Chapter 16 - Welcome

-You're the one, dear. Welcome to the family.

'Excuse me?'

-Thank you, Mary.

-Call me aunt dear. Mike is a good child but He is just a bit too much in some aspects.

'The women department, right?'

-He has been quite good with me, aunt Mary.

-I'm glad he finally brought back a good one.

'Just how many women did he bring back here?'

-I see.

After the tea reading, aunt Mary favored Soraya a lot. She was treated even better than his own nephew. The rest of them were already used to her strange antics when new people came to visit, so they didn't pay much attention to her change of attitude.

Michael went with Jake to his room.

-So that's the girl you were agonizing over for almost two weeks. You got her and you brought her here to meet my parents.


-You must be pretty serious about her then.

-Yes, but you know that isn't all.

-Well, your other girlfriends didn't make my mother want to take them as her daughter so, I would say you're going to be fine with her. My mother gave her the green light.

-Thanks, Jake.

-Don't sweat it. You're like a brother, more than a cousin and you know it.

-Of course. The one and only who taught me how to get girls.

-Don't say that aloud in front of my mum. She would skin me alive.

-Then don't say to anyone that I came here before. That's a secret betweeen the both of us.


Before they left the house, aunt Mary brought Michael apart.

-Aunt Mary, do you need something?

-Mike, you got it right this time.


-She is the one for you, congratulations.

-How do you know.

-I just do. You have to believe and marry her quickly.

-She wouldn't agree.

-Then at least, you must propose before returning to London.

-We came to stay here for five days. Are you telling me to propose in four days at most?

-Yes, you must. You have to trust your dear aunt on this. The rest of your life depends on it.


Michael and Soraya stayed there until sunset. Jake lent his car to Michael so they could move more comfortably. Michael's home was outside the city. It was a cottage.

It was dark already, when they arrived. They turn on the lights after coming in. There was a big rustic living room. They continued touring the house.

-This is my room. I redesigned it after getting a job.

This room looked more new compared to the rest of the house. There was a big black metalic bed, two side tables, a desk and a chair, small bookshelves, a tv, a sofa and a big closet.

-It looks great.

-You can leave your clothes in the right side of the closet.

-How many girls did you bring here?

Awkward silence.

-I think it's better if I don't say it.

'It seems there were a lot'.

-You can try it.

Michael walked quicky towards her with a serious face and sudddenly kissed her until she was breathless.

-Are you sure?

Soraya was going to answer after taking in a few breaths but Michael kissed her again. Just like before. When they stopped kissing, Michael looked right into her eyes.

'Fine I won't ask again okay?'

It seems Michael read her mind and just gave her a light peck on the lips this time.