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7 teenagers wake up in a small room, stranger to another, the last thing they remember is being drugged and then waking up here, with confusion and differences trapped in a room what will happen? Soon they find out that they are in some sort of sadistic game where they had to survive against each other. Incarcerated in this hell it is now known to be every teen for themselves no matter what.

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1:

Harley Jett was a 17 year old senior who wanted highschool to be over so she could finally start her adult life, she had honey blonde hair that was straight and flawless making all the other girls second guess their hair, her eyes were a deep emerald green giving her an even more model like look attracting every boy in her school but she wasn't like 'that girl', she was 5'7 happy at her height and that she wasn't a tiny girl like many girls shes seen, and now with her highschool life almost over Harley couldn't wait for college and then her dream job, archeology, but since that was still a month away from happening she still had to endure her teenage life. Sighing as she walked down the hall towards her second class for the day, Harley wasn't the type of student who would skip class and get bad grades, she had good grades and was a good student who stayed out of trouble, but this day in particular wasn't one of her 'days', earlier this morning her mother and father got into a fight for whatever reason she didn't want to know and she woke up too early for school which now placed her into a not so good mood,

her foot drag as she yawned and looked at her textbook "calculus, great, now I have to deal with Ricky," she said not wanting to have to deal with the flirting king himself, then a voice cleared behind her making her freeze and curse quietly "aren't you supposed to be in class?, Ms. Jett," Principal Oats said as he sipped his coffee that seemed to always be in his hand, forgetting about the rule about 'no wondering the halls within class time' "uh yeah, I just-, uh, used the restroom?," she said questionly as she turned to look at Principal Coffee breath who raised an eyebrow already knowing she was lying "are you asking me?, or telling me?," he asked as he sipped again from his mug, she sighed as she walked to him knowing she was going to get detention anyways "that's what I thought," he said and turned to walk back to his office with Harley following to get a detention slip. As she got to her first period it was already halftime into the period and Mrs. Liams gave her a -20 on the assignment that they were given for her tardiness, "okay, Mr. Krums, why don't you fill in Ms. Jett here," she told a boy with black hair that Harley didn't want to deal with,

Ricky Krums smirked as he watched Harley walk towards him "ahh, Harley, was it a coincidence?, or faith?," he asked her in his playboy voice making her roll her eyes, "just tell me what we're supposed to do Krums," she said as she slung her bag down onto the floor and sat on the desk behind him, there wasn't enough time to start on the assignment due to her tardiness and Ricky's frequent flirting, the bell rung and she was relieved as she hurriedly put her stuff into her bag wanting to get out of the class already "okay, so i'll come to your house later?, or you'll come to mine?," he smirked and she rolled her eyes "as much as I would never agree to that idea, I have detention later, so no, we can finish tomorrow," she told him as she gave him a fake smile "ohh, Jett?, when did you become such a baddie?,he asked and she groaned, "don't call me that Krums, coming from your mouth it's disturbing," she told him as she hurried for the door "so what do you want me to call you?, baby?," he asked loudly making her sigh "nothing!, now leave me alone," and she exited the class before he could catch up with her, walking down the hall with a headache starting to develop as more teenager piled out of their classes chatter erupting,

"Hey beautiful," a girl's voice said, wrapping around her arms ``ugh, Nells do you have a tylenol?, or anything?," she asked her best friend Nelly Jackson who smiled "I think I have something better than that," she giggled as she pulled her out the door and led Harley to the football field. "Where did you get weed?," Harley asked as she watched her best friend pull out a blunt of weed and a lighter as they sat at the top of the football fields bleachers, "Henry gave me for free," she said smiling as she placed it between her lips and lit it up inhaling a long drag then she closed her eyes as she blew out and then coughed laughing, smiling at her best friend coughing and shakes her head as she looked at the blunt being handed to her "I think i'll pass," she said and Nelly rolled her eyes "oh stop being a baby," she said and with a scoff Harley grabbed it and inhaled the same way Nelly did, and with that she erupted with coughs and her best friend erupted with laughter "shu-shut u-up," Harley coughed out, "ohh, be right back, Ians over there," Nelly said as she pointed to a pair of boys walking across the football field nodding she watched her best friend run down the bleachers which was a very irresponsible thing to do.

