Chereads / The Red Eyed King / Chapter 10 - 10. Kandra

Chapter 10 - 10. Kandra

My heart beat fast, everywhere I look there was more blood, more death. Bodies with no faces, lay lifeless on the floor. I was running through a house I'd never seen before. Each room I looked in revealed more death, more blood. Scared and alone I ran for the front door. As soon as I opened it the stranger with the gold flecked eyes appeared. He smiled down at me as he took me in his arms.

"There's my little cherry blossom. It's your turn now."

I tried to get away suddenly there was something hard in my hand. I looked down to find the hilt of a dagger. The blade buried deep within his stomach but when I looked up the male had disappeared and what I saw was me. My face staring back at me stumbling back I screamed. My hands were covered in blood, my blood. Pain shot from my stomach. Looking down there was a gaping wound where I'd been stabbed just like the other me.

My body shook there was pressure on my shoulder. Were they hands? My eyes snapped open gasping for breath my body covered in sweat. I clung for life to a broad chest. Panting as tears streamed down my cheeks. I closed my eyes again nestling into the collar of my saviour from that nightmare. Slowly my breathing evened out and my heart beat returned to normal. Siting back I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"I'm sorry."


My eyes snapped to the male kneeling before me and I flinched involuntarily. I'd been clinging to King Vericus this whole time. His face was a mask as his red eyes took me in. They dropped lower I snapped the blanket up that had drop reveling my breast in all their glory. my cheeks going red I stared at my hands avoiding his piercing eyes. A deep rumble emitted from his chest as he stood back up.

"Get dressed we leave for Charlotte within the hour."

I gave a quick nod waiting for him to leave, when he didn't move I looked up at him.

"One way or another you will reveal your secrets."

I scowled my lips pulling back as a low growl escaped my throat.

"I don't know what you think you'll find but I have no secrets."

He huffed the sound infuriating me. My fists clenching as he started towards the door.

"We shall see."

He was just as smug as the rumours said he was. He may be the king but it didn't mean he had to be so arrogant. How the hell was I supposed to stay in the same house as him?

I growled as the door clicked behind him. Childishly i threw a pillow at the door burying my face in my hands. How could I let this happen? Not only had I been attacked by some psycho wolf but now i was being forced to live with the red eyed king and his pack. There was no way out of this. No quick solution. No running away.

Sighing I pushed the blankets off the movement causing me to cringe in pain. My wounds were finally starting to heal but it's was still slower then it should be. The alpha poison still coursing through my veins.

Looking around I spotted my bags in the corner a fresh set of clothes sitting on top. Somehow seeing my things packed and ready to go made this whole thing even more real. Getting off the couch I looked down at myself. I was covered in dirt and grime from head to toe not to mention dried blood caked my skin. Then there was the bite marks on my side and neck, I wondered if since they were from the alpha if they would leave a scar? I groaned great like my life didn't suck enough.

I started to get dressed, which was proving very difficult considering every move I made sent electrifying shots of pain through my entire body. Not to mention I was pretty sure I had a concussion since the world was starting to spin when I bent down to slip on my underwear. The spinning only worsening when I stood back up the room going out of focus. Just as I was about to fall from the dizziness hands caught me.

"Whoa there hunni maybe you should dress sitting down."

I looked up into bright green eyes and light brown hair that was long enough to curl around his ears. this male I hadn't seen before. He had a scruffy look about him that only added to his obvious charm. Realising I was still only in my nickers my breast still completely bare, I tried to hide them looking away as blood rushed to my cheeks. I pushed at his chiseled chest to try stand up but another wave of dizziness had me falling back into his arms making him chuckle.

"A modest shifter there's a first time for everything even so trust me darlin there's nothing to be ashamed of from what I see."

I bared my teeth at him not having the strength for anything more.

"I'm not a pack wolf like you I'm not used to being naked in front of others."

He shrugged.

"Naked, not naked it's all the same to me though if we were both naked that would be a different story."

Leaning in his breath at my ear he whispered.

"Though if we were both naked you wouldn't be groaning in pain but moaning in pleasure."

He winked openly staring at my body lust in his eyes. This time I did growl which only made him laugh harder.

"Who are you?"

He helped me to the couch then grabbed the rest of my clothes handing them to me so I could finish getting dressed.

"Name's Ty I've been ordered to be your bodyguard."

Cautiously I took the clothes off him seeing the hidden meaning in his words.

"In other words your here to make sure I don't run away."

His face revealed nothing remaining silent. The fact that he didn't deny it meant I was right.

"His highness don't trust me does he?"

I started putting the rest of my clothes on Ty raised an eyebrow his words blunt.

"Can you blame him?"

Well he wasn't wrong, there was clearly something going on. There has to be a reason that alpha wanted me. Just because I had no memory of him doesn't mean I didn't know him in my past.

"Point taken."

Somehow I found it easy to talk to Ty like there was a calming feeling. He didn't seem threatening at all. Whether it was just an act I was still to find out but his blunt honestly was refreshing. I had a feeling that of all the wolves who Vericus could have picked to watch me I was kind of glad he'd picked Ty.

Now dressed in jeans and a tank top Ty held out his hand.

"Come on everyone's waiting downstairs."

