Chereads / Pokemon: Second Chance At Life / Chapter 18 - Chapter 17

Chapter 18 - Chapter 17

After talking to Henry I decided to train for the next week. Henry took me and Rain to the secret waterfall that Michio showed him the week before. It was an hour walk past the gym. It was well hidden by the forest that was behind the gym. When we got there Henry told me how he found the waterfall. It was by following him because he was curious about where Michio went when he said he was training. Well more like Henry stalking Michio to find out where he disappeared to when he was training for the gym here.

When we reached the waterfalls I see Michio standing on the top. He has his Larvesta on his head. Then he jumps off the waterfall slamming onto a rock below. It almost gave me a heart attack when I saw this.

"Henry I thought I told you not to come here again." Fire seems to be radiating off of Michio.

Henry waves his hands." Well you know me I had to show Honey this amazing training ground."

Michio slaps his mask." Next time do not come here when you know I will be here. You know I hate it when anyone sees me training."

Henry," Aw you know it was one time and you got back at me by stealing all my food for a week straight. I really wanted to eat the seafood here but no you had to steal it." Pouting Henry turns away from Michio.

Michio huffs," You deserve it anyway you were eating to much. You were starting to get fat."

Henry cries and runs at Michio punching him into the water," I am not fat you are just jealous that I can eat more than you. Now enough about that Honey needs to train before the gym match."

Rain deadpans," Hey you forgot I need to train for the gym match to."

Henry turns around his mask with a horrible look on it," Rain shut up you are just not that important." Rain in response cries and I pat him on the shoulder.

"Rain its okay buddy your important to me. Hey at least we will both be training together. Don't worry Henry will apologize otherwise I will tell everyone his big dark secret." I glare at Henry while comforting Rain. The Trapinch even joins in by pawing Rain's pant leg. It almost made me aw in joy at the sight of Trapinch trying to comfort Rain.

Henry looks at me betrayed," Rain I'm sorry you are important and I should not have said that. Michio I'm sorry but could you please let Honey and Rain train here." Henry helps Michio out of the water.

Michio making sure his Larvesta is okay," Fine you can train here if you promise not to destroy anything." He pointedly looks at Henry when he says this. Henry's mask changed into a surprised look and he looks confused at what Michio is implying.

Henry looks at him," Michio I am traveling with you to the next gym remember." The Larvesta gives Henry an unimpressed look.

Michio does not even acknowledge Henry," Honey you can train here only if you promise that you will be careful and not destroy the waterfall." I promise Michio that I will try my best to not destroy the waterfall. Rain makes the same promise but Michio ignores him causing Rain to look depressed again.

Michio and Henry leave promising to battle me at Motostoke. Now it is just me and Rain left to train for the next week before challenging the gym. If everything goes well then after beating the gym we can both go to Motostoke to challenge the gym leader there.

"Well Rain let's start training." I release Mercy to fight Rain.

"Really Honey, okay Trapinch you got this." Rain's Trapinch jumps forward looking ready to battle.

This is how we spent our week battling each other and any wild pokemon we could find. It was easier this time since I had a friend to share the pain of predators stalking close to camp. Mercy evolved during a mock battle between him and Rain's Trapinch. Balwin the crazy battle manic also evolved after challenging every pokemon that would accept. He evolved after almost dying from a battle with a Garados. It was terrifying seeing him flying through the air heavily bleeding from multiple wounds on his body. I tried to save him but Echo stopped him stating that Balwin will be fine. When I saw him evolve after declaring he will not give up I felt relief. He barely managed to beat the Garados and with pride showed me the Garados scale he won from his battle. I strung the scale on a piece of string and put it on Balwin.

Jane, Jayden and their Morepeko showed up a few times demanding Leilani to be handed over. And Even though it was Leilani's first time battling she did great. She took down their pokemon sending them running. They kept showing up and every time me or Rain would beat them and they would come back with even more insane plans to pokenap Leilani.

Their was even an off color Duskull that had a plank hanging off its neck. It read that it was sent by Psypsy to take Leilani since his guards Jane, Jayden and Morepeko were useless. The Duskull just like the trio is persistent and would not leave us alone. It was beaten by Minuet, my mostly happy Snorunt, who had enough of it trying to take Leilani every day without fail. It even ticked off Minuet so much that she has declared that Duskull as her nemesis.

After all that excitement we decided that we are ready to challenge the gym. After dealing with all the craziness of Team Mafia, Duskull, battle hungry Balwin and predators it felt amazing to be back in town. Now here I am walking in to the gym to challenge the gym leader hoping that this will be easier than the week has been so far.

Honey's pokemon:

1. Echo(Raboot): level 24

Gender: Female

Egg Move: Super Fang(Unlocked)

Moves: Growl, Ember, Quick Attack, Flame Charge, Tackle, Agility and Super Fang.

2. Mercy(Corvisquire): level 19

Gender: Male

Egg Move: Roost(Locked)

Moves: Peck, Leer, Power Trip, Hone Claws, Fury Attack, Pluck, Brave Bird, Swift and Snore.

3. Leilani(Togepi): level 18

Gender: Female

Egg Move: Future Sight(Locked)

Moves: Growl, Pound, Sweet Kiss, Life Dew, Charm, Ancient Power.

4. Minuet(Snorunt): level 22

Gender: Female

Egg Move: Icicle Crash(Unlocked)

Moves: Astonish, Leer, Double Team, Ice Shard, Icy Wind, Protect, Endure and Protect.

5. Balwin(Meowstic): level 24

Gender: Male

Egg Move: Yawn(Unlocked)

Moves: Scratch, Leer, Fake Out, Disarming Voice, Confusion, Covet, Psybeam, Iron Tail, Calm Mind, Ally Switch and Sucker Punch.