The glossiness of the red circle began to gain moisture as it turned into a colossal eye and blink. With that in mind Dogma and the others began to head for the stairs as the ground tumbled once more. Rocks and dust exploded from the ceiling and walls as the room cracked. Once Celestyn's foot was off the floor and onto the stairs, the entire stone floor shattered beneath.
"I think I understand why you said we should leave. This mountain is about to cease to exist!" She sprints up the spiral stairs behind Terek and Timber.
Dogma had been gliding up the stairs without touching a step. "With this waking, even your uncle will feel the quakes, Celestyn."
They four out of the stairs and through the Tombs of Heroes in time for the ground beneath them to crumble behind.
"How big was he?!" Jayce yelled out behind Dogma. The group emerges as bloodied Connor and Luc stood staring at the mountain as it crumbles. "We need to go now!!"
Connor, who had only minor cuts rushed over to Luc and helped him to the forest. "Just what the hell did you pups wake up?
"Apparently my father!!" Jayce rushes over and helps Connor with Luc. "I'll explain at the village… Er. Mother might…"
The mountain bursts upward, sending bits and pieces in every direction. What once was a snow capped mountain was now quickly turning into a crater as the mountain is shattered. Once the group got to the village of the Frost Wolf Clan, Dogma, the Goddess of the Sun and their mother, ascended over the village then raised her hand and formed a dome over the entire village and forest, protecting each of the people under it.
"What about the Moon Wolf Clan? They're on the other side of the Mountain?" Terek called out to Dogma. Timber rushes over to check on the Direwolf Pack to make sure they were okay.
"I already have a dome protecting them. It has been up since we left the cave and chambers." Dogma looks down seeing a face she wished she wouldn't have to.
While she was protecting the village the chiefs father walks out of their wood log house. "I always new there was something different about you… That is why I was glad you two were with each other…" The old man "But to be the Goddess the continent of Aneth… No the world knows you as… Was not expecting that." He stroked his beard and looked to the three as they helped Connor and a wounded Luc to the healers cabin.
Vincenz felt ashamed that he didn't tell his father but all he could do now was watch as the mountain and the surrounding areas disintegrated into nothingness. Terek walks over to his father and grandfather and all the old man could say had made the two worried as to what will happen next.
"It has been foretold for millennia that he would be awakened by his blood… But this is how the world ends. The Two gods who made this world have now set it for destruction." The old man shook his head "I do not want a part of it, my ass is too old for this shit." He said then went back into the house to his room.
"Did she tell you why we had to?" Terek asked his father while Celestyn and Jayce stepped out of the healers cabin and began to make their way to the two.
"Yes. This is only a small part of your journey son… I can tell you're getting stronger day by day. Just promise you won't change." Terek didn't look him in the eyes but the two knew without a word.
Meanwhile as they stood under the dome that protected them, the head of a colossal wolf began to rise out of the mountain, slowly crawling out. The fur saw white as the snow around and glowing red eyes that could pierce one's soul. Moments pass as the wolf was finally standing on all fours out of its slumber beneath the mountain. Just like the vision Jayce had seen, a heavy fog rolls in around the wolf as it slowly turns its head. At first the wolf bares its huge teeth until the woman, Dogma, catches its eyes.
"Dogma…" The thunderous voice echoed through for miles. The fog that surrounded it parts but continued to follow behind like a cloak as this wolf began to slowly make its way towards the village. Each step seemed like it should've caused the ground to shake after what happened, but very step the towering wolf room had been nimble. Within seconds the wolf was standing over the village.
Dogma, looking up towards it with each eye locked as her protective domes disappeared. "Fenrir… You heard everything didn't you…"
"I did.. You should have woke me sooner…" His eyes shifted from here over to the three then looked up and released howl that dispersed the clouds above him, bringing in rats of sunlight onto the land. He looks back down to them and sees he pack of Direwolves around the village. "I see my hopes of coexistence has lasted this long."
"You heard the conversation then changed the subject just like that…" Jayce turns around with his back facing his father. "The son of two gods and I still get treated like I don't exist…" His eyes began to glow red. "Why did we even need to wake you from your damn sleep…"
"Chaos is returning after I destroyed him… And beings beyond this world are bound to reveal themselves to wage war against us." Fenrir flared down at his son. "I need the help of everyone on this world… That includes you, son." The moment the word had been spoken, howling from deep inside the forest could be heard.
Jayce stood trying to calm his nerves. Every emotion imaginable had been running through his mind all at once. Connor could see the young man's eyes glowing red with anger so he decided to walk over toward him. "Jayce… I can tell you are angry… But just calm down for a moment and listen to me."
The young man stood with Connor, which was a sign that he was listening.
"All of these years, with everything you had gone through, not once did you ever let anything get to you." Connor spoke softly trying to reach his heart with this conversation. "You always have been and always will be a son in my eyes and I am proud to see you grow."
Jayces eyes slowly calmed down before he closed them and sighed. "Dammit Connor…" He glances up into his eyes and gave him a small hug before turning back to Fenrir, the massive wolf. "What do you need us to do then…"