Chereads / Wolf in Ruins / Chapter 76 - Familiar Faces

Chapter 76 - Familiar Faces

Jayce was sprinting full speed toward the Elven Basiton of Cliadel. As he grew closer he could see the Guards surrounding the gates with their crossbows and ballistas ready to rain hell upon anyone who seemed to be a threat. In the blink of an eye, a ballista bolt shot inches from his side causing him to grind to a halt and remember he was in wolf form.

"State your business or be fired on!!" The captain of the Bastion, Prince Filarion, stood in front of the gate with knights behind him holding their shields.

"Shit…" Jayce shifted back to his human form and reached back for his scythe. "I'm only here for my half sister… The Princess!"

The prince quickly remembered the message that was sent to the gate only moments prior to the young man's arrival. "If you are who you say, then where is the other?!" The Prince called out to him.

Jayce stood there with his scythe in his right hand then reaches with his left to the tall ballista bolt and yanked it three feet deep from the ground. "He went to Dave that human town that you Elves chose not to and watch as they were butchered."

The two stared down from across the road. Prince Filarion stood stern ready to end him in a moments notice.

A hand gently rests on Jayces shoulder "I must apologize for my late timing, Prince Filarion. I ran into some trouble in Uthia."

"Bastian… I was wondering what happened to you when the princess showed up with just her knight.." Prince Filarion raised his hand, the knights backed away from the gate and all crossbow men and ballista turned and raised to the sky. He then watched as two more wolves showed up behind Bastian and the young man.

Terek changes back and stands beside Jayce trying to catch his breath. "He's not human…" He said quietly to Jayce.

"Very well. I'll allow you three entrance." Filarion steps aside for them to go through. "I would ask if you need a carriage, but after seeing to shapeshifters and you, Bastian, I take it as a no."

Bastian bows "The thought is what counts young master Filarion." Bastian stood up and turned to Jayce and Terek. "Do you two young men have enough energy for another run?"

"I'm more worried about Timber than either of us." Terek walked over and scratched her side. "But we have no choice. We need to hurry."

"I shall lead the way then." Bastian gets himself ready, one foot moved forward before leaving behind a cloud of dirt. Terek sighs as Timber follows behind the old man and both he and Jayce transform into their wolf forms and take off behind, slowly catching up to the two.

Filarion stood watching the four as they slowly for further and further away. "Someone get me Garuda. We need the fastest bird we have." A couple knights scramble behind to get the bird. While he waited, he got a scroll and began to write down on it.

A young of knight walked up leading a bird that stood eight feet tall from head to toe. The feathers were a colorful mix of green and yellows. "Garuda, I need you to take this to the capital right away."

The bird glances at the scroll as Filarion strapped it around. "The time is coming I see… Very well."

Filarion looks at the bird confused but shrugged it off. Garuda got a running start toward the road and spread its massive wingspan before flying up high swiftly and majestically. As Garuda turned toward the bastion, it took one big flap then was gone within an instant.

A few minutes pass by as Celestyn sat by the window staring out. She could see mounds of dust being kicked up into the air on the main road from her room but figured there were multiple carriages.

"Princess Celestyn!" The bedroom door flung open to Fendwyr in his black boots jeans and button up T-shirt. "They're in the capital on they're way in!"

She glanced back at the road then back to the door and stood up. "They're faster than I thought." She said as the two sprinted out the door. They ran to the stairs that wound down to the main hall stairs and stopped at the top. King Ember stood at the door talking to Bastian while the young men stayed in their wolf forms for a bit with Timber standing beside them on their right.

"It took you two long enough." Celestyn smiled. Even through their wolf forms she could sense it was them. She slowly made her way down as they looked up at her.

Jayce was first to change into his human form. "We kind of had to bail your butler out but we still made it."

"I know we're on a tight schedule but I've been torn." Celestyn stopped at the bottom of the stairs with her eyes on the floor. Bastian walked over to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. "I shall try to hold your uncle off as long as I can. I couldn't show my true self in front of the citizens before but I shall do what I need to." She looked up at Bastian unsure of what to say. "You need to focus on what your mother has asked."

Jayce looks over to Terek then back to the princess. "She did say she's already told you due to certain circumstances…" Jayce said looking at his half sister with her head down. "Once we wake him up then we'll come back and help."

"We haven't been in this land for long and I've already seen what your uncle is doing. I promise we'll help." Terek steps aside for Timber. The large lumbering Direwolf trots over to Celestyn and brushes agaiant her.

"I shouldn't have to rely on others… But we do need to wake Fenrir…" Celestyn gives a soft sigh of relief for a moment then wraps her arms around Timber. "Sir Fendwyr… Bastian. I'm trusting you both in this."

Fendwyr steps down then kneels down before her. "You have my word. Please make it back. Your people need you."

She sets her hand on his shoulder "I will return, Fendwyr. I promise." Bastian walks over as Fendwyr stands up. "King Ember.. Can you still use Mass Teleportation?"

The king smirked leaving a smile that rose to his ears. "I haven't used that spell in ages. As long as I or someone else we been there I can." The king waves he two young men in and snapped his fingers. A large runic circle formed below their feet on the floor.

Jayce perked up "Oh. You can send us back to the Mountain?"

"Just picture it in your heads and hold tight. I can send you anywhere." King Ember stepped out of the circle and watched as Jayce, Terek, Timber, and Celestyn stood in a circle.

"I better not land in a tree… That's happened to me once." Terek scratched his head.

King Ember snapped his fingers again. "No promises" and watched as the four disappeared, leaving Terek with a scared look.