Sighing I let him help me up as he guided me to the door grabbing my bags in his other hand on the way. His arms were gentle but firm as he half held me up. He seemed to be enjoying being close to me I could smell his arousal considering how close we were. I'm not going to lie it wasn't all one sided and I'm sure he knew it judging by the massive smile on his face.

The second we entered the diner downstairs Slo was waiting for us but before he could say anything a snarl cut through the room everyone going silent to look at the king. His eyes shot daggers at Ty as he stepped forward grabbing my wrist he roughly pulled me from under Ty's arms pushing me towards Slo. I yelped in pain a low growl coming from Slo as he only just caught me.

"What the hell Ver!"

King Vericus shot Slo a menacing look shuting him up as he turned back towards Ty.

"Your orders are to watch her not bed her keep your cock in your pants otherwise you'll spend the rest of your life as a wolf."

Ty ran a hand through his hair smiling sheepishly.

"Come on Ver I didn't mean anything by it."

The king growled at him his eyes glowing.

"Don't test me!"

Ty flinched at the force of his words. I stared at the brute of a male. Who the hell did he think he was? It's not like I was going to jump someone I'd barely just met and even if I was mildly attracted to Ty what was it any of his business?

The growl that had my lips curled back and my teeth bared made the king turn around his eyes still glowing.

"Have something to say she wolf."

My fists clenched at the refusal to use my name. I knew I should stop but his reaction to something so stupid had my hackles up.

"Kan don't!"

I stared at the red eyed king wanting nothing more then to tear into his flesh. The only thing stopping me was the fact that I was still recovering from this mornings attack. He huffed as his eyes returned to their normal hue a smug smile on his face.

"Didn't think so."

He shot a last warning look at Ty then left the diner. Once the door closed behind him the rest of us breathed a sigh of relief every single one of us holding our breath. Relaxing Ereni came to my side taking me from Slo.

"I'll get her in the car."

Slo nodded slowly like he was confused by King Vericus's actions. I however didn't care whether what he did was normal or not he had no right. I don't know why it upset me so much. It's not like I actually wanted to sleep with Ty but it was the principal of it. He may have the power to force me to go to Charlotte, he even had the power to kill me if he wanted to but I'll be dammed if he will control what I do with my own body.

Ereni helped me to a car that had been parked out the front a shiny red sedan obviously a rental. they must have organised it while I was asleep since I was too badly injured to run in wolf form back to Charlotte. King Vericus was no where to be seen as she helped me into the back seat. She was quieter then normal which was really starting to worry me.

"Are you alright Ereni?"

Her eyebrows rose in surprise.

"Am I alright?....Kandra it's you I'm worried about."

I starting to deny her words but she spoke before I could taking my hands in her much larger ones.

"You must promise me that you won't challenge Vericus."

Again I opened my mouth to talk but again she cut me off raising her hand.

"Please just hear me out. You don't remember your past so you can't know what's going on between the lunar eclipse pack amd the red eyes pack. Vericus is not a bad person he's just been given a great burden. Please don't judge him by how he appears and know that everything he does is to protect everyone he cares about."

I chuckled bitterly.

"And I'm not one of those people."

Her lips lifted in a knowing smile that I just couldn't understand.

"You maybe surprised. In any case just try not to provoke him."

I sighed how could I promise that. Just because he was king didn't mean he could treat me like I was beneath him. So what if I wasn't part of his pack it didn't give him the right to control me.

"Im sorry Ereni but I can't promise that. He may be king of werewolves but he's not my king. As far as I'm concerned he's everything the rumours say he is...a tyrant."

Her shoulders sink knowing she won't be able to change my mind instead she leans in for a quick hug. Pulling back her hands rest on my shoulders.

"Some things aren't always as they seem Kandra, you'll find that out for yourself soon enough."

Before I could ask her what she was talking about I saw Grunter exiting the diner rushing towards the car. Reaching out he hands me a baggy full of food. The smell of steak burgers and chocolate brownies reached my nose making me smile.

"Make sure you eat kiddo you need your strength if your wounds are gonna heal."

I smiled I was going to miss both of them so much. It made me hope that maybe after all this mess was sorted I could come back here and stay. That is if the king ever trusts me enough to stay within his territory.

"Thank you Grunter. And you Ereni both of you took me in and risked everything to help me out. I'll never forget your kindness."

"We wouldn't have had it any other way. You take care now and try to stay out of trouble."

I frowned as Ty and Slo came out of the diner both walking towards the car. Ty got behind the wheel he looked out the window briefly giving me a view of the left side of his face that looked like it was starting to bruise. The sound of the other rear door opening made me jump as Slo climbed in looking pissed. I was about to ask what had happened when Owens voice stopped me.

"Sorry about the diner we'll send some of the pack over to do the repairs."

"Thank you Owen take care of Kandra for us."

Owen glanced back at me when he answered.

"I will."

Getting into the car Owen took the remaining front seat and seconds later we were on our way to Charlotte. It would be a four hour trip by car, which meant four hours to get used to the fact that I may never have my freedom again. Not only was a psychotic alpha after me but an alpha king seemed to be hell bent on making my life a living hell. Four hours to get used to the fact that I'll basically be prisoner to the red eye pack for the rest of my life. It was a hard pill to swallow but I'll be dammed if I was going to make it easy for the tyrant king.