Chapter 12 - pt.12

Y/n (pov)

* today is jimin birthday im quite scared 

because he is 18.I wonder how he is going to

 react to his powers.i better keep my distance 

today hopefully he will understand why*

*i then felt my toes in the crunchy sand.

while the beatiful ocean gave me breeze*

*i was outside alone.ik we all have to go home 

tomorrow.but what about justey.i still need to 

figure that out.*

*i then see suga coming out screeching*

Suga: oh your awake y/n this early 

*while yawning *

Y/n:mm yea I couldn't sleep last night

Suga:why what's wrong

*suga then sits by me*

Y/n:well i kept trying to figure out  justey

Suga:aishh him why tho.he hurted you so you know how I felt.just standing 

there holded back by guards.And seeing you

 get tared apart from that guy.i thought i lost


*i I i *

Y/n:im sorry I shouldn't bring that up.and

 thank you for caring.i better go.

*i then stood up and walk.but I felt a warm

 hand pulling me back*

Suga:nono im soory I was just angrey at what about this justey dream

Y/n:aww suga

Suga:hm what is it *while having his finger 

poking his check*

Y/n:hahah cute

*i then see suga blush*

suga:aishh now about the dream

Y/n:oh yes

*suga then has his deep eye contact at I can continue *

Y/n:well it was a weird dream

(The dream) 

(he had got in my dream tht night.

idk how but he communicated with me in it.)

Justey:hey wait come back you have to always

 trust me

Y/n:what do you mean.

Justey:you just have to

Y/n:no. You hurted drag me in the air

.get out of my dream now.

*i then run and run in the woods*

*i was running from him because he said that

he wasn't just a babysitter he was jimin brother.i just couldn't still  believe that.*

Justey:look i told you before im very sorry.and I am his brother.

Y/n: nono

Justey:yes yes

*i then lose my breath from running*

*justey then catch up with me*

Justey:hey stop running your going to lose your energy.i dont want you to get hurt

Y/n:why do you care about me so much.this is a dream


Y/n:because what 

Justey:because I used to

Y/n: you used to what

Justey:because  I used to be  your 

bestest friend 

Y/n:yea when we were little

Justey:yes but I still want us to have that same 

relationship we used to do

Y/:how can i trust hurted me so bad.

That before I went to sleep jimin tried to shush me to sleep but i whouldnt stop crying.

Justey:im very sorry I never wanted to hurt you.

its just its hard to let my feelings out.for me I

 hurt people by telling them that.

Y/n:well thats a weird reason to do that.just 

don't ever do that again.

Justey:ok I promise

Y/n:ok and also are you really 30.jimin told me

 you were

Justey:nonono. He probably forgot my 

not 21.haha

Y/n:oh I knew you looked young


Y/n:but how did you know you were jimin 


Jistey:our parents spilted us apart.jimin went 

with farther.i went with mother.But I told my

 farther I want to see my brother.and he said

 sure but pretend your his babysitter instead of

 brother.i never knew why he said that but I

 followed his orders.And I wacthed you and

 jimin grow up.Thats the truth

Y/n:oh my its sad but still happy

Justey:yea. Oh tomorrow jimin bday right.y/n 

be carful he turning 18.he could hurt you.just 

stay out of his way.the effects will get to him.

Y/n:oh my yea ok thx.and you rember his bday 

Justey:of course i do I just want to apologize to 

him for everything 

Y/n:well thats nice

Justey:yea well I better get out your dream so

 you can rest. bye y/n.sorry I creeped you out

 haha.And be carful tomorrow.I won't be there 

to catch you.

