Amy takes the session of Mr Nash and then give him some medicines.
Amy: You have improved a lot Mr Nash. Take these medicines on time and you will feel more better.
Then Mr Nash leaves the room. Amy then calls reception and asks for another appointment time.
Receptionist: Your next appointment will be in next 10 minutes. You have counselling class for 30 people who tried to attempt suicide.
Amy: Yeah! I know. OK then I will be there in 10 minutes.
Amy sighs and then cuts the call. Then she combines her documents and papers. She starts searching something on her computer. Suddenly she glances on watch and then leaves the room. She enters in counselling room and then here she starts her session. After 2 hours she ends the session and when she comes to reception she is checking her schedule then suddenly David and jesse comes to her.
Jesse: Hey! We have brought lunch for you..
David: We know you have not taken the lunch so take it and don't need excuses.
Amy smiles and takes lunch.
Jesse: At what time you will be free today?
Amy: I have 4 more sessions and I have something to do today. I am very busy today but why are you asking? Don't both of you have sessions today?
Jesse: I have just one session.
David: I am free now. I don't have patients now. So, I am going first. Goodbye!
Jesse: Bye. And Amy I don't have something. I am just asking.
Then both went to their rooms and then both have their sessions.
5:00 p.m. Amy's room
Jesse knocks at door and enters in room. Amy was doing stretchings but hearing knock she sits down in a normal way.
Amy: Oh jesse! It's you. Does your session ends?
Jesse: Yeah! I am leaving now. Receptionist is also leaving. Here are the keys when you end up lock the main door. Bye!!!
Amy: Ok bye!!
Then jesse leaves the room and after 5 minutes Amy leaves a room, comes to reception waiting for her patient to come when her patient arrive she takes her to her room and then their sessions start.
10 p.m. Amy's room
Amy working on her computer. She glances at her watch and then starts to pack up things. During pack up she saw her dinner of which she even didn't take a single bite. She takes it and then lock the door of her clinic. When she was about to leave, she saw an old beggar standing in front of her.
Old beggar: Dear I haven't eaten food for 3 days. Could you please give me something for eating?
Amy: I have just this (pointing her dinner box) now. I have not eaten it. You may eat this. Wait, follow me. My office is in this building you can sit and eat there.
Old beggar: thank you dear child.
Then both comes in clinic where she warms up food for old men. He eats food there.When he was done he gave a book to Amy. Amy was refusing to take it.
Old beggar: Dear child! I have just this to give you. Please don't refuse to take it. I insist please take it.
Amy: But..... Ok I will keep it.
Then old beggar and Amy leaves the clinic. When Amy turns to ask old beggar to take him to shelter home she finds beggar was not there. It surprises her but then she thinks that he he leaves before her. Ignoring it she leaves for her house.
11:30 p.m. Amy's home
She enters home, as usual she checks her mother and brother and find them sleeping. Then she moves toward her room, she went to restroom change her clothes and then sit on her bed. but tonight she is moving on her bed here and there but couldn't sleep. Suddenly she remembers about the book. Then she decided to read the book.
She stands up and moves toward her table she takes the book and then comes out of her room. She comes down the stairs in her living room where she sits on couch and starts reading book.
Soon she falls asleep there and when she wakes up.....
She find herself in forest, where she is lying on ground, she saw a kid and girl standing near to her, staring her curiously Amy screams loudly.