The night sky flew past a the trio rode atop the Deathworm's head. Terek had closed his eyes to relax while Timber was still anxious from being on top of the giant head.
As they grew closer to their last stop in this desert, Terek began to have a dream. It wasn't much of one but more of a voice speaking to him.
"You must hurry… You're time is running out to awaken me…" The voice was deep and sounded young still. In the void of his dream, a colossal eye opens, shining bright red until he shoots forward waking up.
This catches his eye causing to Jayce look over to Terek. "Are you all right?" He asked with a worried look.
"I heard a voice… And… Saw a red eye in my sleep." Terek looked down at his hands now that he could see them. "We need to hurry."
"You are in luck, Humans. We have just arrived to the Port Town you spoke of." He Deathworm lowered its head so the three could get down. "Because we brought you here safely, do not expect the same the next time you return."
Jayce slid off then followed by Timber, who fumbles into the cool night sands. The ground began to rumble as the three stood facing the Deathworms. "What was that?"
Terek felt the ground beneath the sand shake but it was only brief. "We need to hurry and get to Strazza Grah"
The Deathworms didn't say a word as they silently dug themselves into the thick sand. The trio turned around and were quickly greeted by several dozen men armed with crossbows pointed to them. One seemed to have been holding a cannon in one hand, No his hand was a cannon. His left hand held what looked like a grip to hold the cannon up and aimed at Jayce. The man's whole right side was torn and burned up from what ever injury he had obtained.
"Who are you? And why were you on those Monsters??" The man called out to the trio.
"Whoa there sir, we were just trying to get to Strazza Grah!" Jayce yelled out in response. "We came from the Northern Wolf clan Frost Wolf."
"Frost Wolf? Why were Frost Wolves on those Deathworms?" He asked still aimed his arm cannon at them.
"Please let us explain…." Jayce was cut off by Terek as he stepped forward.
"We don't have time for this. We can explain on the way. We desperately need to get to Strazza Grah now. The world is going to end if we do not awaken the Old Wolf God." Terek's aura continued to leak out as he stared down the Man with the arm cannon.
"Very well." The man said as he turns and lowers his arm. He summoned a soldier to prepare a ship quickly. "Judging from the urgency, a normal ship won't due. How do you three feel about heights?"
"Will it be quicker?" Jayce questioned the man as he lead them through a town. Everyone didn't seem to be bothered by the visitors except for a few who looked to be on guard.
"As long as we don't run into any Cloud Sharks or The Colossal Sky Whale, we should be fine." The man's pace continued as he lead them to the shore where ships of every size sat at the docks. "Don't worry, these are normal boats." The man took a turn down an alley to the right and waved them to follow. As they did, a large warehouse stood tall in front of them. "The captain should be getting prepared so just go through that warehouse and you'll see it."
Terek, rushes forward followed by Timber. Jayce thanked the man before making his way to the large warehouse.
The three now stood at the door, the warehouse was much larger than it looked from where they first laid eyes on it. "What could be this bug that could get us to Strazza Grah?" Jayce was now curious.
"Don't care. All I know is our time is getting shorter and shorter." Terek grabs the handle to the white metal warehouse door and pushes it open. The interior was massive enough to fit several warships inside but the room was almost empty. Timber runs in past Terek sniffing he ground.
"He did say this warehouse? Right?" The tone of Terek's voice changed as he walked into the ware house.
"Eye, he did." An unfamiliar voice echoed through the massive and empty warehouse. "Are ye the two boys my little brother mentioned?" A man steps out from below from a semi hidden staircase. He was built like an ox but to their surprise he was a Dwarf. "I must be your first Dwarf." The man walks over to them, his head at their chest level. "My little brother is half human half dwarf."
"I was going to ask about that but you beat me to it." Jayce holds his hand out for a handshake. "I would introduce ourselves but we are in a hurry to get to Strazza Grah."
"Follow me… We can't go in something big like a normal airship. It'll take too long." He starts to head back toward he center of the warehouse, then followed by Jayce and Terek. "The names Ganon, Blacksmith and inventor." He takes one step into the middle of the room and twists his foot. A pedal takes shape around his foot as he twists it once again but this time the floor opens up beside them and lifts a small aircraft. It looked like a small boat with wings and small wheels. "We'll use this to enter my prototype cannon. This should in theory get us to Strazza Grah within the hour."
"You want us to get in that?!" Jayce asked but then is slapped upside the back of his head.
"We need to get there as fast as possible. If we take an airship we may be too late." Terek stared at him, his aura was still strong around him.
"Fine… Where's this cannon?" Jayce asked