A long time ago, before the Tower had been created by the four Elders, there had been chaos without order. The Elders each took their own forms in a world where survival meant everything.
Vania The Destroyer had been the strongest in her prime. None dared to mess with the colossal dragon as she roamed the uncharted world she lived in. Mountains and trees taller than even herself. She could fight and feast when hungry and not worry as she had been the top of all Apex.
Marchosias the Demon had been the second of Apexes in this world. Winning all but few and gained respect from his pack of Demon Wolves. His elegance in the forest would catch the eyes of every creature and monster where ever he would go.
Beelzebub the Glutton had been the only being on this world with a human body. He killed every demon or creature that crossed his path and ate their corpses. His hands had grown long nails in order to help dig at the flesh of his next meal. His mind had been set on devouring. Devour… Devour… Devour…
One day these Apex's found themselves staring eachother down. Vania, the colossal dragon glared down at the others while the others up at her. Smoke began to trail from her cave sized nostrils having sensed the hostility from own and the hunger of the other. She began to prepare to spew fire from her glands in the back of her throat when what sounded like thunder in a sunny day echoed through the lands.
Beelzebub looked around but could only see rows of trees. His hunger slowly changed to curiousity as he had been curious if he could deem it "Prey."
Both Vania and Marchosias could hear the sounds of large footsteps. One after another as the cause grew closer with each step. Within several minutes, the owner of the steps stood towering over Marchosias and Beelzebub.
A creature that looked half dragon and half something else stood below Vania, whom towered even this beast. His horns curved like a ram. His long neck and forelegs covered in scales.
None spoke a word to one another as they stood in an empty valley surrounded by monstrous trees.
"I suppose this was bound to happen… Regardless of what I do." A deep but yet soft spoken cloaked being stood between the four beings causing them all to look toward the voice. Beelzebub began to rush the cloaked being, leaping at it only to be frozen in mid air. "Perhaps the four of you shall kneel before your creator." He spoke softly when an immense aura began to push down on Beelzebub and Marchosias first. Forcing them to the ground. The long neck creature had been next as the pressure forced its legs to give out under him while Vania stood towering over them all. The pressure had been powerful, but she still stood over him.
"Hmm. At least one of you is stronger than expected." The man took his hood off and glared up into the Vania's draconic eyes. His eyes were glowing red, piercing her eyes as if she had witnessed death herself. His hair was long back to his shoulders. The man looked no older than Beelzebub.
Vania shot forward after remembering her past in a dream. She sat on a bed in a white room. Then heard her daughter and granddaughter beside her.
"Mother. You're awake finally." Nendrerth spoke softly as she sat in a chair looking worried at her.
"Where… Where are we? How am I…" Vania looked over to a man beside the wall. His hair still long as he began to scratch his neck. The man opened his eyes and glanced toward Vania. Her dream still fresh as his his eyes looked similar to the man's. "I thought my blast destroyed everything…"
Nendrerth leaned back and began to tell her until the man turned towards her and began to walk over to the bed. "You did destroy everything. However, i was able to save you and your remaining children."
Vania's mind began to become overwhelmed. How could this man have saved her within mere seconds of destruction. "How…"
"You hid your actual body from Beelzebub and Marchosias so I assumed you led one away from it." As he spoke, she noticed there had been claw marks all over his arms and chest. "Beelzebub is still alive but he's wounded."
After explaining everything that had happened, Fenrir went into detail.
"So you recreated my realm and sent my remaining children back to the realm." Vania laid back and stared up at the ceiling. There was no way he could be this person from such a long time ago but something was off.
"I'll hunt down Beelzebub and return the souls he stole back to you…" Fenrir sat with Nendrerth and Nieo as they looked at the floor.
"There's no need…. Their bodies were destroyed by the explosion. I felt it in my heart." Vania looked toward Fenrir. "When you get them back… Use them. Freeing them from their captor and hearing these words, they shall accept." She places her hand on her daughters "But be warned. The master of the four Elders will find you. You must defeat the other two before then."
"I promise I will. I've lost too much in the past and to this point. I won't make that same mistake…" Fenrir spoke softly then stopped. The hair on the back of his neck and arms began to stand. "We have a guest I must tend to." He looks over to Nendrerth and Nieo "Can you two watch over her while she rests?"
Nendrerth nods while Nieo glanced over. "Are you sure you don't need any help?"
Fenrir shook his head. "This guest is too much for you Nieo." He stands up resting his hand on her shoulder. "I don't want to separate your family again." He says as he steps through a portal that appears across from Vania's bed and disappears.
Vania waits for a few minutes before speaking to make sure he doesn't hear a word.
"That man is the creator of the Four Elders." Vania said softly. "Maybe not of this timeline but that is him in his prime." She said softly and leans back.