Chereads / The Sky Is Our Fortress / Chapter 294 - Sir Equinox

Chapter 294 - Sir Equinox

Tension hummed through the hall like a string pulled taut. Beneath it, Theo could barely breathe, and none of his companions so much as twitched a muscle.

Until Darian tensed, placing her weight on her front foot as if preparing to leap. Sir Equinox caught on to that subtle movement, and shifted his sword so it was aimed at her face.

"Wait!" Theo finally found his voice. Ignoring the cold sweat prickling the back of his neck, he made himself address Equinox. "You – you're a homunculus knight, aren't you? Just like Zenith."

Equinox stiffened, then his expression turned dark. "You will keep our leader's name out of your mouth, boy."

"L-leader?" Theo felt like he'd been clubbed in the chest. "Wait, hold on – so is Zenith here? Where is he?"

"Silence!" In a blur of scarlet, Sir Equinox charged.

Before Theo could scream, Victor lunged in front of him and intercepted Equinox's blade with his own. Sparks flew as the two briefly strained against each other before Equinox disengaged and leaped back.

He wasted no time slashing at Victor again, sword swinging a smooth arc. Victor barely managed to dodge; he stumbled, caught off balance, and Equinox used the opening to thrust his sword at Victor's chest.

Theo instantly threw up a shield spell. The pink diagram burst in front of Victor and Equinox's sword glanced off, shedding a trail of shrieking sparks.

He spun to the side, trying to avoid the shield and weave around to Victor's right. This time Darian intercepted, charging from behind Equinox, but he flung out his shield and easily blocked her attack.

His movements might be similar to Zenith's, but the way he fought was completely different. Swift and elusive, trying to take advantage of the enemy's weak spots instead of charging head-on.

Well, Theo wouldn't let him. Clenching his teeth, he prepared to cast another elemental spell on Darian.

But that was when Mirage's Levia erupted, a veritable flood of rose petals. Their overpowering scent almost knocked Theo off his feet. He had never seen the demon use this much Levia at once.

When the scent finally faded, Theo blinked. The scene looked the exact same; nothing at all had changed. But now Equinox had frozen in place, glancing around in wide-eyed disbelief.

And Theo couldn't miss the faint rose scent now clinging to his own body, the whisper-light caress of Mirage's Levia. Mirage must have made all of them invisible.

Sure enough, the demon had his hands clenched into fists, sweat beading on his brow in intense concentration. Theo decided to help out and cast a strengthening spell on him. Mirage started, and his Levia shuddered a bit, but the illusion didn't break.

Victor and Darian carefully backed away from Equinox, clearing space around him. He was still glancing wildly around the hall, sword and shield hefted. When he slashed his sword at thin air, Theo cried out, but Equinox didn't seem to have heard. Mirage had completely hidden their presences, not just from sight.

"What kind of trickery is this?" Equinox shouted. "I know you're still here, cowards!"

Mirage sucked in a deep breath and clenched his teeth. Once more his Levia bloomed through the air, and he swept his arm in front of him with an elaborate flourish. Like before, Theo couldn't see the illusion he cast – but Equinox most certainly did.

His face turning ashen, Equinox stumbled back a couple of steps. His eyes were huge, bugging. "No – no, that's impossible. This is a trick. A trick!"

Snarling, he charged at empty air. Darian grabbed Theo by the arm and yanked him out of Equinox's path, just in time for Equinox to hit the floor with a resounding crash of armor.

"What – what did you do?" Theo demanded, staring breathlessly at Mirage.

Mirage smirked. "Let's just say he now believes he has much bigger fish to fry than us. A fish of the draconic variety, if you catch my meaning. Now shall we go?"

Victor nodded at him and started loping down the hall, Mirage hot on his heels. Darian gave Theo a tug, but Theo shouted, "Hold on."

"What?" Darian said. "We need to get out of here."

"We're in Cyrias's base, aren't we?" Theo said. "That means Zenith must be here. We can get him to tell us where Zenith is."

"Theo." Darian's voice was soft, incredulous.

"That's what we originally wanted to do, right?" Theo went on, more desperate now. He was achingly aware of the seconds dripping past. "To bring him back. Now we have the chance."

Darian swallowed, then lowered her head in a firm nod.

"Hey!" Mirage hollered from down the hall. "Get a move on! My illusion won't last forever, you know!"

"Change of plans," Darian called back. "We're not running away. We're taking him prisoner."

"What?" Mirage's eyes went wide. "Is that even – "

"On our own, we probably couldn't do it. But he's distracted by the illusion. Keep pouring all your power into it, and the rest of us will take care of him." Darian jerked her head at Theo. "Theo, give Mirage everything you've got."

Theo wasted no time casting an elemental spell on Mirage. Mirage threw him a savage smirk before facing Equinox again, arm held out. The knight lurched to the side, shield lifted as if fending off an invisible attack.

Now Darian and Victor charged together at Equinox from behind. Unable to see them coming, he couldn't begin to fight back before Victor grabbed his waist and slammed him to the floor. Equinox yelled, thrashing and waving his sword wildly. Darian kicked it out of his hand, sending it spinning across the floor, before yanking the shield away from his other hand. This she also heaved down the hall, in the opposite direction from his sword.

Once he was disarmed, Victor locked his arm around Equinox's throat and hauled him upright. Darian tucked her saber into her belt before gesturing at Victor. Understanding her unspoken signal, Victor handed over his sword.

Theo blinked at the sight of the massive black blade in Darian's hands, almost as long as she was tall. Grunting from the effort, she gripped the hilt tight and hefted it until the tip was pressed over the middle of Equinox's chest.

Never had Theo expected Victor to so willingly hand his sword over, and to Prince Darian of all people. But now he understood why; it would have an easier time piercing armor than Darian's stolen saber. They needed the threat of shattering Equinox's core in order to force his cooperation. And as the physically strongest one here, it only made sense for Victor to take the task of restraining the knight.

Mirage's harsh breathing caught Theo's attention. Despite the elemental spell, his Levia was beginning to sputter and weaken. "You can drop the illusion now," Darian said without looking at him.

Just like that, Mirage's power fled in a rush of rose petals. Theo quickly dropped the elemental spell as well.

Equinox went stiff in Victor's grip, blinking wide eyes. "What – what just – my weapons – "

He tried lunging forward, only for Darian to press the sword harder. When the tip pierced his breastplate, he paled and lurched back.

"No sudden moves," Darian said, cold as ice. "Unless you don't value your own life, of course."

"I – I – " Equinox sputtered breathlessly. "I won't let you demons – gck!" when Victor clamped down tight over his throat.

"There's actually more seraphim here than demons," Darian said, light and conversational. She nodded at Theo, and he stepped forward.

"Take us to Zenith," he said, looking Equinox in the eye. "Don't try to pull any tricks. We'll let you go once you bring us to him."

Equinox glared back, the muscles of his face spasming. He didn't look anything like Zenith, some idle part of Theo thought; so young and desperate. Naive, even. Zenith himself would never have fallen for such a trap.

Then Equinox let loose a short breath, not quite a sigh. He was still glaring, his golden eyes seething, but now his expression held a trace of resignation. "Very well."

"Lead the way, then," Darian said pleasantly, prodding Equinox in the chest. As Victor started marching him down the hall, Theo followed without really thinking. His mind was numb with something too painful to be called relief.

Soon, very soon, he would see Zenith again. It wouldn't be anything like he had imagined, but beggars couldn't be choosers.

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