A couple of days had passed since the incident. I don't remember much except for what Sona told me afterwards. It turned out that my body had gone into a spell of several seizures, one right after the other. No longer was this a simple head injury. Once they thought I was safe enough to transfer I was brought to a special place where they ended up performing a professional CT scan on my head because I didn't have a history with seizures. This brought them to think something worse had happened when I was smacked over the head rather than just a concussion. I've been in a hospital room now for 3 days. And soon we would get the test results from the scan.
As I sit up in my bed I can see out of the large window in my room. There was a light snow covering the ground that was slowly beginning to melt. Warmer weather had begun and soon it would be spring time. Spring used to be something to look forward to after the harsh winters we had but it was nowhere near as beautiful as it had once been before the nuclear war. I hadn't seen real plants in a long time especially within the grey landscape we called a city. This particular city was named Kalopsia. The name is rather fitted well for this place. It meant delusions of things being more beautiful than they really are, and that's what this place was. A delusion.
Many of the main cities had become separated from one another, casting up walls to keep ones in and others out, rarely was there communication among them. Even though El doro controlled them they still wear their own separate colonies. They grew their own food and serviced themselves as this was one of the few ways now to protect what was left of us as a species. I had been told our history at a young age and remembered the tales long foretold.
Years ago before I was born it was said there had been a council of 12 individuals who worked in harmony among one another. Each had their own piece of the world in which they thrived. Together they worked in harmony, trading amongst the main cities and the smaller towns throughout the land. Between each city lay small towns and villages that were quiet and peaceful, usually they would open their arms to those who would be strolling through on trips between cities. Passengers and messengers usually would rest for a few days in these places before continuing on their long journey. The cities were widespread and the trips could take from days up to weeks to get from one to the next, some were also through more treacherous land than others. There were 4 main districts so to speak, each had three cities within them. The districts were in the north, south, east and west. Each also had its own name but that's not necessary at this time.
Peace reigned on for years under the council, each was named after one of the star signs as well. They would have monthly meetings where they would talk about the past months progress and see what they wanted to improve. But this meeting was different. For months now the council was concerned with how scorpius had been acting, he was off and acting not like their usual self. So when the meeting came together they all entered but scorpius was nowhere to be seen. They waited for him but he didn't show so they began their monthly meeting. As soon as they did the large wooden doors into the meeting room were slammed open and in came scorpius, he looked maniacal and insane. They tried to restrain him but he shouted at them to stop and listen to what he had to say.
His voice boomed in the room as he spoke about a mysterious force that had been coming to him in his dreams, corrupting him and turning him to darkness. But the bad thing was that he began enjoying it. He spoke about how the people need more discipline and should be taken down a few pegs and obey his commands. If they didn't they would be punished severely. This frightened the council and the 11 that were left voted on banishing him to the darkest corner of the world, a place where his sadistic plans could never be put into play. He was taken to the highest peak and coldest area on the earth where he was meant to rot for the rest of his days.
This angered scorpius and in a fury he devised a plan.
"If they will not submit willingly then I must take what's mine with force. It was wrong of them to take away what I rightfully deserve. I will take back what's mine no matter the cost."
And thus his plans began. He started in the shadows using the darkness that captivated him to turn some to his cause. From there he began gaining artillery and used what training he knew to teach his puppets. As his cause spread riots soon began in the streets of once peaceful places. The underdogs in this world began to rise up against those in higher places than them. Gangs began to form taking over streets and buildings. Almost every night gang fights would erupt in the streets. Children would sleep to the sound of gunfire knowing they were no longer truly safe. Soon scorpius named his group for the minions to go by. They were the siblings of El Doro. Soon the military was called in with weapons of mass destruction but Scorpius had tricks up his sleeves.
This was how the war began. El Doro now a main threat began coming into places and taking the lives of the innocent. They were able to get their hands on nuclear weapons but the military had these types of things. El Doro began in the mountains, invading the first of the cities. This was one of the weakest which didn't have the proper arms to rise up against El Doro. they succumbed to Scorpius's wrath and he soon took over that city. This happened 3 more times. About a year in El doro controlled 2 of the 12 main cities. It was in the second one he met a woman and forced her to become his bride, together they had a child. A male whos name we don't usually say. The father raised the boy in anger, war and revenge. By the time he was 12 El Doro controlled now 4 out of the 12 cities. The good people of this time began to lose hope as the battle continued. People began to escape to the underground where they would stay until hope would rise again. By the time he was 21 el doro controlled 10 of the 12 cities but by this time his father had grown ill due to an unknown sickness. His last words to his son were "finish what I have started and take back what is rightfully ours." his son agreed and continued the legacy his father had created.
soon he would take down what remained of the last two cities by himself. These were the strongest ones and with that they fell to his rule. It is said though on the night he took down the final family the wife had given birth to a baby girl who narrowly escaped the hands of el doro but the parents did not get the same fate, that night both had died in there bedroom along with their second in command at the hands of his men. El doro now had full control and put their own men and women in control of the new cities. These became the dark days for the next several years. People were mistreated during these times and things went on behind closed doors that nobody really understood, that was unless you were one of them. This brings us back to the present day, me still in my hospital bed staring out that same window I had been in for the last hour. I then heard the door to my room open up. I turned my head to see who it was. In the doorway stood Sona and Cormac.
"Cyra, we got your test results, I think you will be shocked by what they reveal.