Celestyn sat in her guest room hunched perched agaisnt the window as she read a several books. She knew if she and Sir Fendwyr were to step outside the Elven Kingdom alone, they would be continuously attacked by her uncle. As she read her book, she could sense her two half brothers growing closer. Fendwyr rushes in with an uneasy look.
"Princess? Is everything alright?" The young knight asked as he held the door in hand, staring at her.
"Of course I am. Why do you ask like something happened?" She looked up from her book. She hadn't realized it but as she read her book, she was able to summon about twenty Direwolf spirits in her small room. "Oooh…." Celestyn shut her book and set it down so she could slide back into a sitting position. "I guess it's because I sensed their presence on the continent…"
Fendwyr relaxed, leaving the door cracked as he walked in and sat across from her. The spirits evaporated except for two, which sat on each side of her. "Do you mean your half brothers?"
She nodded, looking at her hand and the bracelet her father gave her on her last birthday. "It felt like they're in the Dwarven Kingdom to the east but they're moving so fast." She spoke softly as the spirit on her right gently nudged her.
The young knight glanced down he only kept his sword on him since they were mostly safe in Milalnoris. "I'll go tell the king they are on they're way here. He'll be able to send word to the Bastion and Filarion." He stood up and walked to the opening it the rest of the way. Princess Kara stood there at the door about to knock. "I'm sorry Princess Kara.." He stops and steps aside letting her in then takes his leave.
"You heard didn't you?" Celestyn kept her eyes on the bracelet then looked up into Kara's eyes.
"I did, but I came because we sensed a lot of aura coming from your room." Kara walks over and sits down across from her.
"My mother once told me that my father and I were direct descendants of the fabled Wolf God of the continent where they came from, before I knew they were my brothers…" The princess sighed and stood up. "I want to stop my uncle, but I know my destiny has to come first."
The Queen stood outside of the room, leaning against the wall as she looked down. So much had happened in such a short period of time that not even she could figure out what to do next. However, what she did know was that this could be their last time with her.
Kara got up and hugged Celestyn. She could tell her mind was bouncing back and forth trying to decide on what to do. "I'm sure my father and mother already have a plan to deal with your uncle so let us worry about that."
The two princesses sat there hugging for some time. The Queen waited for Kara to walk out then both started their way to the King.
Meanwhile, Jayce, Terek, and Timber were racing through town to town trying to make their way to Celestyn as fast as possible. The closer they got to the Bastion and the human border town of Uthia, they could see black smoke rising up to the air.
No words were needed as the two split off. Jayce continued toward the Elven Bastion while Terek and Timber sprinted into the town of Uthia. Knights stood guarding the town as mages laid waste to all sorts of buildings. From homes to business, the mages were casting fire Magic on each one. Terek and Timber took out the two knights standing outside the town and could see a group of them standing around civilians with their blades drawn to them. "Timber, get the ones burning the houses!" She growled, acknowledging her companions words and took off toward them, leaping into the air.
While Timber took care of the mages, Terek transformed back and withdrew his sword from its sheathe. The knights who were about to execute the civilians glared at him through their helmets and raised their swords to him.
"Half of you men make sure none of these people leave! We kill them after we kill this bastard!" The commanding knight stood in front of the group wearing silver armor with gold trim. He removed helmet to reveal an older bald knight with a long white beard.
Terek knew who he needed to remove. He could sense a stronger aura surrounding the knight as he too unsheathed his sword. Some of the lower ranking knights began to charge toward Terek but for him time seemed to have slowed down as he could see each of their moves and avoid them. He hesitated at first but only swung his sword to disarm them, cutting their arms just right to cause them to drop their swords. Once he was past the group of knights, Terek lowered himself into position and sprung himself forward toward the commander. The speed caught the commander off guard as before he knew it he was capable of seeing his decapitated body. Watching as it stood there behind Terek for a moment and dropped to the floor.
"If you do not want to die… Lower your swords! You can't kill me without your Mages!" Terek yelled out to the knights surrounding the civilians and watched as they looked around. Timber had annihilated the Mages and looked up with her mouth around the throat of the last one.
The knights backed away and lowered their swords in the mud filled gravel. The sobs of the survivors could be heard when a man dressed like a butler stood up. His outfit bloodied and torn up. "You must be one of the boys the woman spoke of."
"I'm assuming you're talking about my mother… Who are you?" Terek asked the man as he got closer.
"My name is Bastian. I am the butler of Princess Celestyn." He bowed and stood back up. "The princess' uncle thought he killed me so I didn't want to show myself to these knights yet but you arrived." Timber finished up and walked over to Terek still growling but this time aimed at the butler.
"You're not human are you?" Terek sat his hand on Timbers shoulder to help calm her.
"I will tell you everything on the way, but first, where is the other?" Bastian looked around the town.
"He went ahead to the Bastion."