sight giving me a chance to take in the sights. Echo walks slightly in front of me and Rain. I see someone I honestly thought I would not see for a whilile Hazel. He was sitting on the wall outside Hulbury.