Harley stared at the blunt of weed in her hand already feeling the effects from her third puff laughing and shaking her head she looked to her bestfriend running to the guy who was practically her 'boyfriend', then she took another puff and coughed "Jett?," a man's voice said and for the second time in the day she was starting to question the universe, she turned to see the football coach giving her a look as he look at the weed in her hand "Mr. Hardy, it isn't-," she started but then uncontrollably a smile grew on her face as she giggled covering her mouth she inwardly groan, "y'know I actually thought you were better than this," he said as he shook his head and fingered for her to follow, she was still giggling but groaning at the same time as she threw down the blunt and grabbed her bag as she looked to her best friend whos attention was still on her 'practical boyfriend', then she followed the coach to the Principal's office where she'd been earlier "you should really think about the stuff your doing Jett," he said not looking at her and she tried to tell him but she ended up giggling again, once they got to the Principal's office with surprised and curious looks from her peers as to why she was being escorted to the office,

Harley sat on the chair leaning onto the wall as she stared at the registrar who gave her the occasional glance, feeling the weed effects wearing off she sighed as she looked to the Principal's door waiting for it to open so she could get her discipline already, then the door opened and she stood up but it wasn't Principal Oats who exited it was a shady looking man who was still talking to Oats, holding the straps of her school bag she watched as the guy nodded and smiled and turned to walk out and their eyes met, and something about the vibe coming from him gave her a little bit of warning to be alert. The man didn't seem like a guy who would be going to school to register his kid, he looked like some kind of businessman with his blue and white suit and slicked blonde hair behind his ears, Harleys grip on her bag tight end "ah, of course, now what else mischief have you been causing today Ms. Jett, todays detention isn't enough?," Principal Oats said as he shakes his head at the doorway, "Ms. Jett?, lovely name darling," the man said to her and she nodded "Mr. Urnes, i'm glad we had that talk, i'll see you,"  Principal Oats said and fingered for Harley to enter,

then she watched as the man in the suit smiled at her in a way that made her uncomfortable "now, I shall be off Frank, it was nice meeting you, and you two Ms. Jett, maybe we might see eachother again, it is a small world," he told her and she felt a shiver run down her spine as she hurriedly entered Oats office away from the weird shady man watched her, she had a feeling that he knew that he was making her uncomfortable. Her fourth and last period came and Harley wasn't really having a good day, she now had detention for the whole week due to the weed incident, her detention started right after school something that might have made her feel a little okay but did not because she heard about some of the others in detention, and Nelly seemed to think of her whole situation 'funny' when she was the one who gave her the weed, so now Harley sat on her desk staring at the clock as she watched it tick almost time for her detention, her class was ap LitIV, and a little luck came her way as her teacher was absent today making the librarian the substitute, so now it was a free period as she sighed and looked back to her book she was currently reading, "oh my god, Harley?, is it true?," Franny Hoaste asked as she chewed her gum not too quiet as it should be,

she looked at her with a raised eyebrow "is what?," she asked sitting up straighter as another two girls surrounded her "yknow, you got detention?," another girl said who if she remembered correctly was Su Jin or maybe the other way, "oh, uh, yeah?, why?," Harley was surprised to know that these girl knew she had detention "oh my god, your so lucky," Franny said again as she giggled to the other girls who seemed to copy her as they all knew something she didn't, "what's so funny?," she asked and the three girls looked at her "you don't know?," the girl with short black hair asked and clearly Harley didn't know "if I did, I wouldn't have asked you," she told her and the girl figured it was sarcasm "oh you're being sarcastic, okay," she said and Harley was ready to punch her until Franny sighed a dramatic sigh "okay, remember the newbie who came in two months ago?," she asked and she didn't because she didn't remember "okay, well what we heard is that, he got into an argument with Professor Hens about something, and he's got like detention like you," she told her and still Harley couldn't recall a new kid from two months ago,

"okay, well I don't see why its funny," she told the three who all simultaneously rolled their eyes, "oh my god, you really haven't seen him, not only is he a newbie, but he's a total 10/10," Franny gushed and the two others nodded making her roll her eyes, and before more questions could be asked the bell rung and even though she didn't want to go to detention neither did she want to stay and have a little more of gossip talk, "your lucky Harley," Franny said in a sing songy voice as they all went back to their desk. Harley still had her head hung around the newbie the girls in her class were talking about as she walked her way to the library for detention her textbook in hand and work that shell work on once inside, as earlier people watched and whispered about her as she looked at the library to see others entering and exiting and she sighed "way to go Harley," she told herself as she looked down and walk, once she got to the door she opened it until the air from the library blew out and her papers fell "crap," she said as she hurriedly bent down to grab it,

