Chereads / Hazel in love / Chapter 2 - Chapter Two

Chapter 2 - Chapter Two

"Julia get your butt up girl you're going to be late for school," says mom banging on the door.

"I'm am awake jeez" I grumbled while getting up from my bed.

I hurriedly got into the shower and took a bath. Then I brushed my teeth and went to my closet to find an outfit for today.

After some time, I choose a simple plain white sleeveless blouse and a pair of ripped jeans, and some checkers converse. Then I put my hair into a messy bun. After that, I walk down to find my mom that was in the kitchen. "Morning mom" I greeted her and kiss her on the cheek. I sat down and ate my breakfast.

After I ate my breakfast I got into my mom's car and she drives us to my " new school."

While driving to school and passing by the forest I thought I saw the wolf again.

I must be getting crazy or maybe it's just a normal wolf that normal people see. Ever since we start moving from villages and cities I don't have the time to explore anything. I haven't even gotten my first kiss not even a boyfriend yet and I'm 16 years old. A tap on my shoulder pulled me out of my thoughts.

"We're here," mom says, looking at me.

Looking out the windshield at the big school in front of me, I took a deep breath and turn to my mom and gave her a smile, and kissed her goodbye.

Stepping out of the car I turn around and wave mom goodbye one last time. Call me a momma's girl, but I don't care she's the only one I have left and I don't know who's my father or even if he's alive, with that in mind I made my way to the front desk. A sweet-looking lady was there sitting in front of a desktop with her glasses perch on her nose, she looks so in grossed in whatever she's doing I hate to interrupt her but I got to know where and what my classes are.

Clearing my throat, I caught her attention.

"Excuse me hi, Good morning I'm Julia Sanchez and I'm new here and I would like my schedule."

" Oh yeah the new kid hi my name is Charly Chan nice to meet you, you seem like a good kid, so I don't want to see you in the Principal office ok," Charly says in her southern accent.

" I won't madam, I promise"

" Don't call me, madam, you're making me feel old just call me Charly."

" Ok miss Charly, well bye now I don't want to be late for my first day of school."

" See you later kid and keep your promise okay," Charly says with a stern look on her face.

" Of course Charly I will goodbye now" I hurriedly said while rushing out the door not waiting for her response.

I had math first session, Uh, couldn't this day get any better I thought while making my way to my first class.

On the way to class, I bumped into a girl and spill her entire drink on both of us, but didn't get it too bad but her whole blouse was messed up. Her blouse left little to imagination her whole boobs were on display.

" Oh my, I'm so sorry I didn't see where I was going" I apologetically said.

" Oh my God you totally ruin my blouse," the stranger said in her nasal voice.

" And I said I'm sorry geez."

" So sorry won't buy me back my blouse, this blouse cost more than your pathetic little life" she retorted back.

" Well, there you got it, go buy it yourself because you have the money so go buy it back, you idiot."

" What did you just call me," she asked, looking at me like a tiger ready to rip her prey apart.

The thing she doesn't know is that I am not like the rest of the girls I will never back down from a fight.

Stepping closer to her I went all up in her face " are you dumb or are you deft I just called you an idiot or do you want for me to spell it out because it looks like your stupid little brain can't comprehend what I'm saying" I replied rudely.

With a scowl on her face, she said " don't mess with the fire or else your gonna get burnt."

"Yeah whatever I'm not afraid of you queen bitch"

"Now I need to go to my class before I'm late and I definitely don't have time to waste on you," I said walking around her and gave her my famous fake smile.

"See you around" I shouted to her while taking the turn to my class.

Knocking on the door, I open it and went in.