Amy and Haely are talking and preparing meal for dinner. Amy glances at window and sees Robert and Louis are coming back to their home. Amy when saw Louis she thought that she had seen him before their meeting in Sophinet State but couldn't remember where she had seen him suddenly Haely shakes her.
Haely: Amy!! Amy!!!!! Where are you? What are you looking at?
Then Haely lessons the voice which sound familiar to her and then turned back to see. It's her father and younger brother. Haely greets her father, Amy also greets Louis then Roberts greets them.
Haely: father you came early today.
Robert: Today we have a great benefit in selling fruits and our fruits sold earlier than time so we came home early today.
Haely: Father are you going somewhere?
Louis: I am going to change my clothes and then I will wash my hands and face.
Haely: ok then after that I will prepare the table for dinner.
Then Louis and Robert changes their clothes and Amy and Haely prepare a table for dinner. At dinner table amy like every time seeing haely's family, then give a thought to the book she was reading last time. At this point when she tried to remember that books name and script she becomes lost that much that she almost forget about she is eating dinner. Haely notices it and shakes her, Amy comes back from her dream. She sees her dinner and then start eating again. She glances at Louis and then in her heart she thinks that she has seen him before somewhere. After dinner they all are sitting and having conversation. Louis was telling them about Jonathan childhood stories.
Louis: It's too late now. You all may go for sleep.
Then they all went to their sleeping places. After sometime Amy open her eyes, and sat up on her place glances around, all are sleeping. Then she stands up and comes out of room where she finds Louis sleeping on his place. She takes the chair and pull it toward the window, sits on it and when she is out of window she sees the stars, full in sky and moon lightning bright. Suddenly rain starts and it is too much sudden that Amy takes her hand out to feel the rain. Amy things about that night when she is in her home with her mother (Teresa) and his younger brother (Edward) and they got a call from an unknown person which tells them that he is going to kill (Oliver) her father. Her mother calls Oliver but he did not give any response. Teresa calls police and ask for help but due to heavy Storm they couldn't get help for some reasons. Amy was drowning in sadness and then she again got a call from that unknown person and it made her loose herself when she heard the sentence.
Persona (killer): Your father is dead now. (Evil laugh)
Everything starts to fly in air. Her mother and brother suddenly disappears. She was alone there, trying to come out of her own home, suddenly she starts moving and willingly and fastly, then she hears a voice which sounds familiar to her, and then with the shock and a loud scream Amy opens her eyes. She is heavily sweating, crying in pain and panicking. Haely calms her down and when she comes in her senses she realises that it was all her dream and she is in room not sitting on chair.
Haely: It's okay Amy. It's just a nightmare. You are safe, everything is alright.
Robert: Not just a nightmare, the worst one.
Louis: Are you feeling well? Dear child!!
Amy (in crying voice): I am okay now. It was just a nightmare and I will be OK. All of you can go back and sleep, sorry for disturbing all of you
Louis: We are not disturbed. You can also take rest. There is sometime left in morning.
Then they all go to sleep. Amy closes her eyes and then she think about that nightmare and then she starts to realise something and figure out some facts about her nightmare. She tried to calm herself down by thinking that due to sudden change in her world made her disturb like this but then she thinks why she is here and couldn't find the fact. Thinking about these things she sleeps and sometime and then in morning Haely wakes her up. She sees everyone is working. Then they take breakfast and then Haely and Amy decided to clean the house properly. Haely firstly washes dishes and Amy starts cleaning.
After sometime Haely comes to room when she heard voice of Amy.