The trio stood staring at their Mother all unsure of what the reason of her being there was.
"Terek, Celestyn, I still cared about both of your fathers before… But I think it's time Jayce learns the truth." She said as she stood beside the wall still.
Jayce looked confused then questioned "What do you mean? I know you're my mother too…"
"Yes. I am your mother. However, it is time to tell you who your father truly is." She holds her right hand out facing down. A fire ignited on the ground and grows as tall as them. "Look into this fire, and you will see who your father truly is."
"Why can't you just tell me yourself? Or is that something Gods can't do?" Jayce stared her down starting to get irritated.
"I can tell you… But this would give you the chance to see him first." She said looking down "Now look into the fire."
He rolls his eyes and stands there for a moment, debating on if he really wanted to know. "Fine." He started to take a step and felt Terek's hand on his shoulder.
"We'll be right here brother." He spoke softly with a sincere tone.
Jayce could only nod as he looked deep into the fire for a moment. At first he just watched the flames wave back and forth until the color changed to that of their mothers hair. The fire turned white with black deep inside it and a vision slowly grew clear. It started off with a man visible from the back. His hair was white then the vision changed to that of a wolf the size of a mountain. His glowing red eyes hidden in a fog.
"Who is this?" He asked looking back towards their mother.
"That is Fenrir… Before he became the Old Wolf God" She releases the flames, waving her hand aside as the fire turned to smoke and dissipated.
Celestyn put the puzzle together within that instant. "Wait… If he's his true son… How is he here now when the Old Wolf God disappears a millennia ago?"
"Because he was born a millennia ago then frozen in time." Wall torches throughout the chamber ignited and lit up the entire room. The stone wall behind her had a texture that was unfamiliar to them. "I know I called you three here because you are his descendants, however, Jayce step over here to me." She held her hand out summoning a small fire that formed into a runic dagger. "In order to waken him properly I need a drop of blood from each of you. He has been in this slumber for too long that a spell had been casted on him."
"Hold on… You're just going to gloss over the fact that I was born a millennia ago?? Just like that?" Jayce stood there looking at the floor. "So the ones I remember seeing when I was born were…"
Their mother, Dogma, sighs heavily as she held the dagger in her hand. "Yes.. The two you saw then were both your father and myself."
"You could've said something when I was younger… Or even when you had us go into that small cave back then…" Jayce gripped his scythe tightly as he stood there staring at the rocky floor of the chamber.
"I know you are angry… But I could not interfere fully…" The ground began to shake bellow them. "We need to wake Fenrir now before it is too late."
Celestyn steps forward beside Jayce. "What is the rush in waking him? You had us gather together as fast as possible and now we have to offer a drop of blood?"
"There is going to be a war beyond this world we remade… I infused mana in hopes one day we could turn the tide against our foe but I… No… We didn't expect them to make a move so sudden." She held her hand out and summoned a fire large enough for the three to look into. "I cannot tell you everything as it would be too much for you to handle. If you do not trust me or Fenrir, then please look into this fire and you will see this worlds future without the help of you three…"
Celestyn and Terek looked at eachother then back to Jayce.
Without a word, Jayce stepped over to their mother and held his hand out. "You made me think my parents were dead even before that incident… But yet you ask me to help you and my 'FATHER'?" He sighed and looked away. "I'll help… But Connor is my father… Gale was my father…"
Dogma could feel her heart break by these words until Jayce started to speak again.
"Promise me one thing… Mother…" He looked back up into her eyes. "The three of us will sit down and talk about this."
Her heart ached but she wanted this too. "I promise once this is over we will…" She pulled the dagger up and slowly cut his palm, watching him wince as blood trickled down his hand. "Now place your palm up against the wall behind me."
Jayce walked away silently and placed it as she said against the rough wall. The ground began to tremble again as she waved Terek over then Celestyn. Terek stood on Jayces right side while Celestyn to his left both placing each hand on the wall at the same time. As they did, the ground stopped, causing the three to step back.
"Now we must leave this chamber…" The slit in the wall slowly began to rise to reveal a glossy red circle that slowly began to light up. "It's beginning."