Gannon walks them out back behind his warehouse, instead of a runway like most airships would use, behind his warehouse sat a cannon the size of a watchtower. It's width was almost bigger than a Deathworm alone.
"You want us to be shot out of that thing?!?!" Jayce stared the the cannon as Ganon walked over to a control panel to their right.
"Of course. I did tell ye I would be jointing you boys. Did I not?" Ganon began to fiddle with his control panel which had three levers and several buttons. The dwarf then stroked his beard as he watched the colossal cannon turning to the west.
Terek noticed the cannon angle to the west instead of the east. "Don't we need to fly east?"
"Of course we do ma boy. But Imma tel you a secret.." The dwarf turns around two them, Timber was behind them watching down an alley. "The Dwarven Kingdom is on the east side of the continent. If I give the cannon enough power, we should make it with a third of the way left before the fun begins. Besides, I don't think you want to fly into a war zone do ye?"
The two young men looked at each other for a moment then back to the dwarf. "No you have a point." Jayce responds as he scratches the beck of his head.
"Give me a few moments to get ready, then we launch." Ganon walks back to the warehouse, leaving Jayce and Terek staring at the cannon.
Meanwhile, across the world from the two, a cloaked man sat in the throne of the human kingdom. Rather than being surrounded by knights, he had Ghostly figures standing by his sides.
"Brother of the old King. Ruler of the Undead. My name is Bron." The man who spoke knelt before the steps of the throne. "You have summoned me, my king?"
"It appears an old prophecy is about to come true, involving my niece." The cloaked man stands up and slides his hood back, revealing the scarred face. One massive scar crosses down his left eye and down to his cheek. His left eye was clear while he bore a dark brown in his eye. "My brother foretold a prophecy involving his daughter before his, sudden passing." He steps down from the throne to the kneeling Bron. "She is currently in the Elven Kingdom, however there is more. I want you to infiltrate the Dwarven Kingdom."
"My lord…. With this war we are involved in… I don't think I could possibly infiltrate them unless…" He stops mid sentence and looks up. "You have a plan don't you?
The cloaked king stands before him as he raises his hand. "Come with me. There is something I have been working on in secret when my brother was alive." The cloaked king walks toward the throne and pulls up one of the arms of the throne, revealing a lever. He pulls the lever causing the throne to move to the left slowly, revealing stairs below. The two descend into the depths of the castle.
In the Elven Kingdom of Milalnoris, Celestyn has decided to walk though the gardens followed by Fendwyr. His hand resting on the hilt of his sword while they walk. "Princess… Are you sure we should be walking around like this?"
"We are the King and Queens guests… Besides they were not only friends with my father… But the three of them used to be companions." She stopped to smell a flower that was shaped like rose which hadn't bloomed. "My father once told me stories of their adventures as teens in the Adventurers Guild."
The knights brows rise. "I never knew they were Adventurers." He was going to ask her more but could see the pain in her eyes.
"Orichalcum rank Adventurer, Hero of the Old War… All of those titles and I still feel like I'm in his shadow…" Tears began to drip down her cheeks. Fendwyr wanted to comfort her but he didn't know how. Having previously been considered a street rat now knight.
"Your father wouldn't want you feeling like you're in his shadow…." A feminine voice was heard behind Fendwyr as he turns, seeing the Elf Queen now by his side. Celestyn turns to her, crying as she faces the Queen. "Your father considered you to be higher than himself." She walks over to Celestyn wrapping her arms around her. "I wish we were there to have helped. My husband and I wanted to see him again."
The Queen felt motherly to Celestyn even though she was more of an aunt to her throughout the years. "Thank you I…" Celestyn stood there in her arms, a flash of light flashes in her mind as her vision blurs then turns to darkness. Instead of seeing her Knight and the Queen as she had, Celestyn is now greeted with a vision of the future. The world around her was crumbling and many unknown figures and beings were flaring in the sky watching the destruction. A white ghostly wolf then appears in front of her.
"This will be the third time I watch my world destroyed by those who seek power…" The wolf turns to her. Eyes glowing red as they lock eyes.
"You… You are my… No, our ancestor aren't you…" Celestyn could feel her words through her chest.
"I am… Many call me the Old Wolf God.. Some call me Fenrir and a few called me Fin. I do not care which you call me but at one time I despised my old name." He walks over to her, he was much larger than he looked as he towers over the young princess. "Your brothers have launched themselves across the great sea and will be in danger the moment they land."
"What do you mean? Mother said she was guiding them here." She asked.
"She did, and she has done well. But they will soon land in the Dwarven Kingdom, which has many of your uncles spies, one who is a threat to you three." He stares into her eyes. "I cannot stay much longer, trying to show you this vision as well as slowing down time is as tasks that takes its toll. You must hurry." His form then began to fade as well as the vision until she is back with the Queen.