Chereads / Wolf in Ruins / Chapter 67 - The Rising Stag

Chapter 67 - The Rising Stag

Celestyn stood up from the stump she was resting on, looking at the Stag symbol. The Elves whom she looked up to, appeared to be offering their hand. "What are the odds this was manufactured by him?"

The old butler looks over toward her and pulls his hand away from the Raven. "If he created this false hope, his symbol would've appeared with a skull. That man gave up his lineage, meaning any other has been disregarded." Bastian's eyes narrowed as he looked at his Princess. "This is truly from the Elven Kingdom." Princess Celestyn relaxed a little and took a deep breath.

Fendwyr, the knight in silver armor, walks over with his hand on his hilt. "We cannot stay in our lands much longer, your highness. As long as he knows you're still in the territory he will hunt you."

Celestyn nodded and straightened up then began to walk forward. "I know… At the very least let's hurry to Uthia so we can cross the border." Knowing the human city of Uthia was bordering Cliadel, the only elven bastion that stood between the humans and dwarves.

Bastian followed behind. "With the war between us and the dwarves, I doubt it'll be easy to cross."

Fendwyr catches up and walks beside Bastian. "As long as this Raven stays with us, we have guaranteed access. This is usually how our envoys cross."

Bastian nodded. He only knew about what had occurred inside the kingdom having been given a certain amount of access from the king. "It's been years since I have left the castle, myself."

The three spent days and nights traveling to the northern parts of the country. After three days of travel, the hellhounds seemed to have caught onto their scent as they now hear the howling once more.

The princess had just laid down in a bed within a tavern. They were one town away from Uthia, their current destination as that would be the last human town they would be in.

"It's a good thing they decided to remain neutral in this war." Fendwyr stood beside the tavern room window, peeking out to watch. Bastian had gone downstairs himself to gather some food for the three with what money they currently had.

The princess laid there speechless as she stared up at the ceiling. "I wonder how Kara is doing." She said softly, remembering the last time she'd seen her when the two were small.

"I'm sure lady Kara is alright. Just rest for now, my lady." Fendwyr glanced over after she had fallen silent to see she had dozed off. He softly smiled as he walked over and covered her up. Bastian walked in with a tray covered, setting it down on a table across the room. "The princess shouldn't have to be going through this…" The knight spoke softly as to not wake her up.

"I agree. However, I will not allow anything to happen to her. I made an oath to her father as well as you, Sir Fendwyr." Bastian stood straight and looked at the knight.

Fendwyr closed his eyes and sighed softly. "His foresight is what kept us alive…" he shook his head before he finished his sentence. "But he knew he could trust us."

"You should get some rest yourself. Get out of your armor and lay in that couch. I'll take first watch." Bastian stood by Fendwyr and placed his hand on his shoulder. The knight nods slightly then steps away from the window. He began to unclamp his armor and laid down on the couch that laid against the wall across from the window. Bastian stood by the window and began to think to himself as he stood watch. The princess didn't know, but Kara's brother, Princes Filarion declined his rule to become a High Guardian of the bastion in Cliadel. Being a High Guardian, he would be rough to get past if it weren't for the Raven due to their intense training. This was one thing he'd known for a while due to overhearing the king speaking to an envoy from King Ember.

The night passes and quickly turned to day. Bastian was up early cleaning the room before they depart. Princess Celestyn sits up from the bed and uncovers herself. She looks around the room and sees food on the table across from her as well as Fendwyr strapping his armor back on.

"Did you sleep well Princess Celestyn"" He asked but is stopped when he hears a commotion outside. Bastian hears it as well and quickly rushes to the window. The two look out and see a knights and mages surrounding the inn.

"We need to leave…" Bastian tells the two quietly. Outside the window further back, a mage in black robes glances up. His eyes piercing red as they glow in the shadow of his hood. "He's here.."

The princess looks up at Bastian, her eyes wide open as they now can hear the hellhounds outside behind him. "How'd he find us so fast??" She rushes to her feet and stands beside Bastian.

"I fear it may be me they have been following…." Bastian kept his eyes to the mage. "Your father made me promise I would tell you when the time came." He took a deep breath for a moment then exhaled. The room had slowly filled with a dark aura, emanating from the butler himself.

"You're not human are you, Bastian…?" The princess questioned him. Her senses were overwhelmed but she stood through it.

"When your father was your age, he summoned me to aid in the war against the old dragons." The aura dissipated back to him as he knelt in front of her. "I am a Demon Lord from the continent of Arguso, the land between lands." He closed his eyes and looked to the floor. "I'm sorry I did not tell you sooner…" She placed her hand on his cheek.

"You have nothing to worry about. You were doing your duty. Right now we need to leave." He looks up to her. "We can talk more about this when we get to Cliadel."

He places his hand against hers. "I won't be joining you, Princess." As he touched her hand, he sends his aura through hers causing her to collapse into his arms. "Sir Fendwyr…."

Fendwyr stands up in his armor. "What did you do?"

"It is only temporary… I need you to flee this tavern and take the Raven to Cliadel. Once the Prince sees you, he will understand." Bastian stands up placing the princess in his arms. "You are her last protector. As a summoned Demon Lord, I must fulfill my duty and protect her."

Fendwyr held the princess in his arms then nodded. "I.. I understand. What should I tell her?"

"The truth. Now go, Sir Fendwyr…" The butler opened the window and jumped out. This would distract the Necromancer long enough for Fendwyr to flee with the princess.