Both wolves introduced themselves; Okami looked over at Solstice getting a better look at his appearance.
The grey wolf had similar piercings as his brother, only having one more than him, also having a grey hue of a moon on his neck with some sort of design within the lines.
Most of the tattoo was covered with his green bandanna that flashed his name.
"So Solstice, are there any other abilities you have other than your indestructible Ability."
Ōkami says, interested in learning about this unique animal.
"Mind control. Meaning I can get into the mind of a person and manipulate them into hallucinating their worst fears."
The orange wolf nods as the three wolves continue to talk amongst themselves.
Solstice was in shock with what Ōkami had told him,
"Ōkami, you mean to tell me that you've had an interaction with a human before, well other than scientists, of course, were they afraid of you?"
Solstice asked Ōkami as he could feel the excitement rising in him.
Monster looks at his brother punching him in the shoulder for his childish behavior.
Ōkami just laughs at the two's behavior, soon replying to the question he was asked earlier.
"Yeah, I did. A little girl and her mother saw me when I was by the entrance of the woods. The little girl had convinced her mother to come closer to me; I was scared at the time because I had gotten a flashback of what someone had done to my parents.
They understood my pain but never fled; I never understood why. It's like they understood that I needed comfort at that moment;
that was the first time that I had felt loved and felt happiness, and not only from my parents."
The wolf smiles, remembering that moment, the time when he had received affection for the first time.
But also the time when he had first been caught, why does my kind have to be hunted so much? All we did was live normal lives and help humans.
They all start heading back to the village where they had left Mark behind to work.
Solstice walks up between the both of them with a big grin on his face.
It's nice to have someone as happy and joyful as him on the trip with them. It gave him something to fight for.
Upon arriving at the village, more houses were seen in the distance.
Ōkami and the rest of the group look at the place in awe. Lights are seen hanging from the trees bringing illumination around the area.
Mark comes up to the village entrance to see that the group had come back, noticing them looking around the place he had been working on for a while.
"Hey guys, I see that you have made it back. You've got Solstice as well; that's great!"
Mark had said with a hint of happiness in his tone.
He didn't know where this sudden excitement came from but he wasn't complaining.
Solstice just looks at the human male in shock; he had no intentions on hurting him. He was just confused why he was willingly helping their kind.
"Hey Mark, if you don't mind me asking. Why do you like a kind like us? I thought that humans had hated our kind."
Solstice asks the male in front of him, not noticing the confused expression on Mark's face.
Both Monster and Ōkami realize that Solstice doesn't know English; that's why Mark was looking at Solstice with a confused expression.
Ōkami looks over to Mark and translates to him.
"He is asking why you have taken a liking to our kind; he had thought that humans had hated our kind."
Mark glances over to the orange wolf then back at the grey wolf.
"It's a long story; I used to work at one of the laboratories. The very one that Ōkami was held at when he had first been captured, I had quit that job when they attempted to kill Ōkami.
I had always liked your kind; you guys are unique, and I have always wanted to help you. That's how I met Ōkami; I've been helping him ever since I had saved him from that laboratory."
Solstice nods at as he holds out his hand as if gesturing for a handshake.
Taking the handshake, Solstice smiles at Mark.
"Solstice, we brought you here because we thought you would be able to help us with something. As you can see we are making a village for any of those who are who are willing to fight in this war for our freedom;
We are making training areas for the animals, but for us to make it work, we need to make them indestructible."
Solstice just laughs and simply nods at Ōkami, soon following him, where he presumed the newly made training area was.
After finishing all of the traps and putting Solstice's ability on them, Ōkami soon spoke.
"Monster you and your brother are welcome to stay here, and Solstice, if you want to learn how to speak human, your brother can help you with that."
Both Monster and Solstice nods to the orange wolf as they soon make their way to a den of their choosing.
Ōkami turns around and sees Mark in the distance as he walks up to the male, " it's nice having as lively as Solstice here. It makes this war seem like a good cause. You know, having faith in fighting for your freedom. I pray for that day."
The male had spoke as he looked over to the orange wolf with a smile on his face as he looked back up to the stars.
"Y'know Ōkami, your parents would be proud of you. I mean look around us, you've not only given me hope, but you have given hope to Monster and Solstice as well. You've also gotten much braver since I had first met you.
I'm sure that you are the perfect animal to set your kind free."
Mark smiles once more before he starts to make his way back to the cave that him and Ōkami were staying in.
The orange wolf smiled to himself as he looked back up to the stars.
"Hey Mom and Dad, things seem to be going well; I feel so much happier; I didn't know I would be able to give people so much hope.
I also never knew I would be the one who would hav to save the world; I never thought I would see the day. But an adventure is always nice."
Ōkami lays down in the grass as he looks back up at the stars; he laughs to himself as he starts connecting the stars as they made funny shapes.
He felt like a kid again, having flashbacks of some of the moments he had with his parents.
He smiled a bit more; he knew his parents weren't with him anymore,
But he didn't want to focus on the negative but instead enjoyed all of the good things happening around him.
Ōkami soon let's put a yawn as he figured it was best if had headed to bed right now.
He made his way to the cave as he spots Mark looking at him with a smirk on his face.
"It sure sounded like you had a lot of fun out there. I've never seen you get all giddy before; it's quite amusing."
mark says with a slight giggle. The orange wolf just punches the male, laughing along with him.
"Hey, try being my kind for a day; it's rough. Being hunted every day, it's nice being able to feel happiness. Especially since I haven't felt it since I had met that little girl a week ago."
The two males talk a bit longer, mostly about plans for any future animals and possible extensions on the village.
Ōkami felt it hard to keep his eyes open, so he tells mark goodnight.
The orange wolf lays down and curls himself up into a ball, falling into a deep sleep. Mark soon goes to bed as well
A man comes out of the darkness, making is way up to the orange wolf who was peacefully sleeping.
The man grins to himself as he speaks up,
"Oh Ōkami, how strong you are; I have to admit that I indeed can't kill you. But I am not yet finished with the work I want you to complete for me.
I will show you what it's like to be looked down upon, oh how your kind will hate you. You'll become easy to kill, just like how easy it was to kill your parents. You shall destroy this world alongside me, Ōkami."
The man in the dark just chuckles as he takes the orange wolf into his hands, slowly making his way to a not-well known place to start his plan.