Who stole the seed, remained a mystery until the very day my family was to depart from Arc. I was busy searching for that person, and I wasn't the only one, so I didn't really have the time to check the people picked by Celestine.
They were slowly gathering in Arc. Wuxia was so nice that they provided those people with a place to sleep. My wife had enough time to meet with them several times and even introduced the rest of the family, but the true nature of our project reminded mystery to the very end. Although the conditions, with a long time away from home, were made clear from the start.
The search combined with my duty to deliver everybody to their new worlds kept me very busy. I was barely at home. My investigation, in the end, didn't lead me anywhere. Will also didn't get any good leads. Daniel, the second prominent person on the hunt, was away, so I wasn't able to find out if he made some progress, because the time for departure has come.