Chereads / She's My Sleeping Pill / Chapter 9 - LONG TIME NO SEE

Chapter 9 - LONG TIME NO SEE

Cayenne set out together with her brothers. They would need to travel for quite some time before they'd arrive in city B where Senyu Medical Center was located. They didn't have much money to support her mother's hospital bill but she was fortunately chosen to be part of their medical program which involves patients with tuberculosis.

It had lessened Cayenne's problem and she was thankful for that. She only needed to think about the medication which wasn't covered by the program. Though it was only 20% of the whole bill, it was still a little big for her. Kyle and Luiz sat on a bus without speaking a single word. They were extremely worried for their mother.

When they arrived at the hospital, her mother was sleeping. Even when she was sleeping, they could tell that she wasn't having a good sleep. It was clear as day that she had been worried about her children. Cayenne left her brothers to look after their mother while she looked for the doctor to talk to him.

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