Y/n:haha always with the cheesey jokes.and ok seem more nice when you open  up

Justey:ig your right pancake haha ig your  right

(Dream ended)

*suga eyes widened *

Suga:whoa he is sure very nice when he opens



*suga then puts my hair behind my ear*



Suga:wear your hair down more.your even

 more beautiful.never hide your beauty ok

*i then nod*

Suga:so well what are you going to do about

 your mr.park jimin.are you going to tell him the dream.he might remember 

Y/n:yes but I'm sacred of his effects.of 

becoming an adult vampire

Suga:you do rember the group has your back if anything happens to you dont woory ok

y/n:ok.should I go wake him up

Suga:umm sure but ill go with you


*we then stood uo and walked to the tents*

Y/n:hahaha 😆

*suga then smiles at me*

Suga:whats so funny 

Y/n:just look behind you

Suga:there noone behind me

Y/n:no i mean look  at your behind

*suga. Then gasps and looks at the sand on his tush.he then wipes it off*


Y/n:i never knew your attracted to sand

Suga:ig its a talent

*we both luagh*

*then suga chased me with sand in his hands.

trying to throw it at me*

Y/n:haha you can't catch me

*but then i felt a bump*

*i then look up to jimin*

Y/n:ooh hi-i mochi morning 

Jimin: .....

*suga then comes beside me*

Suga:whats up dude *putting his hand out for a high-five*

*jimin just kept his hands to his side*

Y/n:um happy birthday my baby is 18 yayy

*jimin then looks into my innocent eyes*

Jimin:oh well happy birthday to me

*in a harsh tone*

Y/n:oo I have to give my birthday boy a kiss

 right  *saying exitedly*

*jimin then looks at me again*

Jimin:you can kiss suga for all I care

 *saying harsh*

*jimin then kisses his hand*

Jimin:see there ya go my kiss from me

*i then put my head down*

Suga:hey now ik your adulting but don't be so mean to her

*jimin then looks at me hard then suga*

Jimin:im not harsh.its just i dont want to be


Y/n:well im very sorry for disturbing you mochi

Jimin:i  dont like mochi anymore

*while clenching his jaw*

Suga:yahh everyone calls you that

*i knew my parents told me the effects.but

 geese they wernt kidding.he is mad as a 


Jimin:aish were the food

Hope:ah over there where jin is

*hope then smiles at me and suga*

Y/n:hi my brotha*while hugging him*

Hope:hi sissy.joon will be out in a minute 


Hope:wow jimin you look colder and harsh as

 your brother

*we all paused and looked at jimin*

*jimin eyes goes to hope in anger*

Suga:hey it was only a joke

Y/n:yea jimin chill

Jimin:he. Not my brother ok

*he then walks up to hope.thankfully I went in between him*

Hope:sissy why are you doing this 

Y/n:i love you.i don't want him to kill your only a stage he will get over it by


Hope:sis you need to move

Y/n:no go by suga


*hope then runs behind suga*

Y/n:jimin pls calm down

*i then see rose and kookie holding hands*

Kookie:gm shortcake 

Rose:whats going on here


Rose,kookie:oooo yea we not being in this

 today. *as they looked at jimin horrified*

Kookie:also happy birthday jimineee

Jimin:what you called me

Rose:um he means jimin haha *nervously *

Kookie:im taking rose over to jin.


*jimin then cracks his knuckles *

Y/n:hey jimin rember when we were little and

 the funniest thing happened-

*i couldn't finish it because jimin had his hands over my mouth*

*he has it so tight I couldn't brethe*

Suga:yahh stop your suffocating her

Hope:yea stop.she was just trying to lighten you up

Jimin:she talks to much

*my eyes were becoming dark.he then let's go.i then fall to the sand breathing for air.*

Suga,hope:are you ok.are you breathing right

*as i looked up i just felt jimin mean gaze*

*jin called everyone for food.suga and hope 

was already at the table.haha*

*i then stand up*

*jimin turned around and walked away from 


*i then take his cold hand and pull it towards 



*i rushly kiss him.trying to make him the soft 

nice jimin I know*

*he then push me off of him.and jerks me to 

the sand*

Jimin:aishh what is wrong with you*yelling*

*i then see joon walking up.he sees me then 

he starts running*

Jimin:you have no right to kiss me

Y/n:but I'm yoir fiancé 

Jimin:you no what not anymore your not!

*jimin then walks to jin and eats.*

*i stay on the cold sand.breathing hard*

*joon then runs to me*

Joon:what happened.what did he do!!

