Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 52 - LONGING

Chapter 52 - LONGING

Magnus put his phone on the study table. He had been contacting his son but he never returned his calls or his messages. He had asked someone to investigate what he has been doing and that's how he knew about Cayenne.

'Leave the woman you are keeping. She is not worthy of your status.' That's the message that he sent to him but Stefan wasn't the least bit worried. He didn't say anything or call him. It irked him so much. But what can he do? If he angers him again, there's a big chance that he will severe his tie with them.

Stefan doesn't have anything to be sentimental with them. In fact, as a father, he couldn't even remember a single event which was mainly prepared for his younger son. All the past events that happened were for Alexander. The only time they celebrated his birthday was when Alexander insisted on celebrating it. What was the result? Alexander died. His birthday became the death anniversary of his eldest son. And Clara hated him even more.

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