Chereads / It's Always Been You - New beginnings / Chapter 20 - The calm before the storm

Chapter 20 - The calm before the storm

A few months had passed since the proposal.

Soraya was getting strange dreams less and less. She almost was back to normal. Her current life with Michael was too good to be true. She was finally able to get a taste of romance in her life after some failed relationships.

But those strange and familiar dreams still made her curious.

She looked online for any information about dejavu in dreams, or lucid dreams, or any other relevant information. Those dreams, those experiences, those thoughts and feeelings were too real for her to be considered mere dreams.

'I'm finally losing my mind now?'

A small vibration in her poquet caught her atention.

"Babe, how is going your day?"

A gentle smile appeared on her face when she read who was the sender.

"Just like always, but your message really made my day".

"You too make my days and nights. We are finishing up an important project. I'll be free soon. I miss you".

"Me too. But you can always come to the cafe if you miss me too much".

"Sorry, these days I don't have enough time. I'll make it up to you soon, I promise".

"If you are too busy, forget it. Be careful and don't get sick. LOK".

"What it is LOK? Are you a fan of Thor?"

"No, silly. It means Lot Of Kisses, okay?"

"Then much more LOK for you =). Love you".

The screen turned dark and the exchange between lovers ended.

'Sometimes I feel that my current life feels much more like a dream, I feel that I'm really blessed'.

-So your hot boyfriend has messaged you already. Seeing how happy you have been for the past months makes me -the forever alone of the group- to feel a tiny bit jealous of my dating friends.

-Jane, if you are so envious, call Meghan and tell her to hook you up like she did with me.

-My preferences in men are quite the opposite of Meghan's. And I'm not so desesperate yet. I can fantasize with the actors of my favorite dramas while I wait for my Mr.

-Fantasies are good but...believe me, the real thing is much better than imagined.

Jane's face turned beef red.

-Soraya, my fantasies are of pure love you know! My idols are my gods.

-Fine, you can continue with your platonic loves. Who it is your favourite, right now?

-Right now, the winner it's someone from South Korea. Last month was from China. And the one before, from Turkey.

-Okay, okay, I get it. As long as you are happy.


Another peaceful day at the cafe came to an end. It was close night when Soraya closed the shop. These last months of her life had been truly happy. Michael was someone she had never thought of ending together with but, life truly was unexpected.

He was with her as much as he could, they always wanted to be together, they were in their honeymoon phase or so she had heard. But sometimes Michael had important projects to take care of. And he was the team leader, so he had more resposibility and pressure than the rest of his team. When those periods happened, Michael could not meet her for days. She thought of it like the time right before an exam or the publication date of a draft, be it novels, comics...but she still missed him.

She was walking happily in the night listening to one of the trending songs in the radio on her phone. It was a bit chilly at those hours and few people were on the streets.

Soraya was a bit distracted, so she was surprised when someone crashed into her left arm from behind.

-Sorry, be careful!

A middle aged woman, with green eyes and black hair wearing a dark brown long coat and short heels said that to her and continued running as if nothing had ever happened. She was left speechless by the remarks of the stranger who collided with her. The apology was shallow and she told her to be careful after the collision she herself had caused. Soraya was stunned.

'Just count it as the bad event of today'.

A new song started playing in her phone. Her earphones were quite good.

They were so good she didn't detect another person who was very near, walking behind her.

Soraya was distracted with the music, so she didn't felt anything strange until a gloved hand put a handkerchief into her mouth.

She couldn't scream and she couldn't move either. The person behind her was stronger than her and she didn't know any self-defense techniques.

'Who it is? Why is this happening to me?'

Soraya was struggling, trying to kick her opponent or to free her arms which were caught just by one hand. She looked everywhere but, to her dismay, the street was completely empty, except for her and the one behind. Her sight was becoming blurred and her strength was abandoning her.

'Mum, dad, Jane, Meghan, it's true that your life pass before your eyes in dangerous situations...'.

She fell limp in the arms of her mysterious attacker. That person checked Soraya and then dragged her.

The song was still playing in her phone which had fallen on the ground during the struggle.

"So, before you go.

Was there something I could had said

to make your heart beat better?

If only I had known you were the storm to weather.

So, before you go.

Was there something I could had said

to make it all stop hurting?

It kills me how your mind could make you feel so worthless.

So, before you go".