*i then look up at him and give me and jimin

 ring to him*

Joon:oh no he dint.oh no

*i then break down and cry*

*joon was so heartbroken*

*joon then hold me in his arms and rock me*

Joon:shh shh its gonna be ok.jimin will realize

 what he just did the next just the effects.he can't control it shh please stop crying

*i cry more in his chest.And I then hits his chest.knowing that jimin treated me  like this today 

and on his birthday l.i just hope he comes to his senses*

Joon:you can hurt me all you want to get the 

pain away

*he rubs my back trying to calm me down.but I kept crying*

Y/n:joon--he said-it was over--i just tried to--kiss him to make him feel--better but he jerked me off *while snifflimg*

Joon:aww no I am so sorry.

Joon:y/n you coming to eat

Y/n:no jimin there eating.i don't want to make

 him more mad

*joon then looks at jimin eating Harshly.while 

the other members are on the edge of the table they wont make him mad.they looked horrified*

*joon hated every word I just said  out of my


Joon:how about i go give you the food.i can 

bring it too you

*i shake my head*

Y/n:its ok ill eat later

Joon:no siss you need to already need to eat 

*i shake my head*

Y/n:and i ate last night so I'm good

*joon just looks at my stained tears on my 


Joon:okie but your eating in a hour

*i nod*

*joon then hugs me tighly again*

*i then start to cry all the memories me and jimin had*


/Jimin:y/n I just whouldnt fall off a cliff to let 

other men date you.i love you/

/Jimin:mom said are wedding in 3 days im so 

happy baby/

/Jimin:my name is jimin whats yours/

/jimin:I promise to my life he is never going to

 touch you again/

/jimin:ah my cutie so cute.ok ill give you a hug/

/jimin:i dont deserve you.Your so beautiful.I

 love you so much/

/Jimin:yea without her my heart whould still be a half/

/jimin:um hah you couaght me.princess will you marry me./

/jimin:i want cuddles y/nn *while gigling*/

/jimin:im coming for you my princess/

/jimin:rember no matter where you go or how

 far apart we are.we will always meet again.And I will always find you/

/jimin:hah dont be can sleep on my 

shoulders for  a century and my shoulders still 

whouldnt get tired because I love you/

/jimin:be my gf/

/jimin:baby let's share every breath,kiss, and

happiness  in this one date ok/

/jimin:i was worried sick about worry 

me you know./

/jimin:oo yay cotton candy/

/jimin:the otherside is coming but I love you

 dearly so I will protect you/

/jimin:baby no.pls don't hurt her..I beg you/

/jimin:even if its my last breath ill always protect you/

/jimin:you are mine only mine/

/Jimin:boo haha *while spinning me around*/

/jimin:haha you have beautiful eyes/

/*jimin triped on top of me from luaghing* *he then kiss me all over my cheeks *

 me:hey that ticlkes.  


/*i then cuddle into jimin chest making me feel warm*

Jimin:are you warm

*i nod*

jimin:good *he put his hands aroumd me and 

cuddle me into sleep*/

/Jimin:pls dont leave me.i love you.wake up/

[Memories ended😭]

*i thinks of all these memories all at once i then cry harder in joons chest*

Joon:sissy my whole shirt is soaked int your


*i then luagh.making joon smile*

Joon:come with me i can make you feel better 



*joon gently helped me up.i then put my head 

in his chest.he then covered his arm around 

me.and we walked*

Joon:everything will be ok sis

*we then made it to joons tent*

Joon:come in

*i then went in the big tent with joon*

Joon:here write all yours pains on this paper


*i then sniffle and cry while I write my pains*

Joon:ok now through it in the ocean and wrap it with a when it doesn't float back up it 

 makes  your pains not to come back

*i nod and me and joon went by the ocean. I 

wrapped the paper in the rock and threw it in

 the ocean*

*as we wacthed it never floted back up*

Joon:do you feel any better 

Y/n:i feel a little better.but i miss jimin.i want to hug his warm body.And I want him to tell me 

everythings ok.

