Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 8 - WHITE LIES

Chapter 8 - WHITE LIES

"You don't really have to do that, sir. You can just continue to do your business without sending me home. I'll be fine on my own." Cayenne responded with a faint smile. Her neighborhood would probably erupt into a week-long gossip and she would be the content of that gossips. She didn't like that.

Her last statement made Stefan smile at her. They were similar in some ways when it comes to facing the world with their own strength. The difference was, Cayenne didn't need recognition since her family likes her so much and she likes them back. "How about I drop you off one block away from your home? You don't want anyone to gossip about you, right?"

'ACK!' Cayenne wanted to run away that instant. "How did you manage to read my mind?"

"I didn't read your mind but you told me about that last time."

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue: