In 1692, they started the famous "witch hunt"; in which, witches and people with powers, were brought to trial and hanged dead.
152 years had passed, when the real terror appeared in the form of a woman and her name was Bathseba Thayer who, married Judson Sherman and she was called Bathseba Sherman.
They were living on a farm that, decades later, would be occupied by the Perrons.
It didn't take long; until they began to accuse her of witchcraft, among other things.
Bathseba was a woman who felt great pleasure for witchcraft and for making a Pact with the Devil who, did not mind sacrificing her own son, as a sign of her love for Satan.
Not only, they accused her of killing her own; but also, her husband. Little by little, they discovered that Bathseba was a witch and had made a Pact with the Devil.
After several years, they began to search for Bathseba who, they found her on his farm and before killing her, she already had the rope placed in a tree. When they were going to catch her, she proclaimed her love for Satan, cursed everyone who occupied her house, and took her own life.
Years later, one of the occupants of that house was a woman and her twelve-year-old son who died at the hands of his mother.
And so, there have been a series of murders that occurred to people who, not only lived in that house; but, in their surroundings and all, they felt the evil presence of Bathseba who, had told them, exactly, what they had to do.
As a reporter, I am drawn to that story, as did my friend, Bethany Bishop, a reporter just like me, who insisted that she get that story.
Me too, I wanted to do the report; but they gave it to my friend. Of course, she was happy to go to that farm, to find out the whole truth and I had to settle for other minor reports.
Bethany Bishop, moved happily and immediately to the farm, to cover everyone and investigate more thoroughly about everything that had happened, from the appearance of Bathseba to the farm, until today.
A week later, I went to visit her and during that time, nothing out of the ordinary had happened and the investigation was going perfectly.
Within a few days, all the cameramen had come to the ranch to help my friend, Bethany Bishop, with the investigation.
According to what my friend had recorded, the real action had started a month after everyone was at the farm.
One night my friend was alone in the house and upstairs when she heard footsteps; so, he decided to go out, to see what was happening.
When he got out, he smelled the frozen floor and the smell of rotting meat. As a good reporter that she is, she decided to go around the house to investigate the reasons for these events.
While he was going down, he heard a tremendous roar that, he did not know where it came from.