We spent the next few days planning for the wedding day, or at least they did. They being the wedding planner K got and me? I've been busy going out with Zo and Thuso for suit fittings.
Their last 'wedding' they had they both wore dresses, so this time it was Thuso's turn to choose. It's been hilarious having to watch them argue about what colour of the suits should be.
"Can you please stop stroking that dogs back and help me with tonight's outfit!" Zo shouted at me and I smiled snuggling further into the Bruno's fur... So soft.
"I still don't see what your problem is with Bruno, and why are we even going out?" Bruno was the Siberian husky K bought for me after he, of course, bought the twins their own puppies and me being the brat I am, I cried for one too.
"Because one, I don't like dogs and two tomorrow is my wedding and I would like to have fun with my best friend before her baby daddy decides to marry her as well!"