Tau jumps up onto the Jaeger kobold again, his hand glowing red. It comes to complete stop with him on its back. The red light enveloping it healing its wounds. The Jaeger Kobold doesn't shrink like the other one before.
[You Have Tamed A Jaeger Kobold]
Race: Jaeger Kobold
Level: 9
Info: A Jaeger Kobold found in the eastern clearing of the dungeon. Tamed as a pet it must now, be cared for and trained in order to grow in strength. This has a strengthened growth rate.
Talent: Panzer kobold
Tau looks over at Impi, "Do you want this kobold?" Impi shakes his head Tau then bonds it the Jaeger kobold to Pilo after changing his Cast name. Tau also renames Reek she already has her pet and so he also gives her one.
[You have Bonded A Jaeger Kobold to Pilo]
[Bonded creature cannot be of a higher level!]
[Reduced to level 5]
"From now on you will never respond to Reek, your name is Zetu. The young BLack-blood immediately goes to the others her name proudly. "you see that the reaction I expect Impi." Tau says jokingly to the black-blood.
Impi folds his arms and joins the others as they goodbye to Pilo who just his pet Jaegar Kobold and Zetu with her kobold. Tau and Jade watch for a moment before moving on to the next jaeger kobold. They are eventually joined by the black-bloods who each given a new kobold all but one of course.
They arrive at a huge cluster of buildings where the boss is supposed to be. Tau has also earned a lot of loot since of furs and monster cores some ingots and other trinkets. After capturing nine Jaeger Kobolds.
He, Jade and Impi have been hunting, He was most disappointed to discover that both Impi and Jade are level fives. Especially because it means that she will get another talent at level ten. Obviously, advance bodies are cheats.
Like how Gcina taught he alone eats the monster cores he comes across. The horde system gaining a certain number of points depending on the quality of the core he eats.
Jade also seems to only need half the experience to level up thus she is already at level nine while Impi is at level seven. Impi is a pretty decent close-range fighter. He attacks mostly from behind so as to not be in the way but he does do some damage.
They have defeated over thirty different kobolds to get to these points, his loots bonuses helping Impi get a blue quality sword. Even Jade has a better bow at the green which is a rare bow. Hunting Kobold is only possible because they have been using Impi arrows to pull one Jaeger Kobold at a time which is why they have been fighting for over four hours. Tau makes them eat some of the meat raw to keep up their strength and while he gets the core they can rest.
The final kobold is a white three thousand, Tau is only at the one thousand five hundred. Jade thou is sitting at a healthy three thousand and she is not even a level ten. Tau scents of jealously at her advance body. Since she is a glass cannon they plan to use her as the main attacker while Impi and Tau do everything they can to hold back the Jaeger Bjorn Kobold.
Gcina climbs out of her cocoon she is just as tall as Tau, thou a little thin her frame is smaller, even her boobs now a size smaller but she looks even better. Her green skin-matching Tau's now, not the eyes her eyes are emerald with flicks of orange in them. Her hair is also orange like her brow and eyelashes. Gcina sees that one cocoon is already empty, she guesses it must be Tau.
She knows where she is...this is her home beside her are some fabric rolls. The other cocoons show signs of movement. She feels powerful her body bursting with magical energy. She moves out the hovel to peak outside. Reku is thereby the entrance. Reku enters as she is called by Gcina.
Inside the naked makes her self comfortable, Reku looks and sees the fabric rolls. She eyes Gcina seeing her measurements. She has not sown for a long time but such a heavenly body cannot be left with a dress to match.
Gcina starts when she settle close to the bed. "Reku, where is your Leader."
Reku sits by the fabrics bringing out her old sowing kit. Holding scissors first she cut a rough outline. "The Horde Leader is the kobold Dungeon with a former Roverband Leader Jade. Do you think you will personally be doing at of fighting." Reku couldn't keep voice leveled at the Jade part sounding happier than a dog at breakfast.
"No I can't say that I will fighting that's more Palesa's thing mine is managing this Get. Tell me what did he say?" Asks Gcina intentionally leaving it open ended so that Reku can spill as much information as possible.
"I put it in the box over there, he said something to effect that the Get is yours to command. What do you think your daily activities will be like?" Asks Reku, Gcina lift an eye brow while think her nipples firm as the hovel cools.
"I'm not sure besides a lot of moving around and meeting goblins...Diana will awaken soon good she needs to train our forces. In charge of the Get you say good I can get to work. Who can I talk to about the overall situation in the Get? Says Gcina she is eyeing the old bat work her hands moving almost too fast to be practical for anything.
"You are speaking to her. Have you a sigil in my master or is the golden goblin sufficient for now? You can ask me anything you like about the state of the Get and the factions in the Horde. Reku says sewing as quickly as she can, her hands move naturally for her. She relives a bit of youth when she planned to own a store for goblins to buy clothes.
Gcina watches the questions and the way Reku works more is going here than she understands. "Well then since you are here, and so am I get started especially with what is going on with our goblet."
The cold causing her skin to goosebump, she move as the goosebumps ripple from the top her head to the top of her toes. Reku hands sow and cut as her words nip and tuck at the issues affecting the Horde. The varuios issues like securing food and proper water. Most importantly she goes over the unaffiliated Gobo's of the Get they need to do something about that. Reku continues weaving to her best abitliy a complete dress of the situation.
Reku reaches for the Tau's cocoon trying to cut a piece off she stops talking when she can't cut it apart frowning. Gcina politely coughs and Reku continues using a silk for an undergarments. She let's Gcina know about the command and brings over the box.
The plain wooden box has a nothing to mark it out as special. Gcina opens the plain wooden box weaved together from sticks and long grass. Inside are two coins and a small roll of paper with a note attached. When she holds them each gives her information.
[Ancient Goblin Mound]
Info: Single use item. Creates a Goblin mound the anceint variation comes with pre-built structure of choice.
Description: By claiming a mound regconised by the anceint powers, a Goblin mound will be built. It must be built on open land where no other anceint claim exists.
Properties: Can be upgraded, compatible with other structures.
[Master Goblin Tinkerer Token]
Info: A red ranked job token, single use item.
Descprition: A Goblin that uses this becomes a master goblin tinkerer.
Properties: can only be used goblins.
The roll of paper has on it designs for carriage without wheels. Four kinds of carriages. The note reads, 'To my heart a secret I hope kept.'
Gcina eyes Reku who is putting the finishing touches on a dress. It is a lovely dress in her favorite colors. The red is subtle yet eye catching like a painting that gets more beautiful the more you see it. Gcina is awe struck at the design and the trim which is green. The golden goblin also part of the trim it's many faces creating a mound that meets in the front of the dress. Gcina collects herself before she starts drool, her scent giving her away her desire for that stronger than bone.
"Reku that is a lovely dress you made there, what do you want for it." Gcina is really hoping the old gobo passes with it. She is pretty much willing to pay anything.
"My master, since you wish to trade, I want you to allow me to serve you. The Horde master has already explained that he will soon not have a use for me and I would be of service." Reku isn't lying but she is a good judge of character and she can feel that Tau needs people who can follow where leads not stay behind and tend a garden he might not return too.
" Deal could you make some of those for others too, clothes not dresses ask them what they like and make it. That will be your first service. Mine will be to sort these factions." Gcina says as she slips on the silk underwear then puts the red dress its look marvelous on her she scents confidence.