When we arrived at the wedding area, a hotel Khalil knows the owner of... everything was beautiful and done to perfection. I guess this wedding planner is a perfectionist.
We were currently in a room waiting for the wedding to begin, Zo and Felicity finally made peace with each other! They were laughing about their past and I was beyond happy they were on good terms right now...unlike me and my sisters.
"Did I tell you the way you showing off those tattoos is sexy!?" Felicity said looking at me and I smiled at her, "And your fingers are pretty hot, you are literally rocking this look." Zo nodded and I laughed.
My wrist tattoo was a solar system bracelet and in it, I had all of my children's names written on it in order, Khaili, Khuli and Khatu. Zo also forced me to get my nails done and had these oval-shaped, nude coloured nails. I liked how it looked too.
"Are you ready to be Mrs Mulaudzi times two?" I raised two fingers looking at Zo and she blushed.