Chereads / Incarceration / Chapter 5 - Chapter 4

Chapter 5 - Chapter 4

By the time Harley woke up she felt herself on a very cold surface and was face flat on that cold surface, opening her eyes groggily she coughed and felt her mouth very dry then remembered what happened and got up quickly regretting it as a pounding headache welcomed her, sighing she opened her eyes again and looked around and saw other figures sitting down so she scooted back to the wall wondering where she was and how'd she get out "don't worry, we woke up here too," a girls voice said to her left making her look at her and notice brown curly hair from the buzzing lighting above "im Melanie," she said giving her a small smile that quavered a little and Harley noticed how innocent she looked, Melanie wore glasses that were too big for her small face, freckles around her nose, and brown soft eyes making Harley wonder why would they even take a girl like her, clearing her dry throat she gave her a smile in return "Harley," she said and the brown haired girl nodded,

"whos the guy?," a deep voice asked her making her turn her head to the right corner of the not so big room where a guy who had long black hair which covered almost both eyes as he stared at her suspiciously, turning to her right she saw the guy from her school and a sudden relief filled her "oh my god, hey wake up," she said as she went to her knees and shook his shoulders, "wake up," she said again shaking harder and then groaning was heard from him as his eyes opened slowly and focused on her then after a few seconds he's eyes widened "your okay, are you hurt?, did they do anything to you?," he asked as he did the same as her which made him go back to the ground holding his head and cursing lowly "im fine, uh, are you?," she asked him and he nodded slowly "where are we?," he asked her and she shrugged shaking her head "I don't know," she told him and then the black haired boy cleared his throat again staring at her still "I asked you who hes is," he repeated slowly and she nodded getting a not so nice vibe from him "uh, I don't know, we go to the same school, but we've never met," she told him and he scoffed,

"see I told you, there's something not right with them," a girls voice said from her right making Harley look at her questionably "don't look at me like that, why else would you two come from the same school, somethings not right," she said crossing her arms and rolling her eyes, "don't mind her, she's just confused, we all are, but can you tell us what you remember before you came here?, please?," Melanie grabbed her attention and Harley nodded "uh yeah, okay, we had detention, that's how 'we' met," she gestured to the guy who was closing his eyes "then Racey," she said as everyone else dead body played in heer memory and she could really see there eyes making her gag, "shit, don't vomit lady, who knows what diseases you can give us," a boys voice said and she looked at him to see him a few feet from Melanie who sighed and looked at her, "no one told you to stop," the black haired guy said making her nod "yeah sorry, well, she killed everyone else, and then me and him were knocked out by someone behind us, and then we woke up here with you," she said looking at everyone and saw a total of 5 people one boy was still knocked out who was bald, "hmm, still sounds off," the rude girl said again making Harley look at her "well then, what's your story?," she asked her annoyed,

and everyone seemed to be caught of guard by her sudden mood change the girl look at her and then a smile grew on her lips "yknow, when people talk to me like that, they cant talk again," she said her smile disappearing and Harley scoffed "oh really, I killed a 7ft man who tried to rape me who knows how long ago, so try me bitch," Harley said anger growing and everyone went quiet, Melanie eyes wdiend so did the boy next to her and the black haired boy nodded slowly, and the guy next to her opened hes eyes looking at her "are you okay?," he asked worrieness laced in hes tone but she ignored him glaring at the girl who scoffed "whatever," she said and went back to starring at the ceiling "Harley, are you okay?," the guy asked again sitting up and she turned to him nodded "yeah, I stabbed him before he tried to," she said as she showed her hand that had dired blood, "he did this?," he asked her as he raised her chin and she nodded "that bastards going to rot in hell," he told her and she smiled a little, "oh my god, im so sorry," Melanie said and she looked at her "its fine. How did you get here?," she asked her and Melanie sighed "I was in my school library studying for my physics exam, and remembered being stabbed with something and woke up here after Lincoln," she gestured to the black haired boy who didn't even look up.