"woah, watch it," a voice said behind her as someone's front connected with her behind, eyes wide she moved forward but then regretted it as her head connected with the glass and now her stuff was on the ground including her, "ouch," she groaned as she touched her head and looked to see hands covered by a black sleeve pick up her textbook and some papers, looking at the person's shoes she saw vintage nikes and long socks then remembering what just happened she looked up "oh my god, i'm so sorry," she said as she hurriedly picked up the rest of her papers "my stuff fell, and-, im sorry, I didn't mean to-," she went off and the guy sighed "its fine," he handed her textbook and papers as he walked across her to the other door and left her dumbfounded as she looked forward, "wait, I said I was sorry, you don't have to be so rude," she said turning around to see him stop and shoulders heave and then gave her a one sided glance "and I said it was fine, you don't have to keep talking," he told her and she scoffed "okay, well you can stop being such an arrogant asshole," she shot back and she could've sworn to see a little tiny smile but then couldn't tell as her lips went back to being straight and he walked away.

Once Harley sat down in a desk that was in a circle with the others she sighed as she looked around to the other teens in detention, the guy from earlier sat opposite of her and he didn't really pay much attention to anyone as he looked at the floor with a lot of boredom, then two desks from his left sat Racey Litre the schools girl version of Tommy Reiks who sat three desk from Harley, then the twins Eric and Rick Crumb the twin jokers of the school who probably had more detention than anyone here who sat next to each other right next to Harleys left side, and lastly the schools queen b Becky Franks who sat at the left side of the desk opposite side of Tommy, now Harley had to deal with all these people for 4 hours, a few minutes into detention and everyone was actually quiet and Harley was thankful as she did her work until the doors opened "ah, if it isn't Easy Eagles's Misfits all together again," Principal Oats said as he had his mug in hand staring at everyone with a sour look "and Ms. Jett," he said and Harley looked up "I just want you to know Ms. Jett, in detention, you do nothing, and that means for work or any school or personal stuff," he said and she looked down to her work and sighed,

"Ms. Litre, why don't you tell Ms. Jett what happens when you break that rule," he said and Harley looked at Racey who rolled her eyes "he throws it away, because he doesn't have anything else more exciting than being the worst Principal ever, right Franky?," she asked sarcastically and Oats chuckled as he turned around "isn't she such a joy, it's a wonder why she isn't expelled, but hey we can't all get what we want, right Ms. Litre?," he asked in the same sarcastic voice and she rolled her eyes, "now Ms. Jett, you shouldn't think of this as unfair, it's your fault for not doing it later, and maybe if you didn't get detention you wouldn't have to get a zero," he told her and she got up with her work and walked to the trash can "well, i know it's a shame that this school had the best Principal, but like you said we can't all get what we want, remember?," she said mocking him as she tore her work into pieces looking him straight in the eye, and laughter erupted around the circle of desk and cat whistles were called from the twins, Oats looked at her with a small smile as he nodded "please, go sit Ms. Jett, we don't want to have another week of detention now do we," he said more than asked he sat down at the desk overviewing the 7 teens who were snickering,

"wow Jett, didn't know you had the guts," Racey said to her and she shrugged and the twins were laughing "that was so hilarious Harley," Eric said as he moved forward to get a view of her, "can you guys shut up, I don't want to get in trouble again, I have a very important thing tomorrow, I don't want to be more stress than I am now," Becky said as she brought out her small hand mirror and fixed her bangs "captain, yes captain, we already know the slutty details for tomorrow," Tommy said as he faked a salute making Becky give him the finger "and that means silence, you Ms. Jett should know for one," Oats said and snickering from the twins continued but quietly and Harley had a small smile on her face not really expecting detention would be like this, then as she looked up she saw the guy staring at her from across then she sat back and stared challenging his stare, and the least she expected a small smirk grew into his lips which he didn't hide as he looked back to his desk and her smile grew a little too as she looked away and to Oats who was reading a book.