A few days before Fenrir's reawakening, two men entered a secret chamber deep under the Kings Throne room. The chamber had been well lit with torches on each of the eight stone pillars hat lined the room.
"My king? What is this place?" The man asks the man in robes. He looked around the room as his eyes began to adjust and noticed skulls at the bases of each pillar as well.
"This is only a small part of hay I wanted to show you… This is only just the beginning of my plans." The robed king replied. "I am a necromancer after all."
The man thought long and hard as the two walked to the end of chamber and were met with door which had multiple locks on it. "Wait… You did do what I think you did? My king?" Once he spoke, the door began to pound and crack with each hit causing the man to jump back a couple feet.
"My brother found this item many years ago called a Fragment of Chaos. Several fragments were spread across the world but this was the closest." He smirked and set his staff aside. "With it, I had been given the opportunity with my powers but no subject to test it on… Until recently that is." Lifting his hand towards the door, he muttered something that could not be made out. "Bron… Why do you think I now use a staff after only using a sword for ages?"
Bron looked away from the door then back to his king. "King Jereth… Would it be related to the Fragment?"
Jereth opened the door, pulling it towards the two of them to reveal the back of what looked like an old man. "My staff has the Fragment imbedded into the tip. That is how I am able to do this and many more to come."
The man before them turned around with a limp. "King Ulric…? You now command your brother my king?" He looks into Jereth's eyes. "He was one of the strongest Adventurers in the Adventurers Guild…"
"Once he has his Great sword, he will me far more powerful than before his death." Jereth looked into the glazed eyes of his dead brother. "I am sorry it came to this brother."
In the Present time, Fenrir stood faced to face with the once living king that had been brought back from the dead. "I know he used to be your father when he was alive, but your uncle now controls him and the Fragment…" Fenrir's hair began to flow behind him almost like a tail. "I need your help in destroying the Fragment… And so we can put your father to rest."
Celestyn looked up, her eyes red from crying then wipes her cheeks. "You're right.." The princess stands up. "I need to do this for him…"
He didn't tell her, but as long as Princess Celestyn stood near Fenrir, her powers would be doubled. Her blood red eyes began to glow, two Direwolves slowly began to form behind the two of them. Once formed, their sizes slowly increased to the point of towering over Fenrir himself who happened to be even taller Than Celestyn or the two young men. Instead of being the blood red like her siblings, these two wolves bore glowing white eyes to indicate they were actual wolf spirits.
Once she was ready, the lumbering figure that was once her father sprung forward with his greatsword and slashed at her. Startled by this, Celestyn hadn't even seen Fenrir's hand reach over to grip the blade before impact.
"I think it's clear now… I'll handle this one Celestyn." the blade shook in his hand for a moment. "I know he's your father but Chaos is controlling his body now that he's dead."
The "Chaos Corpse," as Fenrir had deemed him, let go of the greatsword and bounced backward toward the castle. It reached out trying to summon the sword again, but with no luck due to Fenrir's grasp. Fenrir tosses the blade far out to the side and watches as it disintegrates into a purple flame. "Not trying to sound like an ass, but you may want to go deal with your uncle now."
Celestyn nods and watches as her fathers sword burns back into his hand. She closes her eyes for a moment and breathes slowly before fully sprinting past Fenrir and her father.
Fenrir stared down the Chaos Corpse, his nails extending and growing sharper. The Chaos Corpse forming his sword fully and turned to Celestyn as she began to rush past with her wolves. His sword rose up into the air then slashed back down only to be stopped by Fenrir once more. Fenrir slashes at the Corpse causing him to jump back again away from Fenrir and the castle.
"He's not aiming the Corpse at me, but rather his niece…" Fenrir thought to himself. Time slowed down for Fenrir as he started to analyze the situation. "Her uncle doesn't just want to test this on me…" Fenrir snaps his finger to slow down time. Fenrir looked back as the Corpse had began to move his climbs body slowly towards him. Fenrir stood there trying to see what he was missing until the smallest thing caught his eye. A glimmer of light flickering from the robber man's staff. "Ah. There's the Fragment" he told himself. Still the uneasy feeling that he was missing something still lingered. "Alright. This is going to be annoying." He raises his right hand halfway and lifts his palm upward. His back still turned to the Corpse as the sword was now mid swing behind him. "I know they're alive now, but I wonder." A black orb forms in his hand the size of his fist and absorbs the essence of Chaos deep inside the Corpse behind him. The orb began to glow purple and blue then snaps his fingers for reality to resume.
The Corpse drops behind Fenrir, causing Jereth to stand on his toes staring out into the open field. "H-How could this happen?!?! What the fuck happened?!" Panick sank in to the older man. "Dammit. I didn't want to have to use this one…"
Celestyn was still running to the gates as the wolves burst through them.
"I'm not done 'Wolf God!'" Jereth yelled out then slammed his staff into the ground. The Fragment glowing brighter this time.