Chereads / HER MEMORIES / Chapter 3 - cHaPtEr TwO

Chapter 3 - cHaPtEr TwO

It was just an empty void of darkness with no trace of light. Eyes filled with panic, heart galloping like a horse Rachel stood in its midst lost and unable to fathom what the hell was going on. Then the events of the earlier few minutes of her life came crashing through her mind filling her with more panic, was she dead. Was this hell, if it was where the hell is the devil and his fire she thought jokingly trying to relieve some of the tension clogging her system. Then a weird sensation came over her. ...

"What the hell is happening, " she screamed in a panic with her eyes clutched tightly as the sensation of being suspended in air flying ran through her body and when next to her eyes flew open she was in a room watching a tall woman with a cropped black hair weeping over another lying still on the bed with a serene look on her face. If not for the lack of chest movement Rachel would have thought she was sleeping.

Her eyes flew to the woman leaning over the dead woman and she felt this connection to her, and before Rachel could figure out why this sense of familiarity with a woman she hasn't met before she was being pulled back by a strong force eliciting the same panic scream from before...

"What is it Dr. Pepper?" the senior resident asked impatiently, looking in the direction of the doctor that yelled wait. He didn't have time to wait on a patient that is already gone as the ER was teeming with patients. It was as if is black Friday with the way emergency cases have been trouping in since he started his call at 8 is this morning.

Dr. Pepper looked down at the harsh tone of his senior, he was just a first-year resident and he didn't know if he should speak out on what he saw, or if anyone will even believe him. Then he saw the same flicker of movement from their patient as her fingers twitched.

"She just moved, " he blurted out excitedly forgetting his hesitation.

"That is impossible, " Dr. Seaman, the SR yelled pulling his stethoscope from his chest and placing it on the patient's chest where he detected a faint heartbeat.

Not giving himself time to analyze how a patient he was sure had no heartbeat could suddenly have one now he started issuing orders to his team, to get the patient stabilized before sending to the theatre to have her fracture and other broken bones taking care of.

He and his team worked like a well-oiled machine to stabilize the patient making sure she didn't check out on them twice, when he was sure that the patient was stable enough to be moved, he told his junior resident to inform the theatre that they were sending a patient to them.


Jericho stood in the arms of her best friend in one corner of the room crying softly into her chest unable to watch as her wife was being wheeled away in a stretcher by two orderlies

"Is going to be okay, Ric, " Cat murmured compassionately to the woman in her arms while she patted her back consoling her.

She has been friends with Jericho since their high school days, has been there when she met and fell in love with Christiana and when she heard the news of her cancer she has been shocked and had tried to be there for her friend through it all and she will continue to offer her support, she thought sadly pulling the woman tighter against her.

"Ric we have to go, " Cat whispered to her friend pulling her away, she could look at her face, and the pain and sadness staring back at her from the light blue eyes made Cat's eyes well up with her own tears.

She has been trying to be strong for her friend but lost the battle as she couldn't stand the turmoil her friend was in.

Jericho didn't feel like moving an inch she didn't feel shit, all she felt was emptiness, the void left by her wife's death tearing her apart, but she couldn't remain in this room that she died.

Feeling like the walls were closing in on her, Jericho pushed out of her friend's arms and ran for the door ignoring her calls for her to wait...


Rachel was beginning to dislike being yanked about like she was a little child's doll, and this time when the sensation dispersed Rachel found herself in a beautiful landscape filled with green grasses, and flowers.

Staring in admiration across the verse open space, Rachel spotted a figure with a mass of blonde hair flowing down her back, standing with her back to her few distances away from where she stood, surprise and happy she wasn't alone in this place whatever the hell it was she headed towards the figure, curious to find out who she was.

"Hello, excuse me, " Rachel said trying to get the person's attention, and when the figure turned.

" Ahhhhhh, " Rachel squealed in fear and surprise falling on her ass as she shuffled away from the familiar face.

How the fuck did the woman she just saw dead suddenly appear in front of her alive and smiling at her, Rachel wondered, staring at the woman as if she has seen a ghost.

"Hello dear, "Christy said with a soft smile to the young woman staring at her with fear clouding her big brown eyes...

The last thing she remembers was battling to breathe and then she was in this beautiful unfamiliar place. She had been about to go exploring the place when a voice spoke behind her and she had wheeled around surprise she wasn't alone here.

"Hi, " Rachel stammered with a small wave to the ghost.

If the ghost was smiling that means is not going to hurt her, Rachel thought relaxing a bit.

"I am Christy, what is your name and what are you doing here? "

"I should be asking you that, one minute you are dead, and the next thing you are here talking to me, " Rachel grumbles in a sassy tone, still smarting from the pain of her ass hard encounter with the ground.

"Oh, you saw that, " Christy whispered sadly, frowning as her eyes filled with pain at the thought of the people she just left, especially her wife

"If you saw that does that mean you are an angel, " Christy asked looking curiously at the young woman.

If she was an angel she must be a baby one, she thought taking in the young face.

At the woman's question, Rachel burst into loud laughter.

"oh lady you are hilarious, "she muttered in a mirth-filled voice, rising to her feet.

"See lady I am no angel, far from it she added with a twinkle in her eyes, as she recalled all the trouble she and her friends caused while growing up.

"So if you are not an angel, how come you are here?" Christy asked puzzled

"I don't know the last thing I remember is some stupid truck crashing into me on my way to my parent's house, and then I found myself here."

"So does that mean you are dead too?"

Rachel shrugged her slim shoulders not having an answer for the woman.

"So how did you die? " Rachel asked switching the focus back to the woman.


Rachel's face squeezed into sympathy for the woman as she waited for her to continue.

Wearing a lost expression, Christy started her story...

"Two years ago I noticed a lump in my left breast, being a doctor myself I examined it and disregarded it as nothing serious, thinking it fibroadenoma, a non-cancerous tumor that occurs in women, but by the time I got around to finally removing it they discovered it was actually cancerous. Then again I thought I could battle it. Doctors and their inflated ego thinking they know everything right," she said with a self-deprecating smile in the young woman's direction.

Rachel just shrugged not saying anything.

Christy winced internally from the guilt of regret, if only she had done things differently.

"Anyway, to cut the long story short, six months after the lump was removed I began to experience this intense chest pain that didn't stop no matter the amount and type of pain relief I took, so I went back to the hospital and found out that it has spread to my lungs, that was what lead me down this road."

"I am sorry, " Rachel muttered in a sympathetic tone feeling sorry for the woman...

"Don't sweat it, now I am going to make it up to Ric, " the woman muttered cryptically, looking at Rachel with a weird look.

What do you mean? " she asked confusedly