Harley and the guy sat leaning on the wall wondering and waiting for something to happen "Melanie?, how long were we asleep?," she asked the girl who digged in her pocket "well it's 8:29 pm, and they put you guys in here like 3 or 2 hours ago, at 5 or 6," she said and Harley nodded and looked at the guy who was wiping his bloody knuckles and her eyes widened "oh god, im sorry, I forgot," she told him and he looked at her as she digged into the hoodie pocket he gave her and brought out bandages, "its fine," he told her and she shakes his head "it may be fine now, but who knows what'll happen when you leave it out and it gets infected, you are more-," she said "easily to die from germ infection," he finished and she smiled looking up at him "Harry," he told her and she raised an eyebrow "excuse me?," she asked thinking he was calling her hairy which made him chuckle lowly "my names Harry, Harrison Kingston," he said and she let out the 'O', "well, it was nice watching your little love show, 'Harley' and 'Harry', but now we have to strategize," the black haired guy known as Lincoln said to them as he stood up, Harley finished wrapping the bandage over Harry's knuckles and dusted her hands looking at Lincoln who stretched "what do you mean?," she asked him making him sigh a annoyed sigh,

"Melanie, enlighten your new buddy buddies," he ordered the brown haired girl who looked at the two "Lincoln's planning on attacking whoever enters, and he says if we all attack together, we  have a better chance of escaping," she finished and he clapped both hands, "which is the most stupidest plan," the girl who Melanie said was Billy said aloud with her eyes closed "shes right," Harley said making everyone stare at her confused except Lincoln who groaned "my god, you females are so-, god," he said punching the wall frightening Melanie and the boy next to her Hermson, "calm down," Harry told him and the black haired boy glared at him but didn't say anything "okay, she may be right because, wouldn't that be what they might want?," she said and Nilly curious to why she agreed with her sat up crossing her arms waiting for her to continue, "what do you mean?, Melanie asked and she looked at Harry who nodded "well it's just knowledge from every kidnap movie, the abductors might want us to try and escape and who knows what he wants us to find when we do, or it could just be a trap leading us to all our deaths, or like you said, it may just be our way out, but I have a feeling what lays out there, isn't anything to our way out of this place," she gestured to Lincoln and then the door that Nilly and him sat across at,

"as much as I am flattered by the agreement, now can everyone see what im talking about," Nilly said as she gestured to Harley and Harry who stared at her "who else woudlve thought of that?, unless there one of them, giving us options that would still lead us to die," she said not hding her suspiciouson while she looked at everyone else "I wouldve thought of that," the bald guy said rasing hes hand who introduced himself as Gregory when he woke up a few mintues ago making Nilly gave him a glare, "now, I would think your one of them," Harry said as everyone looked at him as Nilly crossed her arm raising an eyebrow, "I mean, everysince Harley and I woke up, youve been throwing suspicouson towards us, saying that were 'one of them', which from every kidnapping movie is what the bad guy would do," he said glaring at her and Harley looked at him agreeing with him, "he gots a point," Lincoln shrug looking at Nilly who seemed shocked as she stood up "what!, your going on their side, thats what they want, theyll get you on their side then turn on you," she told him and he sighed rolling hes eyes "and you wont?, I doubt you wont," he shot at her and she looked at the other three trapped teenagers who looked away from her "okay, fuck you, you two, you, and the rest of you useless assholes, if these two turn on you, dont come crawling back to me," she said as she glared at the two,

"I doubt it," Lincoln said again smiling finding her anger amusing "look Nilly, no ones against anyone," Harley said to her which she got a middle finger in return "just stay on your side bitch, and no one has to care," Nilly shot as she started to pound on the door "open this fucking door!," she yelled "open it!, im going to kill whhoevers doing this!," she pounded again and made the others groan as the sound vibrated inside the room "can someone contain this bitch, shes going to be the first one dead if she doesnt stop," Lincoln said annoyed as hes hand turned into fist "oh shut the fuck up Norman Bates," she shot at him and he winked at her making her flick him off "if we can annoy them enough, theyll come and open this stupid door, giving us a chance to excape, she said as she kept banging onto it, "I thought you were anti-escape?," Melanie asked as she fixed her glasses looking at Nilly who stopped and inhale "look, dont be another bitch that ill have to hate this room has enough," she said already noting it was Harley. Harley groaned as she was already having a headache due to Nillys on going annoy-to-escape plan "can you stop?, no one's coming," she asked Nilly who just banged louder,

