Sangre and the Twins set up camp while Imuk went back off securing the things they would need to help Xiao'er. Eumin had set up a total of 4 points of where Xiao'er could've been. She and Yangmin discussed a route before checking in with Sangre telling her they were going. They had food, water, and a flare in case of danger.
As soon as they entered the brush they took off in 2 different directions. Eumin went from the 2nd plotted point while Yangmin the first. They searched each point twice making sure not to miss anything, and about 3 miles away from the 3rd checkpoint they found Xiao'er curled in a ball. When she looked over she saw them and quickly slithered to them. Eumin backed up a few times while Xiao'er followed her diligently. Eumin stopped and stood before reaching out to pet Xiao'er. Xiao'er wrapped around her slowly as if showing she meant no harm.
Yangmin watched to the side as Xiao'er finally settled himself. He noticed that Xiao'er wasn't as injured as before. It looked like she avoided a major blow since she could slither so far, but she was still injured. He observed her actions for a while longer before confirming his suspicions. Xiao'er quietly went around Eumin looking at her as if testing her reactions. Then afterward she comfortably began to continue to wrap around Eumin.
The two looked at each other before agreeing to get Xiao'er to safety before asking questions. They then took off in the direction of the camp.
By this time Imuk had just returned and began inspecting materials with Sangre. The two talked for a while before Yangmin and Eumin came with a snake wrapped around herself. The two immensely were shocked and quickly remembered Eumin said her pet was injured and didn't specify anything. So her pet was a Snake they quickly regained composure but still kept their distance.
"So your pet was a wild snake," Sangre whispered, " You should've told us. I was going for a dog that got loss or something of the sort".
Eumin pet Xiao'er as if coaxing her before gently saying "Sorry" and took the materials so she could start treating her injuries.
Yangmin walked up and asked Xiao'er if she could understand. Xiao'er started moving again before stopping and lifting her head showing she understood.
"Do you remember us this time?" Eumin asked hoping for a yes. The snake repeated her actions before relaxing. The twins looked at each other before confirming their thoughts. Eumin smiled before gradually moving and taking care of her injuries.
"Is the animal who hurt you still nearby?" Yangmin asked taking out his gloves while wearing a smile that wasn't a smile. Although he wasn't as close as Eumin he still held a good bit of fondness for the Xiao'er.
Xiao'er stopped and looked up before not moving at all as if saying no, so Yangmin decided he wouldn't try and search for it.
The two friends looked at their interactions with the snake and decided to approach the snake. Imuk walked up first mainly because Sangre said he should protect her beauty.
"Hi, I'm Imuk. Yangmin and Eumin's friend" he said keeping his distance from the snake. After seeing it safe Sangre did the same. Xiao'er looked at them before moving around again.
"I finished so we can go now." Eumin got up and Xiao'er followed her as they headed to a corner store. Eumin went in to grab a big tote bag and when she came out put Xiao'er into the bag before they headed back to school.