Yuu and Kamio crawled through the sewers under Central Town. "Hey, What is this book that Yuuki gave about?" Kamio asked.
"It's a book about magic. I don't know what type of magic, but it'll teach you magic." Yuu explained to him.
They continued to crawl in silence until they saw light. "Hey! I think it's the exit!" Yuu yelled and proceeded to crawl faster.
-Northern Territory-
Six people dressed in armor with specialized hoods with capes, each cape has small strips towards the edges with a unique color for each person, they stood side by side awaiting for their higher-ups to arrive. A big, round man walked through the door to their left. "So, you six are the elites that were chosen for this job." The man said the elites.
"Yes sir!" They all yelled.
"I see. Then you all should already be briefed, but to be on the safe side. The Central Tower has been attacked and we lost the general elite Sam and Satou. So, your mission is to find the criminals who did this and deal with them, in any way necessary. Got it?" The man explained to them.
"Yes sir!" They yelled once again.
"Good." The man said as he walked back through the door and left the elites alone.
-Central Territory-
"Finally out of the sewers!" Yuu said as she stretched from all the crawling she did.
"So, how do we get to the eastern territory?" Kamio asked her.
"I believe we have to take a ferry to cross a big river and then we're there," Yuu explained it to him.
"Where do we board this ferry?" He asked her.
"We got to go to Maka. It lies, as you might've assumed, East from here." Yuu told him.
"Hey, I planned on asking this later but Yuuki was a little vague on the reason you all are fighting the government, right?" Kamio asked.
"I guess she was, but she's never told me the reason she fights them," Yuu told him.
"What about you then, Yuu? Why do you fight them?"
Yuu stared at Kamio for a minute before answering him. "I'll tell you some other time." Yuu said as she started to walk away.
"W-wait for me!" Kamio yelled at her.
-Northern Territory-
Three elites walked down a hallway in the North Tower, "any idea who these criminals could be?" An Elite, male, with light green stripes, said.
"The person I could think of, that is strong enough to do that, is that Sakimoto girl from that incident 13 years ago." An Elite, female, with dark blue stripes, said.
"You actually read the reports from back then? We were children when that happened." The elite with green stripes said.
The three elites walked into an empty room. "Shinzo, Irima you can stop with the act now."
The third elite said. Shinzo was about to respond to her when a messenger barged through the door. "Lady Philia, Lady Irima, and Sir Shinzo, a suspicious duo, have been spotted leaving Central Town!"
-Central Territory-
The sun was beginning to set as Yuu walked down a hill with Kamio right behind her. "There's a town!" Kamio yelled at Yuu.
"That's Scanvandar. It's a bit smaller than Central Town. We should be able to stay the night at one of the inns there." Yuu told Kamio.
They walked in silence until they got to the entrance of the Scanvandar. "So, do you know where the inns are in this town?" Kamio asked Yuu.
"Nope!" Yuu said as she turned down an alleyway.
"Then where are we going?" Kamio asked her.
"No clue," Yuu answered as they entered the main road once again.
"Why don't we ask someone?" Kamio questioned.
"You can do that," Yuu said as she walked faster.
Yuu stopped walking and turned to Kamio. "Found one," Yuu said to him as she pointed at a building to her left.
"Good job?" Kamio told her as she walked inside, with him following right behind. They got their rooms and parted ways for the night.
Shinzo walked down the streets of Scanvandar Town, "I wonder where they could've gone." He said to himself.
"Anywhere in this town." A woman said from behind him.
"You're late, Philia," Shinzo said to her.
"Shut it. We need to find those two people that were seen leaving Central Town." Philia told him with malice in her voice.
"I bet you'd be in a better mood if Irima had come along, wouldn't you?" Shinzo teased her.
"Shut up before I hurt you," Philia said as they walked out of an alleyway.
"Let's try this inn," Philia said as she started walking to the front door before Shinzo could answer.
Kamio sat on his bed reading the book that Yuuki had given him before he and Yuu left Central Town. "Ugh, I don't understand how this magic works." He groaned out as he got off of the bed.
"Damn, now I have to pee." Kamio walked out of his room to go to the bathroom when he Yuu crouched down looking around a corner.
"What are you doing?" He asked her.
Yuu jumped a little from surprise. "Shh. And don't do that. There are elites here." Yuu told him.
Kamio crouched down beside her and looked around the corner. "We need to know if there was a girl with silver-looking hair and a boy with short brown hair that rented a room for the night," Shinzo said to the receptionist.
"Um, yes we had two people like that."
The receptionist said to him. "What rooms are they in? We believe that they are terrorists." As Shinzo said this Philia walked over and whacked him in the back of the head, as his head came back front the impact his hood fell down to reveal his short green hair and green eyes.
"What was that for?!" Shinzo yelled at Philia and put his hood back on.
"Let's go Kamio." Yuu whispered to Kamio as she turned around and went back to her room to gather her things.
To Be Continued