Joon:i understand that y/n.come lets go back to the tent


*we then got back to the tent*

Joon:y/n you can try to may make you

 feel better.And I could cuddle you to sleep


*joon then smiles at me*

*im so thankful for my 2 brothers*

Y/n:i love you so much joonie

Joon:aww i love you to 

*while kissing my forhead*

Joon:ok off to sleep

 *i noded *

*joon puts the blanket on top of me then he

 lays bye me.He the wraps his arms around me and cuddles me.*

*i cried a little but he kept saying its going to be ok.and it reminded me of  jimin.i instaly fell 

asleep in my brothers arms*



*from all the crying she did.she finally went to 


*i then hugged her tighter*

*i hated she had to go through this.*

*it been an hour and she sound asleep.she 

needs to eat.But I don't want to leave her.

what if she has a bad dream*

*i think knew what I could do.i sended a 

message to bring her food

*he got the message*

*in on blink he poped up in my tent*

Hope:you called. *while smiling*

*he then loooks at poor sissy face.he saw all the tears*

Hope:do you Mind if I stay here she ok

 what did happened between them

Joon:yes you can stay.And when she wakes up

 you have to ask her if she ok.And just say jimin was mad and broke off the wedding and there 


*hope serious face has become very sad and 


Hope:my poor sister.just know  I love you

And don't worry about jimin.he didn't mean

 any of it. *while whispering in her ear*

*he then kisses her cheeck *

Hope:i could taste her tears *while frowning*

Joon:now dont give up on me to hope.keep 

smiling ok

Hope:ok ill try.i just sent the messages about 

jimin and sissyy to the members

Joon:oh ok

Joon:i need to wake her up.she needs to eat.she looks very weak

Hope:i agree

*i gently tap y/n  on the shoulder to wake her 


*i the sees y/n big round eyes opening *

Joon:hi sissy how are you feeling 

Hope:are you ok

Y/n:i felt alot better when I got some rest

Hope:thats good to hear

Joon:i have food

*her big eyes widened more in excitement *

Y/n:yayyy food

Joon:well someone mood changed 

Y/n:mm yes I very hungry 

Joon:say ahh


*i fed her until the plate was clean*

*hope was just happy she is eating.everytime 

when she chews her food.hopes smile gets 

bigger and bigger*

Y/n:that was really good

Hope:thats good

Y/n:i love you guys thank you

Joon:like I said i will always protect you im your 


Hope:and for me.i will always make you luagh 

and smile.

Y/n:aww you guys are to kind

Hope,joon:we know



*i didn't notice but it was dark*

Y/n:joon what time is it

Joon:12 am

Y/n:its the next day yay so jimin is normal

Joon:i dont really know.the book said next day 

but never the time

*my smile then turned into a frown*

Hope:but it may be the time now 

*while smiling *

Y/n:yes your  right

*i then felt a little sleepy again*

Y/n:you guys im a little sleepy again

Joon:you should get more rest

*i nod*

*i then went into joons arms and drifted back

 to sleep*

(The next day)


*i then wake up from joons arms from the 

shining sun*

*i decided to go for a clear my mind*

*hope and joon were sleep.i felt bad they had

 to deal with me yesterday. They have must of 

been tired.I then put the blanket on both of 


*jimin please be normal again.I also made a 

present for you*

*i then walk to jimins tent*

*i then put the present beside him with a note.*

*the present i gave him was a cookie but his

 face was shaped on it. I made it with jin before all this happened *

*and in the note its how I loved him.And if he 

didn't rember what happened yesterday. I also  wrote that down*

* I Then kiss jimin sleeping face.and left*

*i then started walking*.

*the ocean was really beautiful today*

??:helpp helpp!!

*i then hear a little boys voice

*i then search and see him struggling to stay 


Y/n:im coming dont worry

*yes i am weak.but this will save him and get 

him to.the shore* 

*i jumped in and swim fast as i could to him*

??:hellp *while struggling *

Y/n:im here im here

*i got hold to the boy and swim fast as i could 

to the shore*

*the little boy was on my back*

*i then see a big wave coming *

*i then used my shield on the boy and gently

 lifted him up in the air to the shore *

Boy:thank you hey wacth out for that wave-

*i then smile at him and then it was dark*

*it makes me feel proud for saving him*

*i can make it*

*i then open my eyes.and I was sinking down 

just like the rock and the paper*

*i then see was on the bottom of the sand*

*i need to get back to shore.i can't keep my 

breathe under here for long*

*i then try to swim back up.but a rock had got 

Caught with my skirt .I kept pulling but I 

couldn't get it apart.*

*jimin please wake up*



*i then wake up*

*my fangs hurt oww.there really sharp*

*i then move my hand on the left side of me.

where is my baby

What did I do to  her yesterday.i dont rember


*i then see a box and a note*

*i open the box and see cookies thats my 

Face.aww cute.i then ate one.*

*i then read the note*

*it said how much she loved me but at the

 bottom she says I did something yesterday to 


*i then read it*

*no no i i no*

*i was to shock to believe this*

*did i really hurt her.and broke off the wedding *

*i need to find her*

*i got up and ran to joon tent*

Jimin:joon! Joon! *while crying*

Joon:hm what is it.