"okay, I swear to god, bitch!, you better stop," Lincoln said in a threatening voice which she gave a challenging look too and he took a step but Harry stood up "dude," he said and Lincoln stared at him questioning if he was serious, sighing he went back to his corner and cursed not quiet just enough for everyone to hear "look, Nilly, can you stop no one's coming, it's been 10 minutes," he told her her "12," Melanie chirped as she went back to being quiet, "y'know since you asked politely, and your cute, maybe I will," she said turning around to face him, "hmm, your really hot," she said smiling as she sat down staring up at him and he sighed "thank you, and thank you?," he said questionably as she winked at him and he went back to Harley who sighed a relief "thanks," she told him and he smiled, a few minutes of silence went on until Nilly cleared her throat making Lincoln groan "so?, are you guys together?," she asked the two who looked at her then each other "no, were-, no," Harley said nervously and quickly while Harry nodded to what she was saying "oh so you guys never," she did a hand gesture of her pointer finger going into a O she made with her other hand while she whistled smirking and Harleys eyes widened "no-, I would never-," she went on "no we didn't, we never-, we just met," Harry tried to help but the two just made Nilly laugh,

Lincoln, Melanie, Gregory chuckled lowly but Lincoln and Gregorys were laughing at something else while Melanie was chuckling because the way Harley and Harry were acting, "wait are you guys a virgin?," Nilly asked curiously and teasingly making Harleys face turn read while Harry shaked hes head "no, I lost it at a party at my old school," he said casually then turned to Harley who was a tomato "holy shit, Harleys a virgin, wow, thats sad, you might die one, better be quick, I promise we wont watch," Nilly teased her and she rolled her eyes becoming more red, "hey, I can help pop your cherry, wouldnt mind too, your real hot too, so win-win," Lincoln offered making her scruntch her nose in disgust to even that kind of offer "shut the fuck up Lincoln," Harry said and he just raised hes hand smiling ad winked at Harley, "its fine, im a virgin too," Melanie told her trying to make her feel better and she smiled at the innocent girl who smiled at her, "please god, get me out of here," Hermson said as he held hes hands together and started a prayer "hey, queer, shut the fuck up," Lincoln shot to the boy who eyes widend "how dare you!, im not-, take that back," he said face red in anger but maybe in embbaressment, "why?, its true is it not?," he prodded and the boy stood up "fu-fuck you, im not gay!, im not!, you-you bastard," he seemed to be over reacting which alerted Harley,

"hey Hermson, calm done," she told him as she too stood "no, no im not going to stand here while this-this douchebag calls me something im not!," he said and turned back to Lincoln who rolled hes eyes "hey, I dont judge, im a supporter, my dads are gay," he said shrugging which seemed to tick of Hermson who charged im going to kill you!, im not gay!," he screamed and was punched in the face by Lincoln and chaos erupted as everyone was now standing and wide eye as they saw Hermson kick hes feet making Lincoln fall down, "you son of a bitch!," and the two started to wrestle "stop it!, guys!," "stop!," both Harley and Melanie yelled while Harry and Gregory were trying to pull of Lincoln from Hermson who was screaming 'im not gay' and Nilly was standing at the door banging on it, Lincoln pushed both away as hes hand clutched around Hermsons crotch making him gasp and stutter wide eye as he stared at him watching hes devilish smile "queer, as is," Lincoln said once he removed hes hand and a lump began to grow where hes hand was making everyone silent,

"holy shit, he is gay," Nilly said as she looked at Hermson who had tears filling hes eyes and a beat red face "I-i-, yo-," he then quieted as he crawled toward the corner and layed hes head onto hes knees as sobs wracked hes body making Harley feel sorry for him "really?, you just had to," she crossed her arm as she stared at the black haired boy who just took Hermson out of the closet as he wiped hes face and fixed hes hair shrugging "he started it," he said looking at her "your a monster," Melanie said as she went to console Hermson who was probably mentally broken, "and small too," Nilly joke which earned her a not amused look which she shrugged and smiled as shhe went to the door and banged "oopen up!, we all might die if you leave us in here!, with eachother!," she yelled turning to look at everybody with a smirk finding what she said funny and went to banging, Harley turned her attention to Hermson and Melanie who was hugging him and talking to him and she sighed feeling a hand brush against hers she looked down to see Harrys hand an inch from hers and she inhaled a deep breath "she may be right," she whispered so only he could hear her and he leaned to her ear "nothing will happen to you, I promise," he said as he looked her in the eye as she turned to him and gave him a small smile that made him smile too.