His name now revealed to the room, laying there in the bed unable to move. Felix, the man who suffered a never ending pain, looked into Jayces eyes with his one. "You've really grown.." Tears began to form from his only eye and run down his cheek. "I should've gone with you Jayce…. I'm sorry…" He could barely speak as he choked up.
"Felix…" Jayce looked down and closed his eyes. Anger swelling. "I promise… I'll…" He stopped as he felt a hand gently against you'd arm.
"Don't say anything…. I turned my back on you for the others… This was my fault for being a fool.." Felix said softly then wiped his tears away. "The wolf told me something that I've held to myself. Our reunion can wait."
Jayce looks up to Felix, who was now looking at him with a stern look. "The wolf? As in THE wolf?"
"I can't be sure but he saved me so I can only assume.." Felix tried to sit up and lean against the headboard. "Strazza Grah is only the beginning. Soon the rest of our world will be in danger. He told me his kin would visit me which I'm also guessing is you two." This caught Terek's eye as he now enters the room.
"I'm other words we can't stay here any longer. I've had this gut feeling that things were set in motion by the higher powers…" Terek said crossing his arms.
"You're right. I've waited eight years to see if you were alive or not. I can wait longer to spend more time with you, kid." Felix held his hand up to Jayce.
Jayce sees his hand and gently takes it in his own. "I promise, I'll come back." With that, Jayce and Terek head back down the stairs. Timber lumbered down the stairs and outside with them. Argi stood a few feet away, waiting patiently for the two young men.
"We can't spend any more time here in the Desert, Argi." Jayce said walking over to her.
"I know. The only problem once you leave my village will be the free roaming Kagan Crawlers and the Deathworms." Argi turned and looked out toward the desert.
Jayce walks past the towering reptile and heads for the village gates. Terek stood beside Argi with Timber beside him to his left. Jayce hadn't realized it but aura was leaking out from him. At first it was slight but with his mind racing towards rage caused his aura to spread out. In the beginning it was a clear white, slowly turning dark and whipping around him.
"Argi… Is it possible to tame a Deathworm?" Terek wanted to calm his companion, however, he was curious.
"It is not impossible… Deathworms will eat anything the see." Argi looked down to the young man. "This is not something you can do…"
Terek silently agreed, looking away back to Jayce. Timber had began to make her way toward Jayce while Terek stood behind. "No not me… But I think I know someone who could try…"
"I would've offered to send a couple Kagans with you…" Argi looks toward her riders who were taking care of the young Kagans. "They're all we have for now."
"You've gotten us this far. He really needed this Argi, thank you." Terek bowed his head before taking his leave.
After reaching the Gates, the man known as Gregor walks over to Argi. "You didn't tell them about the Sand Eaters either?"
"The only people who can survive that far in the desert will surely be surprised by these two." Argi spoke softly. "I feel they can learn from the Sand Eaters more than myself."
Before they depart from the village, Jayce Terek, and Timber had grabbed supplies offered to them by Argi herself. Water canteens and food slung over Timbers back as well as Terek's. Jayce had a pack over his shoulders and a canteen. They were unsure of how long it would take them but if rationed right, it would last them two weeks. Once prepared, Terek and Timber waited at the entrance of the village. His right hand holding onto one of the sacks of supplies. Timber had a harness that had two hooked on against her sides.
Jayce was making his way to the other two when he begins to feel like he's being watched. He takes a quick look around at first, not seeing anything. Everyone in the village was busy taking care of eachother but for some reason these eyes felt like they were piercing him.
"What's wrong Jayce?" Terek walked over placing his hand on his shoulder.
"I feel like someone's watching but nobody is…" In that moment he sees a ghostly wolf off toward the other side of the village. He shakes his head and rubs his eyes, then looks again seeing nothing in that spot.
"Well… Let's get going. We don't have much time left." Terek walked back toward the gates and readied himself with Timber.
Jayce walks up to them and slings the pack over his back. The uneasy feeling of the hidden eyes still on him. Little did they know, the desert before them was going to be harsh.
As the three set forward into the desert, the princess and her guardians continued to flee the dangers of their home country with no allies to rely on. They had gotten to a clearing far from the Mages and stopped to sit down.
"We could try to ask the Elves for help…" The knight walked over to the princess as she began to sit down on an old stump. "Queen Velrose and King Ember have been kind to your family, Princess Celestyn."
"We could…" She sat there for a moment running her hand through her hair. "Princess Kana and I grew up together so we could…" Celestyn was interrupted by a Raven as it lands beside her.
"Princess Celestyn." The raven spoke with an unnatural voice. "The Queen and King of the forest have requested an audience with you." It caws, looking up at the trio.
"That was an every eerie timing. Bastian, can you verify this Ravens origin?" The knight looked over to the older butler.
"I shall see." Bastian holds his hand out a foot over the Raven, a green light laminating from his hand as a symbol of a stag hovers two feet from his hand. "It appears it is true."