*hope then looks aroumd then at me*

Hope:yahh joon *while shaking him *

Joon:Shh your gonna wake her

.she had a rough night

*i felt so mad at myself*

Hope:um she isn't here

Joon:WHATT *his eyes widened *

Jimin:pls you guys where is she

Joon:i idk

* I Dont know what to feel right now.she is.

 Hurt.and  I can't find her *

*we all heard a screm it sounded like a little boy*

*we rushly all got out the tent*

*we saw the boy and he was crying.and 

was all wet*

*joon then squats by the child*

Joon:what happened 

Boy:a girl saved me from drowning.but she got hit by a wave.I waited for her to come back but she didn't *while crying *

Jimin:you said a girl.what did she look like 

Boy:big round eyes.the sweetest voice-

*i then jump into the ocean without


*i need you back in my heart *

*i swim and swim*

*i go deeper amd deeper *

*i see her she alive she tugging her skirt out a


*i then come by her a lift the rock.she was so

 happy to see me*

*i then grab her by her waist and swim up


Boy:thats her he got her yayy

*i then lay her on the sand*

*she then coughs*

Jimin:baby I am so sorry i was late

*i then cry in her chest*

*she was breathing hard*

y/n:its ok mochi your right on time

*while smiling *

*i then cry more*

*she then rubs my back*

Y/n:we are still getting married right










Y/n:jimin i want all your love.and im okk

*i can't he is to much😢.I love this man to death*

Y/n:jimin i dont know how to answer some of 

those questions but I just want to so 

glad you're in my life and I love-

*jimin was firstly staring at my eyes then to my


*he then kisses me.i felt his pain.his happiness, his worriednes  all in one kiss*

*i dint feel shivery anymore jimin is my 

everything *

Jimin:i love you to y/n

Jimin:lets get married now.i can't wait in 2 days.

lets go home and get married.i want you to be my wife.i want to love you more

*all of what he said made Me feel butterflies *

Y/n:ok lets go.but our mothers planned it

Jimin:its fine.i want you as my wife.I don't want to lose you

*i then pinch his cheeck*

*he then kisses my small nose*

Jimin:your nose is so cute

 *he kept kissing my nose *



*we then noticed everyone has been here ever since jimin saved me*

Hope:so I see yall are togther again hehe

Tae:y/n lets get married now.i can't wait in 2 


Jin:ok jimin-ahh I love you lets get married now

*they both started luaghin*

*me and jimin just had a really look on our 


*we all then break out luaghing *

Joon:see sis I told you the rock never floats back up

*i then smile*

Joon:jin oh I couldn't fix your I fixed it myself 

Jin:oh  well thx

Joon:mhm hehe

*joon did sum to his phone*

*Jin powered his phone on and it said farts.*

*jin then throws the phone on the sand*

Joon:well at least it works

Jin:mhm yep

*then it started making  fart sounds.And every one started luaghing *


*hope then skips to me*

Hope:come.i got the car ready 


*me and jimin was holding hands to the car.we got in an drove*

*in the car we heard a noise*

Suga:haha who farted

Kookie:aish me.i dranked to many banana milks

Rose:and strawberry milks to

Kookiee:hah yea I get it

*kookie and tae started singing*

Kookie:ding dong ding

Tae:keeke ding dong

Joon:ahh dong chonn*with his vocals*

*everyone joined .all we did was make weird 

funny noisess* *we then luagh*

*it lasted for an hour*

*i then see jimin sleeping on my shoulder *

Y/n:have sweet dreams my love 

*as i whispered *


Author:wedding is coming.there will be a twist

Have a great day army💜💜💜

(To be continued)